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Joined: Sun Apr 8th, 2012
Location: Wisbech, Cambs, United Kingdom
Posts: 52
Got a bit bored so had a look around to see what I could do.......

Have a look at this and let me know what you think.


Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Wasilla , Alaska USA
Posts: 121
Andy thats purely awsome . I will put it in my fav places and check it often as I am a Lightroom 4 rookie


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
Interesting find Andy.
I think that has been discussed before we are now on or reaching a plateau of technology and the next phase which is how to get the most from it (skill development) is starting as people experiment and try to get better technically.
So the camera technology becomes secondary and the how it was done and end result become key.

For me this is increasingly important as I aspire to improve but without using Photoshop to change things after the event. I dont mind the use or using photoshop but I want to get more right in camera.


Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Green Valley, Arizona USA
Posts: 65
It gets back to the old story. The basic reason i am so disenchanted with digital photograpy is this very point. With film I took the picture and sent it out for processing . After the prints and negatives returned I examined them and maybe sent selected negs back with further instructions on such things a dodging ,cropping,etc. Now if you do not want to use the PC (which I hate with a passion)and the proper software (which is usually harder to master than the camera) you are extremely limited in what you can do. ThAt's the problem with getting too old. I also have problems mastering the cellphone.



Joined: Mon Apr 9th, 2012
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 187
KenRay wrote:
It gets back to the old story. The basic reason i am so disenchanted with digital photograpy is this very point. With film I took the picture and sent it out for processing . After the prints and negatives returned I examined them and maybe sent selected negs back with further instructions on such things a dodging ,cropping,etc. Now if you do not want to use the PC (which I hate with a passion)and the proper software (which is usually harder to master than the camera) you are extremely limited in what you can do. ThAt's the problem with getting too old. I also have problems mastering the cellphone.
In the beginning it was required to develop photos in your own darkroom and then infrastructure evolved to take care of this side of the equation

Ten years ago the same was true for digital, but now it is easy to shoot without ever needing a computer (very few would choose to do this, but it is easy and affordable - one would need to buy new memory cards as they once bought film (very affordable if you choose a camera that uses SD cards))

Another route to take would be to do away with a computer and use an iPad since it simplifies many of the tasks we might wish to do as photographers

Btw. Pre iPhone, I'm sure many of us had problems mastering the cellphone.
I was never able to setup email and struggled to the point that I didn't bother with any of the advanced functions


Joined: Sun Apr 8th, 2012
Location: Wisbech, Cambs, United Kingdom
Posts: 52
Offline about this one which focuses more on actual Photography and less on image processing



Current theme is Blue

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