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WONDERFUL contest/project from RFF  Rate Topic 

Posted by TomOC: Sun Jul 15th, 2012 20:45 1st Post
I saw this post in the RangeFinderForum and intend to participate - what a great idea and what a nice group - for my money, the best forum out side of this one :-)

Link -



Worldwide Decisive Challenge 2012 - Summer Edition
Worldwide “Decisive Challenge” 2012

In the fall of 2010 a group of photographers from around the world participated in the inaugural Decisive Challenge, a competition and tribute to the work of Henri Cartier Bresson. As summer makes it's way across the Norther Hemisphere it's time to dust off the street shooting gear and go out to try and capture the “Decisive Moment” once again.

Join with fellow photographers from around the world to create a day where street shooting reigns supreme. Whether you're in a small town or a major metropolis, do your best and share your skill and “eye” with fellow photographers.

Use any camera you like. Shoot as much, or as little as you like on August 5th. This fun challenge is about the end result, how you get there is your business.

We are going to set up a gathering of our local RFF group for that day as a bit of a nexus for getting lots of people involved in a fun way. I'd love to see regional clubs around the world do the same. In our case we'll take in the Cindy Sherman exhibit sometime during the day.

If you're planning in participating please let us know here. Having a nice big turnout might help us with sponsors so we can have some goodies for the top vote getters!

When: Sunday August 5th

Where: EVERYWHERE. The challenge itself is a worldwide challenge, open to anyone who wants to capture a “decisive moment” on August 5th. Let's see street work from around the world on one day, this day.

What's this all about?
On August 5th you will head out into your local city, village or town and try to make HCB proud. Shoot with the spirit of the master and attempt to capture an image that reflects the type of style and subject matter that HCB was known for. Even if you're not an HCB fan, no matter. Let your own “street” style show through, nobody likes a copy cat!

What are the rules? Not many.
This is not a limited “one lens, one camera” challenge, instead you can use whatever tool best works for you and take as many pictures as you like. Digital, Analogue, Rangefinder, SLR, Holga, iPhone...whatever you like. HCB used the tools that were right for him, and if he was alive today he would do the same I am sure. It's about the image and capturing the moment, use whatever allows you to do that.
You have ALL DAY to shoot so you can find the light and conditions that are right for you. It's the honor system, so an image taken one minute too early or late should not be submitted.
Please submit all photos in Black and White. Well, that's a nod to HCB and his preferred medium.
Each participant can enter one, and only one, photo. If we do not get enough participation we may expand this to two photos but let's count on only one.
For fair and unbiased judging please do not include anything that tips off who took the shot. No watermarking or copyrights on photos, no naming that gives away who the photographer is.
IMPORTANT- Pictures should not be shared anywhere before the contest. Anonymity is important for a nice fair vote later on. Any images that have been found anywhere on the web prior to results being posted will be disqualified.

How do we submit our entries?
You will have until midnight on August 20th to submit your entries via email to:
Submissions should be no more than 500k and measure no longer than 1200 pixels wide.
Each photo should include the following in the email entry: A title. Submitters Real and Forum name, if you have one. Also please include the forum/site/social media site name you are a member of. Contact information (email) for the submitter so he/she can be notified if they win a prize (if applicable).

Then what?
On August 22nd I will take all submitted photos and post them, in random order and with no names attached, to a site for review. Each photo will have a letter(letters) next to it and you will pick your top 3 and comment in the voting thread.

Voting will be open until midnight August 29th (PST Time). Votes will be tallied and the winner will be announced on August 31st.

Example where photo “x” is your favorite, “F” is your second choice and “A” is your 3rd favorite. You must make 3 selections or the votes will not be counted.:

Well beyond the obvious honor and thrill of winning this event we are working to provide some nice prizes for the top three vote getters. We are currently seeking out sponsors so there is no guarantee at this point of any prizes.

**If you are a merchant or a manufacturer that would like to sponsor or supply a prize please let me know!

Most Importantly... Have Fun!
This event is designed to give shooters of all types, with all different equipment, the chance to participate in a fun challenging competition. Shoot what you want, at the time of day you want, in the light you want. Impress us all and enjoy!

**Note- This challenge is in no way connected to or in association with the Cartier-Bresson family, Foundation or Magnum Photo. This is merely a grass-roots contest in honor of a famous and well-respected photographer and man.

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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