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Where should the tractor be? | Rate Topic |
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Posted by Eric: Sun Jun 23rd, 2013 14:33 | 1st Post |
Hi guys and gals Just returned from my hols and will post some piccies in due course..... 1000 videos and 4000+ still shots to wade through...not to mention 6 weeks washing, a family funeral and sick father that take precedence. But Ive posted an IR shot taken in southern Germany. The farmer was racing against fading light, to cut the pasture before the next day's forecasted rain. I took a lot of shots as the sun went down...with the tractor obviously in different positions. Having processed this particular shot I now wonder if I should have done another shot, with the tractor in a different position. So while I come back down to earth...a bit of fun and quick straw poll.... what's everyones feeling for the best tractor position? Feel free to download the proof image and 'X' mark the spot. Also...wonder if the cloud 'skull' (how weird is that?) in the centre ought to be modified? ![]()
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Robert: Mon Jun 24th, 2013 04:50 | 2nd Post |
Very nice photograph Eric, I think the Tractor is fine where it is, it doesn't yell at you but the sense of an impending storm is there. The skull, Mmmm I think it's a distraction, along with one or two other high contrast areas of cloud do draw the eye, or mine anyway. Not sure what could be done with them. Had the skull been the focal point then great but I think in this case it distracts the viewer from the story in the image. Above all I feel the explanation and story behind the photograph is what makes it really special. All too often we see photographs which obviously have a story to go with them and they simply bear DSC-2367 as a title??? Having gone to the trouble to take the camera to the location and back, take the photograph, process it, store it then upload it, a couple of minutes to give it a meaningful title and a brief explanation about the scene seems a trivial effort which can transform an 'ordinary' photograph into something special, giving considerable extra enjoyment and interest to the viewer. I know a picture tells a thousand words but it can't always explain everything. /rant!
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by Eric: Mon Jun 24th, 2013 07:34 | 3rd Post |
Robert wrote: Very nice photograph Eric, I think the Tractor is fine where it is, it doesn't yell at you but the sense of an impending storm is there.I dont mind some of the highlight clouds...but the skull draws my eye. I can easily clone it out. I have some shots where the tractor is gloing left to right and has a long shadow which looked nice in the raw form. Truth is ...I processed the wrong image (ie not my first selection). LOL So didnt want to redo another...but little things gnaw away at me.
____________________ Eric |
Posted by jk: Mon Jun 24th, 2013 07:56 | 4th Post |
Well when you start to look for stuff there is always something more...... 1. Dragon in the upper right side clouds!!! 2. Skull in the centre above the perfectly positioned tractor. ![]() 3. Alligator chasing a beast (clouds just above the barn on left side). Depending on how you look at images these things provide interest or distraction. I prefer the interest option!
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Eric: Mon Jun 24th, 2013 11:19 | 5th Post |
jk wrote: Well when you start to look for stuff there is always something more......DRAGON? I didn't see a DRAGON...YIKES! ![]()
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Eric: Mon Jun 24th, 2013 11:32 | 6th Post |
Talking of clouds ....I am reminded of one of my favourite Peanuts cartoon strips. Charlie Brown, Linus and Lucy are all laying on the ground looking up at the clouds. "What do you see in the clouds, Linus?" Asked CB. " I see Ghengis Khan...sweeping across the Asian plains, massacring, raping and pillaging all before him" replied Linus CB sits up and looks at the reader with startled expression....then lays down again. "What do you see in the clouds, Lucy ?" Asked CB. " I see Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, parting the Red Sea before closing it , to drown the pursuing Egyptians" replied Lucy CB again sits up and looks at the reader with startled eyes....then lays down again. "What do you see in the clouds, Charlie Brown ?" Asked both Lucy and Linus in unison. "Well I was going to say I saw a doggie and horsie....but now I am not so sure". sighed CB.
____________________ Eric |
Posted by TomOC: Mon Jun 24th, 2013 16:07 | 7th Post |
I see a bunch of old dudes with some whacky tobacky
____________________ Tom O'Connell -Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem. Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh |
Posted by Eric: Mon Jun 24th, 2013 16:37 | 8th Post |
TomOC wrote:I see a bunch of old dudes with some whacky tobacky But not in the clouds. ![]()
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Eric: Sun Jul 14th, 2013 18:30 | 9th Post |
OK the skull has gone from the main image sky. Interestingly the Album preview image doesnt seem to have changed???? Maybe editing the image doesnt influence the preview....unless you delete the image entirely and reupload? 'Rebuilding thumbnail' doesnt do it either. ....still no suggestions on the tractor position?
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Robert: Mon Jul 15th, 2013 03:30 | 10th Post |
I think you will only get a reaction to that if you post a selection of alternatives... I think the tractor is fine wherever it is, preferably approaching, rather than driving away, perhaps?
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by Eric: Mon Jul 15th, 2013 05:41 | 11th Post |
Robert wrote: I think you will only get a reaction to that if you post a selection of alternatives...Fair comment, will quit while I am losing....but at least the skull has gone LOL
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Jul 17th, 2013 04:21 | 12th Post |
Eric You are far far away from being a loser, those shots are downright awesome I am not used to looking at IR but I do really like what you have done. THANK YOU!!!!!! Ed
____________________ R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous! |
Posted by Eric: Wed Jul 17th, 2013 15:52 | 13th Post |
Ed Hutchinson wrote:Eric Thanks for the kind words Ed.
____________________ Eric |
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