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Posting images via FlickerTogether with resolution and other related matters  Rate Topic 

Posted by Robert: Fri Feb 1st, 2019 18:20 1st Post
Jeff has offered to show me how to reduce the click intensive process of posting images from Flicker to two clicks.

Here is what I do, which I find somewhat laborious.

Firstly I have to navigate to Flicker, I usually land on the Photostream page, there are no images there so I have to switch to the Camera Roll page where the images are visible.

Image 1

When I arrive at the camera roll page, I find all the images are in a jumbled order but I am unable to sort them by date/time as I would wish. The filenames are not available either so I can't always identify specific similar images, say good and bad examples of the same image.

Image 2

Then I select the image I need, click on the top right arrow pointing both ways??? and hope...

Then I land here, and choose to go to the Photo page (which was what I had expected from the previous click?):

Image 3

I select the curly arrow to the right:

Image 4

Finally I get to copy the image url.

Image 5

Which I then paste into the forum post such as this.

Frankly I find it tedious to say the least.

Posting a single image isn't too bad but for a single image I don't bother with Flicker, I simply use the forum software. To populate a post such as this where I want the images in the correct order, I find it quite difficult because the file names are not visible until I have actually pasted the image on the forum text edit box.


Posted by Eric: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 05:29 2nd Post
Robert wrote:
Jeff has offered to show me how to reduce the click intensive process of posting images from Flicker to two clicks.

Here is what I do, which I find somewhat laborious.

Firstly I have to navigate to Flicker, I usually land on the Photostream page, there are no images there so I have to switch to the Camera Roll page where the images are visible.

Image 1

When I arrive at the camera roll page, I find all the images are in a jumbled order but I am unable to sort them by date/time as I would wish. The filenames are not available either so I can't always identify specific similar images, say good and bad examples of the same image.

Image 2

Then I select the image I need, click on the top right arrow pointing both ways??? and hope...

Then I land here, and choose to go to the Photo page (which was what I had expected from the previous click?):

Image 3

I select the curly arrow to the right:

Image 4

Finally I get to copy the image url.

Image 5

Which I then paste into the forum post such as this.

Frankly I find it tedious to say the least.

Posting a single image isn't too bad but for a single image I don't bother with Flicker, I simply use the forum software. To populate a post such as this where I want the images in the correct order, I find it quite difficult because the file names are not visible until I have actually pasted the image on the forum text edit box.

Where in the post do you stick it Robert?

I don't understand why your link turns into the actual image whereas my link from DB sits on the page as a link?


Posted by Eric: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 05:33 3rd Post


Posted by Robert: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 07:05 4th Post
Eric wrote:
Where in the post do you stick it Robert?

I don't understand why your link turns into the actual image whereas my link from DB sits on the page as a link?

This is the text of the first post in the thread.

You can see the images are in bracket img bracket and bracket slash bracket commands, I can't use the sq brackets because they will count as HTML and not be visible.

Attachment: Screen Shot 2019-02-02 at 12.00.38.jpg (Downloaded 8 times)


Posted by Robert: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 07:10 5th Post
The image file address has to be in the sq brackets 'img' as above screenshot but I'm not sure you can use an image directly linked via Drop Box. If you can I don't know the HTML code to do it, maybe JK does?


Posted by Eric: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 09:13 6th Post
Robert wrote:
The image file address has to be in the sq brackets 'img' as above screenshot but I'm not sure you can use an image directly linked via Drop Box. If you can I don't know the HTML code to do it, maybe JK does?

It doesn't like the link being pasted into the image [ brackets using the button on the toolbar above.......



Posted by Eric: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 09:25 7th Post
I think this faq from Dropbox answers my question (assuming our forum is same setup as social media).....

Will I still be able to share photos directly from my Dropbox account to Facebook or Twitter?

You're no longer able to share photos directly from your Dropbox account to social media. Instead, you can use shared links to share files or folders on social media.


Posted by Robert: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 09:29 8th Post
I already tried that. I'm not saying it can't be done, perhaps someone with good knowledge of HTML could do it.

Once you have the code it would be easy. But, I don't think Dropbox is intended as an image hosting provider like Flicker is. Dropbox is simply a neat way to send large files to one or may recipients, who then use the image on their computer.


Posted by Eric: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 10:27 9th Post
Ok sussed it.

Will start adding images to Flickr and use that method in future.


Posted by Robert: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 11:26 10th Post
Well done Eric, You don't NEED the bits of code outside of the [img sq brackets}.

Take a look at my screenshot above.

I think according to Flickers T&C's you are supposed to include all the code, so they can track where 'their' (YOUR) images are being posted and they get the credit.


Posted by Robert: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 11:28 11th Post
I am still all ears to learn a simplified method of getting the image BBCode to paste into posts, especially when a series of several images have to be dealt with.


Posted by Eric: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 11:46 12th Post
Robert wrote:
Well done Eric, You don't NEED the bits of code outside of the [img sq brackets}.

Take a look at my screenshot above.

I think according to Flickers T&C's you are supposed to include all the code, so they can track where 'their' (YOUR) images are being posted and they get the credit.

Thanks will do.:thumbs:


Posted by blackfox: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 11:49 13th Post
Robert seemed a bit perplexed the other day with posting flickr images . so for illustration here's how

go to flickr and open photo to post

on bottom right of screen there are three actions click on the middle one ARROW

a drop down box should open with four different settings ,click on BBCODE , select size I leave its set on 1024 pixels . (you only need to do this once ) and its stored .

click on box then command and C (COPY)

then go to forum ,command and V to paste it to your thread , takes all of 15 seconds to do from start to finish

just done this one
looking back over my shoulder by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr

check the time

Posted by Robert: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 15:17 14th Post
Thank you Jeff, very nice Blackbird, I have (rather clumsily) merged the two topics to avoid duplication and confusion.

That's what I do, I already have the BBCode selected, but there are several clicks (and minutes) to find/get to the required image, you don't mention those... That's what I am complaining about.

In my opinion you should be able to select the image you want in the camera roll and obtain the BBCode directly from there rather than going through all these screens.

For example drag the thumbnail to a box which would cause the code to be generated, or Control click and select copy BBCode from a list of options.


Posted by blackfox: Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 16:04 15th Post
Stop losing stuff then rob , if you tag your images when posting in the first place there's a thing called a search box o.O. The mind boggles if I can do it at 73 I'm sure you can :whip::whip::whip:

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