View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Nov 17th, 2013 03:15

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6829
I was doing a portrait session with a friend in low light conditions. I thought that I would test out the low ISO characteristics of the D600.

I tried ISO 1600, 3200 and 6400.
Considering the low levels of natural light the camera performed well but probably no better than a D7000 or D3 but not as well as my D3S.
The D800 when I last tested under these sort of conditions performed as well as the D3S but when you consider it has three times as many pixels as a D3S that is pretty amazing.
So all in all you get what you pay for. I dont have a D4 to run the comparison with but I am sure it would be just as good or slightly better.

The digital noise is the critical item here as if the exposure is not perfect then there is no way back even if shooting RAW as the only thing that happens is that the noise is amplified.

Still learning after all these years!