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Jaguar gone crap  Rate Topic 

Posted by steve of oxford: Sun Nov 18th, 2012 13:08 1st Post
Latest motor industry announcement......Jaguar is going Chinese.

Was going to buy one in a couple of years time, but not now.

LMAO, a chinese Jaguar, iconic prestige marque made out of monkey metal, put together by people without a single shred of engineering DNA.

Their spokesman bullshts us all by saying it is so Jaguar can grow, RUBBISH!'s so they can eventually throw our craftsmen out of work and make cars out of muck and on the cheap.

Posted by jk: Mon Nov 19th, 2012 08:35 2nd Post
Well remember that made in Hong Kong and Made in Taiwan were marks of derision but they now produce world class goods. Similarly if Apple can produce in China and the products are good for me then I'm sure that they are good enough. It is all about the QC/QA process.

The Jaguar design is pretty good but making a modern car is not easy will all the reliance on new technologies and sophisticated electronics.

Give me a Mini Cooper from the 1970/80 - No electronics except in the radio!! All mechanical, always works.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Dave Groen: Mon Nov 19th, 2012 09:40 3rd Post
Jaguar is now owned by Tata in India, so it only seems a natural downward spiral.

I miss my '86 Series III XJ-6. It had personality and was reliable, contrary to common misconceptions.

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left

Posted by steve of oxford: Mon Nov 19th, 2012 13:35 4th Post
JK: Well remember that made in Hong Kong and Made in Taiwan were marks of derision

......'were' ? They still are mate and always will be.

Similarly if Apple can produce in China

........I thought Apple were making in India. But then again computer manufacture doesn't need time served craftsmen, which building a Jaguar does.

Oh don't tell me,.....they won't need craftsmen because they'll get robots to do the job.

I can only laugh at this, and I'll be proven right; Jaguar should never have been allowed to be owned by a foreigner in the first place.

Posted by steve of oxford: Mon Nov 19th, 2012 13:41 5th Post
Dave Groen wrote:
....... it only seems a natural downward spiral.

Yup, the writing's on the wall. Next thing some suited snake is going to tell us it's cheaper to ship the cars back from China.

In any case, the UK customer base is going to fall through the floor, no such thing as a prestige English marque when it's also made in China.

I also think someone's telling lies; they crack on about global warming caused by cars, well, in that case the last thing the world should be giving the Chinese is cars.

Posted by Eric: Mon Nov 19th, 2012 14:24 6th Post
Dave Groen wrote: Jaguar is now owned by Tata in India, so it only seems a natural downward spiral.

China they will probably offload it to a third world country when they lose interest.

So we may get it back eventually.



Posted by jk: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 05:58 7th Post
I suggest that the reading of this book "Small is Beautiful - A study in economics as if people mattered" - by E.F.Schumacher.

This was written by a UK based economist in 1976.

If only some people were not 'ahead of their time' then maybe those in power would read and learn and not keep making mistakes that take decades to undo!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 11:03 8th Post
jk wrote:
I suggest that the reading of this book "Small is Beautiful - A study in economics as if people mattered" - by E.F.Schumacher.

This was written by a UK based economist in 1976.

If only some people were not 'ahead of their time' then maybe those in power would read and learn and not keep making mistakes that take decades to undo!

You will be wanting the UK to leave the EU next.



Posted by jk: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 11:52 9th Post
All seems eminently reasonable as long as there is no restraint of trade or economic borders.

I dont think that we should support the bureaucracy that pervades large government and institutions.

What is wrong with Champagne, Champagne-like or Brie or Brie-like/type.

In fact if it was Champagne labelled as Made in Spain anyone with more than three brain cells (I presume those with only two brain cells dont perform such cerebral things as drinking wine) would know that it was champagne-like i.e. what is currently called Cava.

Same as everyone (surely) knows that if it says that it is made in China that it wasnt made in USA or UK, France, .........

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 12:34 10th Post
jk wrote:
All seems eminently reasonable as long as there is no restraint of trade or economic borders.

I dont think that we should support the bureaucracy that pervades large government and institutions.

What is wrong with Champagne, Champagne-like or Brie or Brie-like/type.

