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they have done it again  Rating:  Rating

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 05:55 1st Post
I see the lying cheating stealing back stabbing bottom feeding scum suckers have put rama lama ding dong obama in again
the smoke screens and mirrors worked again, is there no hope for this country,it surly does not seem so!!

:whip: :diggingahole: :thumbsdown: o.O :sick:

no I will not tell you what I really think because it is not nice, and I have everyone fooled into thinking I am a nice person and I must maintain the image please pardon the pun :rofl:

take care and be well

Ed :cheers:

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by Ray Ninness: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 07:41 2nd Post
Utterly stunned, saddened, and amazed at the same time!! The Creeping Gradualism of the Left, has finally brought America to her knees!!! We now have a Government controlled by those that Vote for their living rather then working for it.

If you thought Greece was bad, in another four years of obamanation, America will make that look like child's play!


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

Posted by Squarerigger: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 08:31 3rd Post
I had no idea I was a lying, cheating, stealing, back stabbing, bottom feeding scum sucker Ed. I have been called worse. I suppose I would have been upset had Romney been elected but I don't think I would lump all Republicans into one basket for voting for him.



Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 08:48 4th Post
Hi Gary
I am sorry to offend you or anyone else, I was blowing off steam and nothing was pointed at any one person.  only at the ones that are ruining this country by leaps and bounds to fill their pockets while the ones that are really in need go on suffering.

Ok I will cease and desist the rant as this is not the place to enter into this type of thing. I have a question to ask Robert so I will go elsewhere and use the forum as it is intended.:byebye:


:cheers::cheers::wine::wine:this may be an option  LOL  :rofl:

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by Squarerigger: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 09:10 5th Post
Ed Hutchinson wrote:
Hi Gary
I am sorry to offend you or anyone else, I was blowing off steam and nothing was pointed at any one person.  only at the ones that are ruining this country by leaps and bounds to fill their pockets while the ones that are really in need go on suffering.

Ok I will cease and desist the rant as this is not the place to enter into this type of thing. I have a question to ask Robert so I will go elsewhere and use the forum as it is intended.:byebye:


:cheers::cheers::wine::wine:this may be an option  LOL  :rofl:

No offense taken Ed. Blow off all the steam you want. Most of my friends are Republicans so I'm used to the abuse. I have to remind them from time to time I am an Independent and they look at me like I just got off the space ship ;-)


Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 09:37 6th Post
Hey Gary
It just shows you what they know!!!!!!  space ships ain't so bad I have read some great stories about them. We now have a shuttle trainer here in Seattle and it took some very smart people to run the real one. :applause:


R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 09:51 7th Post
Ed Hutchinson: is there no hope for this country

.....Ultimately, no. Sorry.

Too much interfering with other countries = hatred (unsurprisingly)

.....those of your country's elite who are paranoid about communism (because communist ideology is the polar opposite to their uncontrollable lust for money and power)...have interfered with China, i.e. tried to turn it capitalist under the guise of globalism. When the dragon is ready, watch out. Should have left alone.

Some revenge attack by way of virus in the food chain, someone smuggles a big one in and lets it off, you name it...the writing' s on the wall for the US, ultimately. Even the weather is messed up because of interfering in other countries, though the effects seem restricted to the eastern seaboard, too much of it might seriously harm the american economy.

So, ultimately, it's bvggered my friend, unless you believe star trek and think the US will build space ships to take you to another planet after messing this one up.

Still, look on the bright side you got a president endowed with a brain, which is more than could be said of the last one.

Posted by blackfox: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 09:55 8th Post
aw stop saying sorry to one another ,its great like being back in the school yard/playground


why ya all worrying its all kaboom on 21st dec anyways :devil::devil::devil:

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 10:03 9th Post
Squarerigger:I have to remind them from time to time I am an Independent

....and yours is a wise way. As much as possible run your own life with the values you were taught, resist having it run for you by the corrupt.

Personally I don't vote. Like you I get looks from people, some of them say I'm not entitled to complain because I don't vote. Well my answer to them is always the same: Show me a politician who is going to put me and my country first, then I'll vote. Don't expect me to vote from a choice of corrupt, corrupt or corrupt, which if truth be realised all western politicians are.

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 10:19 10th Post
Most of my friends are Republicans

.....careful, these people will take your job off you and give it to a China man, and give your country the reputation of warmonger.

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 10:34 11th Post
Hi again
You know it would be really awesome to be able to see a positive future for the USA but ?????????????????????????????   :doh:     

my heros are Will Rogers and Sam Clements (Mark Twain for those that don't know) Will knew the political and big business boys and made fun of them and pointed out their foibles. Sam simply disliked them all, lawyers included and did nothing to hide the fact he stated it very plainly several times. "they have two hands they can steal from your pocket and mine at the same time" and that was then think what they have learned since.

