View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Dec 18th, 2013 07:00

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Eric wrote: Harrison's Cameras are in Yorkshire, which is a bit closer. They will often price them Mifsuds price.

But Mifsuds are a long established family business with a good reputation for customer service.

Mifsuds are good and very helpful over the phone as well.

If I am looking for a piece of kit then I tend to phone them now that my friend at Jacobs' Photo Digital is not there as the company has gone bust!

Judith - I would also try going to/using Ffordes in Inverness.  Jan used to use them as well.  They are also very helpful.

Still learning after all these years!