View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Dec 22nd, 2013 07:48

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6829
I didnt think that the presence or otherwise of the AA Filter really makes for 'better' images. There may be some benefits but there are also some downsides as well.

One of the other members here got the D800E. I really dont think that paying extra for the removal of an Anti-Aliasing filter is a worthwhile exercise for notional extra sharpness (since it is a removal the D800E product should be less expensive, not more so!).

The same extra sharpening can be achieved in post processing. I use Wavelet Sharpening plugin in AfterShot Pro (ASP) from Corel.  I also use Capture One Pro as the support for ASP from Corel is abysmal.  I will not purchase an upgrade from Corel if it is offered.
I am not aware if there is a similar plugin for Photoshop or Lightroom5.  In fact I did and found that CS5 had the technology built in but not well described.  It is called

There is more on the AA filter and  the Why and Why Nots of the AAF here.

As you will see there are different pinions but nothing definitive only theoretical.
I am used to working with theory but like to be able to measure results.

For me I cant see any major differences.  Yes some images are sharper or seem sharper but in reality this is marginal and the lack of an AA filter can lead to horrible moire.

That said I havent seen moire demonstrated by my Fuji XE1 or XPro1.  Since Fuji have gone the no AA route in the XTrans sensor and I am happy with the results from my APS-C camera (XPro1 and XE1) versus a FX camera with AA filter (Nikon D3, D3S).  It may be the XTrans layout that is reducing the moire as well as  AA filter.

I think it is at present really unproven but Nikon seem to be embracing it big time but Canon dont seem to be as aggressive with the no AA filter stuff.

Still learning after all these years!