:rofl:   It will be interesting to see how they use Sandy to increase how they look to us :no:

Ed :cheers::cheers:

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 10:49 12th Post
It will be interesting to see how they use Sandy to increase how they look to us even more interesting to see them admit who is responsible for the asian environmental stress that probably triggered it.

You know it would be really awesome to be able to see a positive future for the USA but ????

......there isn't one. It's starvation, revenge attacks, marginalisation, environmental back lash.

One way or another US is on the way out as a global significance, get used to it mate. Learn from us Brits....adapt to survive. Grin.

Posted by jk: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 10:55 13th Post
Well I can truly say that it will make little difference who is there but for me the current incumbent has better credentials.

Unfortunately while there is two party politics in USA, every since 1940s.... I believe, with the exception when Ross Perot raised his banner, then the situation is confrontational politics which is not good for any country.

Ray if you think Democrats are Left wing then go to UK and try out the Labour party. They make Obama look like a raving Fascist!  Whilst I dont agree with all/some of the Democrats policies, some of those offered by Mr Romney dont seem to hang together too well.

What I can say is that situation in the UK is equally bad with the confrontational political style and it is this which in my opinion has caused both countries to become a pale shadow of their former selves.

Also they need to understand that what happens in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Tunisia, Libya and Afghanistan whilst being unacceptable to people in the UK and USA, it is not our country and so is not for us to impose our ways on those nations, however well meaning we might like to think it is. 
Inevitably the West (USA, UK especially) is not well respected in the Middle East and Asia as it is seen to be meddlesome and imperialistic.

I say, fix the problems at home before trying to fix those of other countries.  There are enough unemployed, disenfranchised, poor and needy people in UK and USA without looking abroad.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 11:10 14th Post
steve of oxford wrote: It will be interesting to see how they use Sandy to increase how they look to us even more interesting to see them admit who is responsible for the asian environmental stress that probably triggered it.

Cant work that one out...  How is that? 
If you believe in global warming it has been caused by the West and recently China and India.
However the real problem is .... Too many people on the planet therefore too many resources being used.  World population needs to be around 2Billion to be sustainable.

"You know it would be really awesome to be able to see a positive future for the USA but ????

......there isn't one. It's starvation, revenge attacks, marginalisation, environmental back lash.

One way or another US is on the way out as a global significance, get used to it mate. Learn from us Brits....adapt to survive. Grin

Not sure that UK has it right, as they seem to bee part of the blight not the solution.
Barclays, RBS, .....any other bank you care to name.  Financial serves is not an economy but it is smoke and mirrors until somebody sees the tricks and lies.
Real economy is where you invent or make things!! 
Unfortunately Mrs Thatcher in her effort to crush the unions managed to slay the manufacturing goose as well.

Politicians who needs them ?
Vote for me and the new utopian state.......  (I didnt say that really)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 11:17 15th Post
There's been an election?

I've been outside all day I didn't notice... I am frozen and wet though. ;-)

Can tick a few more jobs off the list/


Posted by Squarerigger: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 11:33 16th Post
Robert wrote:
There's been an election?

I've been outside all day I didn't notice... I am frozen and wet though. ;-)

Can tick a few more jobs off the list/

:rofl: Good one Robert.

I am so glad this election is over. I live in Virginia and it was one of the swing states so both parties focused untold amounts of money and time trying to get our vote. Every day for the past month or so, I received 20-30 phone calls a day from both parties with recordings done by everyone from key politicians to hollywood stars. I even had one from Pat Boone, thought he was dead, telling me what a great guy Romney was. Also received mailings by the boat load daily which went straight into the recycle bin. It's been so peaceful today. Not one phone call all morning and no political mail in todays batch.



Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 13:06 17th Post
jk wrote:
steve of oxford wrote: It will be interesting to see how they use Sandy to increase how they look to us even more interesting to see them admit who is responsible for the asian environmental stress that probably triggered it.

Cant work that one out...  How is that? 
If you believe in global warming it has been caused by the West and recently China and India.
However the real problem is .... Too many people on the planet therefore too many resources being used.  World population needs to be around 2Billion to be sustainable.

......The combined population of India & China is 2 billion, a third of total global population. Recently heavily industrialised, a rather short sighted and stupid thing to do given the planet's finite resources and the environment's finite capacity to cope.

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 13:21 18th Post
Not sure that UK has it right, as they seem to bee part of the blight not the solution. we're not part of the blight, CIA payrolled quislings like Blair are the problem and the cause.