In fact if it was Champagne labelled as Made in Spain anyone with more than three brain cells (I presume those with only two brain cells dont perform such cerebral things as drinking wine) would know that it was champagne-like i.e. what is currently called Cava.

Same as everyone (surely) knows that if it says that it is made in China that it wasnt made in USA or UK, France, .........

Nothing the Bundasbank would like better than UK leaving the EU. They would grab all the city banking (especially EU related) in a flash.

Much as we hate the city bankers, their contribution to the UK economy is vital at this time.

The EU should never have been allowed to grow beyond a basic trade organisation. It has grown into a monster.

But as Confucius said " he who rides the tiger can never dismount".


Posted by jk: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 12:54 11th Post
Have you read the Schumaker book ?
I am still in the process of reading it. It is a dry read but provides many insights why the IMF and WB money is frequently wasted in Third World projects.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 13:30 12th Post
jk wrote:
Have you read the Schumaker book ?
I am still in the process of reading it. It is a dry read but provides many insights why the IMF and WB money is frequently wasted in Third World projects.

No. Will get it for my kindle and have a read.


Posted by steve of oxford: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 13:46 13th Post
There's another interesting book ; Snakes in Suits.

In fact you don't need to buy the book, just google research and you'll soon see who's been doing us over.

Posted by steve of oxford: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 13:48 14th Post
Nothing the Bundasbank would like better than UK leaving the EU. They would grab all the city banking (especially EU related) in a flash.

...........They'd be welcome, it isn't worth a toss.

We'd be better with some kind of deal with Russia and Scandinavia, they tell you we need the EU, but that's just propaganda.

Posted by Eric: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 15:56 15th Post
steve of oxford wrote:
Nothing the Bundasbank would like better than UK leaving the EU. They would grab all the city banking (especially EU related) in a flash.

...........They'd be welcome, it isn't worth a toss.

We'd be better with some kind of deal with Russia and Scandinavia, they tell you we need the EU, but that's just propaganda.

Not true, it's worth a lot to the exchequer, however unpalatable it may be.

Until we turn into a net exporter of goods instead of a net importer, we will have to rely on taxation of service industries for a considerable part of our income.

Besides ...what do you think we have got that the Scandanavians and Russians want any more than the EU?


Posted by steve of oxford: Tue Nov 20th, 2012 16:19 16th Post
Besides ...what do you think we have got that the Scandanavians and Russians want any more than the EU? for starters. Better trade military and energy technology with Russia rather than continually giving it to america.

Not true, it's worth a lot to the exchequer

.....not to me it isn't. That bstd has been watching too much of my money and my fathers before me either leave the country or get wasted on unaccountable town hall fat cats.

Time for a hell of a change in this country.

Posted by jk: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 04:39 17th Post
Most technology is available to any with deep pockets. Whether it is used profitable or for benefit to the country is another question.

Like Eric says the taxes derived from the financial sector in UK are considerable and until we manufacture real stuff rather than paper tigers of financial packages then we need to get as much out of the banks in taxes as possible.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 05:13 18th Post
steve of oxford wrote: Besides ...what do you think we have got that the Scandanavians and Russians want any more than the EU? for starters. Better trade military and energy technology with Russia rather than continually giving it to america.

Not true, it's worth a lot to the exchequer

.....not to me it isn't. That bstd has been watching too much of my money and my fathers before me either leave the country or get wasted on unaccountable town hall fat cats.

Time for a hell of a change in this country.
There is no doubt that a huge amount of money is squandered in this country. The recent revelation THEY are spending £1million to create safe routes for badgers under some of our the same time THEY are culling them as TB risks.

This sort of contradictory decision making is quite ridiculous. As are the inflated salaries of town hall and local goverment officials.

But there are two issues here.

1. Where is the best place for the UK to get its income?
2. How can we organise ourselves to spend limited income wisely?

I am under no illusions... for the time being the banking sector is crucial to the exchequer.

That doesnt stop us selling our wares to the Scandanavians and Russians. There is no EU trade embargo from dealing with non EU countries. And it would do the coffers even more good with this extra cash you feel is there for the taking.

