View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Dec 14th, 2013 07:22

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
The exposure you get from the Olympus or the Nikon should be the same or at least similar if you are using the same ISO.

Some things to check......
1. Make sure that you arent using Spot metering mode. The switch for that is on the right side of the pentaprism and the Matrix mode is the central of the three settings.
The camera should be set to Matrix metering for most stuff unless you really like using spot metering.

2.  Make sure that the lens is talking to the camera.
It might be useful to clean the contacts on the bcak of the lens and also in the throat of the camera with a little alcohol on a Q-tip.
When you clean the camera throat contacts make sure you do it with the camera throat facing DOWNwards as then you dont get dust into the camera.

If that doesnt cure the problem then...........
I would say that you may have a lens to camera problem. Either the lens is damaged and isnt talking to the camera or the camera is damaged and it isnt talking to the lens.

I suggest you then try to find someone else with a Nikon camera and test the camera with their lens and your lens on their camera. If the problem shows up it indicates where the faulty kit is.

Still learning after all these years!