Financial services is not an economy but it is smoke and mirrors until somebody sees the tricks and lies.


Real economy is where you invent or make things!! that case the US doesn't have an economy, since they've never invented anything i.e. everything they have was invented by a european, or in fact stolen from Germany during WWII, or stolen from England by Churchill and given to the US (don't even think about challenging this one JK, I CAN back up what I say with factual examples)

You know, I was just watching the news which did coverage of Greece, my God are we fortunate compared to those poor people !

Unfortunately Mrs Thatcher in her effort to crush the unions managed to slay the manufacturing goose as well

......Thatcher imported an american union buster: Bill McGregor. As for the manufacturing base, actually it was Wilson who did that, quote him: "manufacturing is finished in this country"...and that from a labour man.

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 13:24 19th Post
Vote for me and the new utopian state.

.....Ok, as long as you guarantee one manifesto item post election: I want Judith she's gorgeous.

Posted by Ray Ninness: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 13:27 20th Post
jk wrote: steve of oxford wrote: It will be interesting to see how they use Sandy to increase how they look to us even more interesting to see them admit who is responsible for the asian environmental stress that probably triggered it.

Cant work that one out...  How is that? 
If you believe in global warming it has been caused by the West and recently China and India.
However the real problem is .... Too many people on the planet therefore too many resources being used.  World population needs to be around 2Billion to be sustainable.

"You know it would be really awesome to be able to see a positive future for the USA but ????

......there isn't one. It's starvation, revenge attacks, marginalisation, environmental back lash.

One way or another US is on the way out as a global significance, get used to it mate. Learn from us Brits....adapt to survive. Grin

Not sure that UK has it right, as they seem to bee part of the blight not the solution.
Barclays, RBS, .....any other bank you care to name.  Financial serves is not an economy but it is smoke and mirrors until somebody sees the tricks and lies.
Real economy is where you invent or make things!! 
Unfortunately Mrs Thatcher in her effort to crush the unions managed to slay the manufacturing goose as well.

Politicians who needs them ?
Vote for me and the new utopian state.......  (I didnt say that really)
obama is a big fan of the Fabien Socialists, an English invention of course, their main tenet was Creeping Gradualism through reeducation of the educators, and tearing down centers of prosperity to achieve their goals!! obama seems to be on a steady course to accomplish those goals.. If you think Greece is a mess, wait four years and America will make that look like Child's Play!!

Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 13:37 21st Post
If you think Greece is a mess, wait four years and America will make that look like Child's Play!!

Some parts of america have exceeded that. There's plenty of footage on the net showing a comparison with Polish ghettos, i.e. man dying in the gutter cos he's black and got no money, while designer shoes & suits step over and walk on by.

Update: there you go, Obama's on our news right now saying it doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, if you work hard you'll have a place in society.

......well, that assumes he's going to make it illegal for US companies to outsource.

makes no difference rep or dem, these people all have one thing in common, they're all absolutely full of SH1T !

Posted by jk: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 13:46 22nd Post
Well all politics is full of lies, smoke and mirrors, half-truths and broken promises.
Such is life!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 14:16 23rd Post
yep I am just a dumb old country boy! but I think I said that , one never knows for sure. failing memory ya know.   like they said in the past a car in every garage and a chicken in every pot   right!!!!!!!        NOT

at all the politicians     LOL

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 14:52 24th Post
jk wrote:
Well all politics is full of lies, smoke and mirrors, half-truths and broken promises.
Such is life!

True, it's as if people have become so accustomed to the lies & BS they wouldn't trust a straight politician if ever there was one.

What gets me is the shocking trend of outsourcing labour to places like China, this is rife both in the US and England. It's a real kick in the teeth for craftsmen and workers both sides of the atlantic.

Of course I don't buy the old 'we can't compete''s just an excuse for more greed. British craftsmanship is world renowned, so too american craftsmen, some damn fine machine tools and other engineering related products came from the US in her day.

There is good things about the US which the world is going to miss, it's just rather ironic this globalism disease was born in the US. I suspect the good of america were sold down the river by the bad, now we're all paying the price.

I can think of two pee-takers in particular who must be laughing at the rest of us, one of them is slightly a Brit.

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 15:04 25th Post

Things I liked about the US:

Southbend lathes.
Cincinnati mills.
Browne & Sharp tools.
Buick engines.
Ford Mustangs.
Harley Davidsons.
Sexy moms.
Route 66.......(shame they messed up the highway numbers, but I'd love to do the entire original route especially through the mojave desert in/on something cruising at 100+)

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 15:11 26th Post
here you go, here's the cause of all our grief, both LIARS, both WAR CRIMINALS, both MADE VAST PERSONAL FORTUNES out of two illegal wars, both PRESIDED OVER THE GREAT GLOBALISATION STITCH-UP.