So I would say...we should go and PROVE we can derive our income from non EU sources before we puff our chests out and shoot ourselves in the foot, burn our bridges or whatever cliche fits best. Because we would look really stupid if we took our toys home only to find brand UK isnt as saleable as we like to think it is.

But whatever the course of action, or the source of our income, there is no doubt that a better control of the expenditure in this country is urgently needed. We need to toughen up on some areas that are glaringly haemorrhaging precious resources.


Posted by blackfox: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 14:08 19th Post
the real trouble is and this is not a racist statement just pure fact ,brand u.k is NOT that any more in reality ,in the majority of factories these days its made in britain by polish or other eu and immigrant workers .sad sad statement but totally true in well over 50% of the workplace .
whilst i was still working the last 15 years as a taxi driver ,i saw my customer base that was taken to and from factories to work dwindle away to virtually zero ,to be replaced by foreign workers who tended to use there own communal transport .not fiction but pure fact ,the factories are still there churning out the same stuff but not made by local labour anymore .
a lot of it is down to agency workers who don't have to be paid holidays etc but the foreigners will grab it with both hands .
as i said this is not racially motivated just fact ,so please (steve especially) do not turn it round to be that :readthis:

Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 15:43 20th Post
this is not racially motivated just fact ,so please (steve especially) do not turn it round to be that

.....on the contrary, what you said is factual. There is nothing racist about it.

I've seen 'real' racism in the work place, and believe me it's horrid. People put through hell when all they are trying to do is earn a living just like anyone else.

If anyone is to blame for what you describe it's the bosses not the workforce.

brand u.k is NOT that any more

......I know. I also think it's time to stop messing about providing Mac Schrek-features with a cushy number bullshtting his own people, by braking up the UK and be done.

I for one am sick of the anti-English vitriol on the net coming from North of the wall, that quite honestly I can't see why we shouldn't have a referendum on whether we want Scotland joined to us. I'd be happy to get rid of it in an instant.

They've always peddled this crap about how us bad English did genocide on them, and for the last 300 years continually whinged, and most of us are so sick of their moaning I can't see why the government doesn't just do both sides a favour and tear up the Union & be done, both sides happy. Why mess about? Unless it's because messing about keeps fat political leaders in power.

Posted by Kathy Baker: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 17:43 21st Post
steve of oxford wrote: this is not racially motivated just fact ,so please (steve especially) do not turn it round to be that

.....on the contrary, what you said is factual. There is nothing racist about it.

I've seen 'real' racism in the work place, and believe me it's horrid. People put through hell when all they are trying to do is earn a living just like anyone else.

If anyone is to blame for what you describe it's the bosses not the workforce.

brand u.k is NOT that any more

......I know. I also think it's time to stop messing about providing Mac Schrek-features with a cushy number bullshtting his own people, by braking up the UK and be done.

I for one am sick of the anti-English vitriol on the net coming from North of the wall, that quite honestly I can't see why we shouldn't have a referendum on whether we want Scotland joined to us. I'd be happy to get rid of it in an instant.

They've always peddled this crap about how us bad English did genocide on them, and for the last 300 years continually whinged, and most of us are so sick of their moaning I can't see why the government doesn't just do both sides a favour and tear up the Union & be done, both sides happy. Why mess about? Unless it's because messing about keeps fat political leaders in power.
:applause:Hey JK,  the holidays are here!  Don't stop em unless it gets too bad.  One year when I was feeling better I was sure that Scotland Yard or someone was going to show up at Steve's house! (just teasing Steve)

Posted by Kathy Baker: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 17:49 22nd Post
Eric wrote: steve of oxford wrote: Besides ...what do you think we have got that the Scandanavians and Russians want any more than the EU? for starters. Better trade military and energy technology with Russia rather than continually giving it to america.

Not true, it's worth a lot to the exchequer

.....not to me it isn't. That bstd has been watching too much of my money and my fathers before me either leave the country or get wasted on unaccountable town hall fat cats.

Time for a hell of a change in this country.
There is no doubt that a huge amount of money is squandered in this country. The recent revelation THEY are spending £1million to create safe routes for badgers under some of our the same time THEY are culling them as TB risks.

This sort of contradictory decision making is quite ridiculous. As are the inflated salaries of town hall and local goverment officials.

