View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Jan 23rd, 2014 09:11

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
And he is free to use whatever kit he wants to.

Depending on a users interests he or she is likely to follow or 'adopt' different remote advisors or almost mentors. Credibility and honesty play a huge part in that.

Some guidance and advice can be found on forums like this one but some useful info can be found on sites like Scott's.

Personally I find the greatest affinity with Bj¸rn, Naturegraf, and Klaus, kds315 both of whom have been most helpful when I have had a query.

I understand Bj¸rn has made a point in avoiding any form of 'sponsorship' and I am sure Klaus is completely independent.

When a personality 'adopts' a manufacturer it must result in their followers tending to follow that lead.

Being a bit of a Maverick, I shall continue look at all options, ask opinions, then make my own choices.