Because of these two criminals, hundreds of thousands of people are dead, millions in america and the UK are unemployed and without a future, and tens of thousands of children are being born with war related birth defects.

Such was the perverse vision and criminal scheming by these two psychopaths, the rest of the world is facing a crisis from which possibly we'll never recover.

Attachment: bush-blair.jpg (Downloaded 24 times)

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 15:37 27th Post
Some of the things I like about the UK
The great people I have met, in person and here!!:applause::bowing:
E type jags
all things motorcycle  Triumph, BSA, Norton
minis  the real ones
Aston Martin DB4 DB9
MG TD TF and twin cam
A H 3000
Spitfires   and Rolls Merlin engines (oh a sweet song)
Top Gear  The real one not the tripe produced here

to name a few that come to a tired mind (no sleep bad cold :sick:)a real case of the punies

I don't drink but a hot toddy sounds good about now. :wine::rofl:

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 16:13 28th Post
You forgot chips, but then again there's only a couple of places left in England that do them the proper way.

Seriously, I wouldn't worry about Obama getting back in, times are going to get tougher just as they will for us over here regardless of who's in power.

There is only one're gonna get done over.

Posted by jk: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 18:26 29th Post
Well with all the doom and gloom I suppose there must only one way...... upwards!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Ray Ninness: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 22:28 30th Post
Out sourcing of jobs, whose fault??? How much is too much to pay someone to do a job?? especially when insane Union Contracts have increased wages astronomically, then throw in perks, Medical Insurance, retirement benefits. And want worked responsible for nothing but showing up for the job...Any job where a worker can effect the quality of function of a part, assembly of product, is unacceptable. Which lead to sophisticated machinery, into which raw data, basic material are inserted, and the highly paid worker simply Pushes a Button, and out pops a perfect product.. Of processes similar.. When some smart money folk discovered Chinese cheap labor and that those sophisticated could function just as well with a 15 cents an hour worker pushing the button, the jig was up. Throw in the packaging and shipping and the product was available at pennies on the dollar..

The Chink in the Armor of that scenario is that sooner of later those same cheaply created products eventually ran short of buyers, ie; people with a job, income and the ability to by things!!!

The head of the American Labor force just became to cash top heavy...And crashed to the ground..oaama has simply pandered to them propping up the companies so cash starved trying to pay pension benefits, that they will never be viable in the market, with out Government cash..


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 8th, 2012 03:46 31st Post
Out sourcing of jobs, whose fault???

.....greedy company owners, not content with 'some' or 'reasonable' profit, they want profit maximisation. In England we had a certain vacuum cleaner manufacturer who is a fine example of this.

especially when insane Union Contracts have increased wages astronomically, then throw in perks, Medical Insurance, retirement benefits.

......they are not perks, they are basic human rights. But as for retirement benefits you will find your generation was the worst offender for milking the crap out of the system and leaving nothing for future generations.

Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 8th, 2012 03:48 32nd Post
The head of the American Labor force just became to cash top heavy.

.....and how cash heavy do you think these two monkeys are?

I can tell you the one on the right made a personal wealth of over £6 million just by being British PM, not accounting for the bungs by his boss on the left. Moreover, as taxpayers YOU and I are paying the vast cost of security needed to stop anyone getting their hands on the scoundrel.

Attachment: bush-blair.jpg (Downloaded 11 times)

Posted by blackfox: Thu Nov 8th, 2012 04:09 33rd Post
the future as seen by isaac azimov (a american of russian descent) would be run by robots pampering to humans every need .but it would need a stable population to achieve that goal .personally i can't see this planet becoming a nice place to live till after the next world war lowers the population to a sustainable level .
horrible thought but the only logical solution imho .:salute::salute: .

its not war ,not as we know it ,to them at the top its purely birth control

Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 8th, 2012 04:21 34th Post
robots pampering to humans every need

......I want one that looks like Judith, kinetic powered of course.

Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 8th, 2012 04:32 35th Post
Here's another one:

who's motto was; "keep the red flag flyin boys"

Then, after losing general election p'sd off to Brussels on £120k + massive perks, and as if that wasn't hypocrite enough the toe rag went and landed a similar cushy number for his missus !

Think it ended there? WRONG, both of them were made Lord and Lady Kinnock. (by his personal friend 'tony') A far cry from the supporters left lying flat on their faces, with the red flag poles propped up only by their backsides.

Keep the red flag flyin boys, make me and the wife millionaires.

Attachment: _38243716_kinnock_ap_150.jpg (Downloaded 10 times)

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