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D600 Rumor  Rate Topic 

Posted by Squarerigger: Wed Apr 25th, 2012 16:18 1st Post
Nikon Rumors is saying there is a leak that a D600 will be released this summer to take the place of the D700 :bang head: New entry level FX.

I don't even want to think how this info will affect ArcticRick and his quest for a new camera body.


Mod, SuperMod, UltraMod, or BigKahoonaMod, this may need to be in the speculation thread - move or delete as you see fit. Thanks. By the way, do you guys get different color hats as you rise up the Mod ladder of life?

Done, yes as our hair gets greyer our names get brighter! (Robert)


Posted by Squarerigger: Wed Apr 25th, 2012 16:29 2nd Post
Thanks Robert, that was faster than a speeding bullet - only a SuperMod has such powers.:bowing:



Posted by Robert: Wed Apr 25th, 2012 16:38 3rd Post
Could be interesting esp. if it hasn't got a gazilion pixels.


I have always considered DX to be a temporary expedient while a 'proper' sensor was developed. In my view the larger sensor size is more important than a high pixel density.

Trouble is I have been thwarted by the premium charged for a few square mm of silica.

Thanks for posting Gary.


Posted by ArcticRick: Wed Apr 25th, 2012 19:37 4th Post
Yes my brain now hurts .

Writer/Gear Reviewer @

Posted by jk: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 04:13 5th Post
Have just seen the post on NR.
Interesting so will it be a 24MP unit so it sits behind the D800.

The FX range will certainly be very full of choice for customers.
We will be spoilt for choice.

Still think that the D800 results from Graham look very good and the D800 NEFs I got from him before he went to USA on holiday are very detailed.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 04:35 6th Post
Where did you get the 24Mp from JK?

It wasn't specified when I looked... Maybe it's been updated?

For me sans HDR and all that kind of stuff it would be very attractive. I would want to be sure it isn't afflicted by the gritty colour noise that the D3100 and D7000 have. That would be a deal breaker for me.

Some time ago Eric posted a list of pixel densities per sensor, If you see this Eric, would you be so good as to post a link to the site please.

Although I would prefer a D3 they are so expensive, even used, I might settle for a small body having got used to the D200 now. I am even tolerating the D3100's tiny size. After all my FE was quite tiny, it's only the D1 and D1x which I have that are full size.:wine:


Posted by jk: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 04:47 7th Post
The 24MP number is a standard CCD size in the Sony manufacture range.

I think 24 MP is the CCD sweetspot.
At 24MP there is enough MP to produce very large and detailed images. Also it allows you to make big crops and still have an unpixellated image.

The new D3200 is 24MP on DX so I expect a 24MP on FX.

Im sure in late 2013 there will be a D4X with 48MP!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 05:07 8th Post
jk wrote:
The 24MP number is a standard CCD size in the Sony manufacture range.

I think 24 MP is the CCD sweetspot.
At 24MP there is enough MP to produce very large and detailed images. Also it allows you to make big crops and still have an unpixellated image.

The new D3200 is 24MP on DX so I expect a 24MP on FX.

Im sure in late 2013 there will be a D4X with 48MP!

Ah, that makes sense, I did see comment on the MR blog that it will be a stock Sony sensor. Hopefully it will be a basic no nonsense body without the frills of some of the bodies. I just want to take (good quality) pictures with it.

Yes I am sure the D4X will be of that order but more of a studio camera, slower frame rate and that sort of thing.

I have been banging the drum about these fantastic pixel counts for a while now, I read the Nikon document Dave Groen posted the other day.

Nikon state that in order to capture the full detail that these high pixel count sensors are capable of, a solid tripod with a heavy head is essential and the aperture must be set to the sweet spot, around f8 and only a relatively short list of the most recent AFS lenses can be expected to capture everything the sensor is capable of.

In other words we are approaching (or have reached) the limits, officially.


Posted by jk: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 05:32 9th Post
Yes I saw that document about the D800/D800E some weeks/months ago when the D800 was first released.

It was one of the reasons why I held off purchase of the D800 and chose instead to spend my money on the Fuji XP1.

However having seen output from Graham Whistler that I have reconsidered that maybe Nikon were overstating the case. That said I do think that what Nikon says is correct that for best results then a big and sturdy tripod should be used for optimal results.

When Graham gets back I will give him a call and no doubt have a chat about the D800 as I need to talk to him about some other camera stuff as well.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 05:47 10th Post
jk wrote:
I do think that what Nikon says is correct that for best results then a big and sturdy tripod should be used for optimal results. My emphasis.

I think that is the crux, optimal Results; at this IQ even non optimal results are superb. I question if we really need that last gram of quality which takes a great deal of special care and technique to extract, in a non studio camera.

Unless the very highest resolution is really needed the cost of obtaining it both in time, effort and the equipment to obtain it is wasted.


Posted by Eric: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 11:12 11th Post
This is just damage limitation speak. The more pixels the greater the risk to IQ.

We all KNOW that with ANY system the optimum results will be from ....tripod mounted camera, locked up mirror, low ISO, prime lens at f8ish (depending on lens), fast shutter speed, precise metering and good light.

Its needing (or choosing) to trade off some of these criteria that determines the ultimate quality of the end result ....and our satisfaction with the product.



But you are right Robert. We are in the classic improvement situation.... spending 90% effort to extract 10% more quality.

I bet all those D1 photos are being ripped up and burnt. ;-)








Posted by jk: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 13:22 12th Post
Yes indeed. I think that getting a D800 will be an examination of my technique.
I better sharpen up my skills before middle of year.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Squarerigger: Fri Apr 27th, 2012 07:09 13th Post
Latest rumor indicates no internal AF motor but will have HD video. I would prefer to have the internal AF vs the video.


Posted by jk: Fri Apr 27th, 2012 07:37 14th Post
24MP figure seems to be confirmed.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by ArcticRick: Sat Apr 28th, 2012 00:34 15th Post
Ok so no internal motor means my 80-200 2.8D won't work?

Writer/Gear Reviewer @

Posted by Robert: Sat Apr 28th, 2012 03:30 16th Post
IF that is the case then true.

This may turn out to be something completely different... Look at the title, Rumour. And this is a brand new rumour, very late in the day, relatively speaking. It is thought that it MAY turn out it's actually a D400 which may be FX may be DX and will almost certainly have a focus motor.

Which for me begs the question why do Nikon fit a focus motor on the D800, because the only lenses they recommend are AFS lenses for the D800, which don't need an internal motor.

Until we have an announcement from Nikon it will remain a rumour.


Posted by jk: Sat Apr 28th, 2012 04:15 17th Post
Robert wrote:
IF that is the case then true.

This may turn out to be something completely different... Look at the title, Rumour. And this is a brand new rumour, very late in the day, relatively speaking. It is thought that it MAY turn out it's actually a D400 which may be FX may be DX and will almost certainly have a focus motor.

Which for me begs the question why do Nikon fit a focus motor on the D800, because the only lenses they recommend are AFS lenses for the D800, which don't need an internal motor.

Until we have an announcement from Nikon it will remain a rumour.

Very good points.
I really do think if you are investing in a top end camera then you need to have the best glass.

Whilst my Sigma 24-60 f2.8 was very good there is a noticeable quality difference with the Nikon 24-70 f2.8 AFS.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sat Apr 28th, 2012 04:48 18th Post
jk wrote:
I really do think if you are investing in a top end camera then you need to have the best glass.
Without doubt.

The glass makes the image, the sensor only captures it. Thing is, sensors are getting a bit good nowadays.


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