View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Jan 2nd, 2014 06:05

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
amazing50 wrote:
jk wrote: I keep saying to them I'll go visit when it isnt snowy which is only for a month or two in summer.

I live near Toronto and can assure you that April to early November is always snow free.  Some years we have no snow in December. June till late August may be too hot and moist for you. The Great lakes moderate things in Southern Ontario much of the time and most of us are used to weather shifts and are usually prepared for the occasional interruption.

This December ice storm was more than usual. Since there hadn't been serious freezing rain in years, many old trees weren't trimmed or removed. The ice on the branches was 3 to 4 times the diameter of the smaller wood, and it fell in many places. If it landed on power lines covered in ice they came down also. The crews were working 16 hour shifts in the cold but it still took 4 or more days to get things all repaired.

I've got a generator if things are off for too long and a gas stove and furnace so all I have to power is the furnace fan and controller plus some lights. Generator power is expensive as they burn about a liter of fuel for each 1000 watts of power per hour. 

This bush survived the ice even though the tips were bent over almost 180 deg. and it was -20C.

Yup....that's Toronto

We have friends who live I Toronto and I had business connections with company in Bolton. Always enjoyed my trips ...just needed to pack my fur lined boots and thermals.

Got some great shots of guys ice hole fishing ....somewhere in my predigital files.

Those were the days.
