View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Feb 9th, 2014 08:25

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4187
jk wrote:
Yes I did try it out and it does the change correctly but I thought that the lack of the EV icon is a hazard (as I will probably forget that it is set) so I will use your first method as really sometimes the ground shots are -0.3EV but if they are in/on a bush then it is 0.0 and then against the sky it is +1.7 or +2.0EV.

So really the 0.0 and +2.0 will work fine for me.
Thanks for all your help with this.

Just to push that point a little further....

I presume you could have the metering shift on a dedicated Custom bank (B for birding?) So as long as you remember to shift back to A at the end of the day it's less of an issue not having a warning icon....perhaps.

Strange thing is...after all this time you still learn about features you never knew the camera had!

It's the obvious way to set the camera metering up or down if you find you need a permanent change in the default setting.

For years I set the exp comp down 0.3 on the D1X and D2X which always had to be reset after using bracketing. Don't know if they had that feature or whether it came with the D3?
