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What's it all coming to  Rate Topic 

Posted by steve of oxford: Fri Oct 19th, 2012 13:56 1st Post
The news ain't good at all these days.

1) One our most famous celebs might have been a prolific fiddler.

2) cops scared of a blind man, zapped him.

3) A girl shot in the head for wanting her right to an education.

Dismal, bloody dismal. Each time I watch the news the more I'm convinced mankind is failing.

Posted by blackfox: Fri Oct 19th, 2012 14:27 2nd Post
not failing at all ,failed .i think the mayans might have got it right after all :wtf:

Posted by steve of oxford: Fri Oct 19th, 2012 14:37 3rd Post
blackfox wrote:
not failing at all ,failed .i think the mayans might have got it right after all :wtf:
Perhaps. 12/12/2012 I think it's supposed to be.

No asteroid. So that leaves: exploding Sun, Mass volcanic eruption thus stopping photosynthesis leading to global starvation. Bio terrorism, or some kind of Bio weapon e.g. genetic targeting gone horribly wrong, global weather going unstable in the extreme, viral super-mutation.

Or: globalised civil war because of limited effect of one or more of the above.

Zombie apocalypse.

Judith Whitelaw with a cob on.

Posted by jk: Fri Oct 19th, 2012 15:05 4th Post
blackfox wrote:
not failing at all ,failed .i think the mayans might have got it right after all :wtf:
Well the next baktun will start soon.

Hopefully it will improve things.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Fri Oct 19th, 2012 15:06 5th Post
or rise of the machines ,perhaps it was a terminator that went back to leave us a message :makemyday:

Posted by steve of oxford: Sat Oct 20th, 2012 09:29 6th Post
or the rise of Scottish fuhrer aka Schrek with his stupid referendum.

and on the subject, most people south of the wall I talk to with the exception of Berwick traitors think we should have a referendum on whether to kick Scotland out of the UK.

I only conclude it's all gone to crap, I need a pacific island.

Posted by jk: Sun Oct 21st, 2012 12:16 7th Post
I think that the united states of the world would be better, especially if there were no politicians.

Imagine no bureaucracy, taxes, spin, lies and defense budgets!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by steve of oxford: Sun Oct 21st, 2012 12:31 8th Post
jk wrote:
I think that the united states of the world would be better, especially if there were no politicians.

Imagine no bureaucracy, taxes, spin, lies and defense budgets!

Yep, one thing ALL politicians have in common.....they all got the gift of the gab, then, soon as they're elected, we're flat on our faces.

I think the basic problem is their perception that we're not their bosses once they're elected, and of course that means they do what they like.

Posted by jk: Sun Oct 21st, 2012 12:42 9th Post
Yes I'd agree with that sentiment!
I think that impeachment is one option the other is to make MP wages match the minimum wage rate. Then make them only get paid for attending at Westminster (clocking in required) or at constituency office when available to constituents. Oh and no other wages or jobs allowed. That way any bungs are detectable and would result in immediate ejection from MP role.
This means they would be accountable to their electorate.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Sun Oct 21st, 2012 13:24 10th Post
only in utopia ,we live in ARE YOU DOPIER or so it seems with the constant u-turns and appeasement that goes on .

Posted by richw: Mon Oct 22nd, 2012 08:11 11th Post
jk wrote:
Then make them only get paid for attending at Westminster (clocking in required) or at constituency office when available to constituents.

Posted by steve of oxford: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 07:07 12th Post
richw wrote:
jk wrote:
Then make them only get paid for attending at Westminster (clocking in required) or at constituency office when available to constituents.

I think one strike and you're out is better, i.e. one complaint from one member of electorate and that's it....flung out on their backside no messing.

For instance public accountability is my bug with this crowd. How many times do you see one of them caught being naughty and when questioned they refuse to comment, usually with their hands hiding their faces, walking as quick as possible away from the camera ?

Point is, say for instance you had a business and one of your employees did that to you, naturally you'd not want to employ people like that who refuse to answer for their actions.

I often think I'd make a good journalist, I'd like to see one of those skunks avoid answering me...OI ! I'M ASKING YOU A F'KN QUESTION DON'T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!

...and if he still tried the overpaid arrogant stunt give him another chance to answer after a good wallop.

My belief is when someone is paid by the public, then he has to answer to the public when questioned. Not unreasonable.

1st new
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