View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Feb 6th, 2014 16:37

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4187
jk wrote:
But you are using exposure bracketing which means taking many images.

I want a situation where I can rapidly change from when a bird is on the bush (-0.3EV) then flies off (+1.7EV).

I could set the camera to do a flat exposure and then pull up the shadow area for the birds in flight.
I was hoping that Jeff (Blackfox) would have been able to answer this as this is his line of interest but he has not posted.

I realise that... and understand the implications.

But there doesn't seem to be another option available apart from...

1. Bracketing
2. Manually turning dials
3. Post processing from an average.
4. Having two bodies
5. Spot metering
6. Lobby Nikon for a digital exp comp switch.

Ok try this ....

Set the camera exp comp to -3
Set custom setting B4 to ON
Set custom setting B3 to 1

This removes the need to hold the Exp Comp button down and makes the increment 1stop.

All you need to do is turn the thumb dial two clicks!


Last edited on Thu Feb 6th, 2014 16:50 by Eric
