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Piccure Plus Image DefinitionApparently no longer available?  Rate Topic 

Posted by Robert: Wed Jan 15th, 2020 02:04 1st Post
No, I haven't misspelt the name.

I have read good things about the sharpening and definition enhancement tools available for this software.  I think it's well worth a look, I am confused about the licence, on their website:

Image Processing Software:

It states the download is for a free 30 day trial and that the software cannot currently be purchased... There is no mention of subscription (I can't find any mention of subscription) so I don't know what their payment model is.

It can be used as a plugin for Lightroom or Photoshop, I have noticed much better image definition in Lr (Classic) with the new 'texture' adjustment, together with 'Clarity' and 'Dehaze' which together provide a very powerful set of image definition tools.

I have not tried Piccure Plus, once I have the MacPro back up and running and I get back to taking more photo's I plan to try out this software but I wanted to raise awareness especially for our ornithology members but I think this also applies to most areas of photography.


Posted by jk: Wed Jan 15th, 2020 04:56 2nd Post
Very interesting.
I guess that the current version for download is a timed-out version that will then prompt you to purchase after expiry!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Fri Jan 17th, 2020 08:32 3rd Post
I have eMailed the developers and received a standardised reply which seems to indicate it's no longer available and stating no individual discussion is available.  Quite why they still offer a 30 day free trial bewilders me, except perhaps they are too lazy to revise their website?

I am looking at an alternative because I believe there is scope for improvements in image definition, not just sharpening but revealing otherwise invisible detail.  It now exists in Lightroom in the image definition panel, Texture, Clarity and Dehaze.

I am convinced selective and careful use of this type of software could make a big difference, especially with the really high resolution images and cameras with anti moire filters or slightly soft lenses.


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