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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
I have been debating with myself regarding should I get a Fuji 14mm f2.8 or wait for the Fuji 10-24mm zoom that is due end of November or early December.

The problem is that the Fuji 14mm is a very good lens but with the DX sensor is an equivalent of a 21mm on FX camera. If it had been an 18mm FX equivalent e.g. a 12mm on DX, then I would probably have not waited but the Fuji 10-24mm is now on pre-order for delivery in early December. So I have ordered one!

This finishes all my purchases of lenses for the Fuji. I may eventually get rid of my XPro1 or XE1 for an XE2 but really I am very satisfied with my Fuji cameras.



Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Posts: 571
Love wide angle lenses, got a Sigma 12x24 for the D600. Been very pleased with the results.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Yes I have one as well.
12mm is veeeery wide on FF. It is a little soft at the edges but not as bad as some lenses from the 1970s!



Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Posts: 571
Also a lot better than those wide angle auxiliary lenses.


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Sausalito, California USA
Posts: 616
I'm still sticking with primes for the fuji.

Again, as always, the size really matters. For that matter, I rarely use the 14mm because it is too large :-)

x100s is still my main fuji ... Just love the little beast

Current theme is Blue

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