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steve of oxford


Joined: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012
Posts: 261
UK....Police electrocute a blind man with illegal american toys.

Their pathetic excuse?....they thought his stick was a samurai word. I mean, these SchutzStaffel of the new corporate world order must think the public are stupid if they'd accept that baloney excuse.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
No comments other than yet another example of poor education and training for people who are placed in responsible roles.

steve of oxford


Joined: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012
Posts: 261
Somehow JK I don't think education or lack of is the prime factor.

I think it's more to do with the police not being prepared to risk themselves and resorting to use these illegal weapons rather than tackle a suspected offender.

Safety of the cop comes first, even to the point of electrocuting a blind pensioner.

Cowardice by any analogy.

I guess the cops concerned must have run out of motorists to pick on that day or got bored with non-lethal speed guns.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Whilst I take your point on the use of the new toys I also have some reverse evidence that occurred in 2004.

I was out taking some photos and was driving through some country lanes near my house. As it happened a local post office had an armed raid. The getaway car was a silver blue car (similar car colour to mine) and the driver had a brown anorak (again similar to mine as mine was mustard colour). Anyway long story short I had a police car follow me home through the lanes about 6 miles. When I got home and stopped on my drive they parked across my drive. I was already out of my car when they approached me requesting to search my car. Both officers were obviously excited by the situation. I has no problem and asked them why so they said they were looking for a firearm. The male office then started his search of the car. He was only about 23 and his female partner office was of similar age. I talked to her and discovered the detail of the incident. During which time an armed response car with armed offices arrived outside my gate.

Anyway after about 5 minutes he finished his search and he waved away the armed response car which then left.
He then thanked me for my cooperation and asked for my name so he could give my paperwork. I said that it was unnecessary but he said he had to do it so name and details were provided so he could do his paperwork.
When he was done he and his partner then said thanks and were about to go when I said to them that I was firearms and Army trained and the next time they had a similar situation I suggest for their own safety that they waited for the armed response team to arrive before challenging the suspect. I pointed out to them that if I had had a gun I would mere have shot them as they approached me!
They looked a bit shocked but took my advice and thanked me for my concern for them and left in their car to follow up looking for the robbers.


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
it was so much easier in the 60's,your in the wrong place ,old bill comes up clips you round the ear ole and says ferk off back to your own manor .

steve of oxford


Joined: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012
Posts: 261
Interesting scenario JK. Agreed they should have covertly watched you, and waited for the ARU.

I dunno what it's all coming to, but what ever it is it isn't pretty. I have a new topic reflecting the general state of the world, you might want to take a look.

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