But there are two issues here.

1. Where is the best place for the UK to get its income?
2. How can we organise ourselves to spend limited income wisely?

I am under no illusions... for the time being the banking sector is crucial to the exchequer.

That doesnt stop us selling our wares to the Scandanavians and Russians. There is no EU trade embargo from dealing with non EU countries. And it would do the coffers even more good with this extra cash you feel is there for the taking.

So I would say...we should go and PROVE we can derive our income from non EU sources before we puff our chests out and shoot ourselves in the foot, burn our bridges or whatever cliche fits best. Because we would look really stupid if we took our toys home only to find brand UK isnt as saleable as we like to think it is.

But whatever the course of action, or the source of our income, there is no doubt that a better control of the expenditure in this country is urgently needed. We need to toughen up on some areas that are glaringly haemorrhaging precious resources.

We LOVE our bankers in the US.  they are so........ah........Trustworthy:rofl:

Always know where you can get clean drinking water and keep some chickens.:thumbsup:

Posted by jk: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 04:00 23rd Post
Kathy Baker wrote:
Eric wrote: steve of oxford wrote: Besides ...what do you think we have got that the Scandanavians and Russians want any more than the EU? for starters. Better trade military and energy technology with Russia rather than continually giving it to america.

Not true, it's worth a lot to the exchequer

.....not to me it isn't. That bstd has been watching too much of my money and my fathers before me either leave the country or get wasted on unaccountable town hall fat cats.

Time for a hell of a change in this country.
There is no doubt that a huge amount of money is squandered in this country. The recent revelation THEY are spending £1million to create safe routes for badgers under some of our the same time THEY are culling them as TB risks.

This sort of contradictory decision making is quite ridiculous. As are the inflated salaries of town hall and local goverment officials.

But there are two issues here.

1. Where is the best place for the UK to get its income?
2. How can we organise ourselves to spend limited income wisely?

I am under no illusions... for the time being the banking sector is crucial to the exchequer.

That doesnt stop us selling our wares to the Scandanavians and Russians. There is no EU trade embargo from dealing with non EU countries. And it would do the coffers even more good with this extra cash you feel is there for the taking.

So I would say...we should go and PROVE we can derive our income from non EU sources before we puff our chests out and shoot ourselves in the foot, burn our bridges or whatever cliche fits best. Because we would look really stupid if we took our toys home only to find brand UK isnt as saleable as we like to think it is.

But whatever the course of action, or the source of our income, there is no doubt that a better control of the expenditure in this country is urgently needed. We need to toughen up on some areas that are glaringly haemorrhaging precious resources.

We LOVE our bankers in the US.  they are so........ah........Trustworthy:rofl:

Always know where you can get clean drinking water and keep some chickens.:thumbsup:

I wish I could find a better/legal place to keep my money than in the banks but with all the money laundering laws and the general untrustworthy nature of institutions it makes for difficult choices!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 04:53 24th Post
jk wrote:
Kathy Baker wrote:
Eric wrote: steve of oxford wrote: Besides ...what do you think we have got that the Scandanavians and Russians want any more than the EU? for starters. Better trade military and energy technology with Russia rather than continually giving it to america.

Not true, it's worth a lot to the exchequer

.....not to me it isn't. That bstd has been watching too much of my money and my fathers before me either leave the country or get wasted on unaccountable town hall fat cats.

Time for a hell of a change in this country.
There is no doubt that a huge amount of money is squandered in this country. The recent revelation THEY are spending £1million to create safe routes for badgers under some of our the same time THEY are culling them as TB risks.

This sort of contradictory decision making is quite ridiculous. As are the inflated salaries of town hall and local goverment officials.

But there are two issues here.

1. Where is the best place for the UK to get its income?
2. How can we organise ourselves to spend limited income wisely?

I am under no illusions... for the time being the banking sector is crucial to the exchequer.

That doesnt stop us selling our wares to the Scandanavians and Russians. There is no EU trade embargo from dealing with non EU countries. And it would do the coffers even more good with this extra cash you feel is there for the taking.

So I would say...we should go and PROVE we can derive our income from non EU sources before we puff our chests out and shoot ourselves in the foot, burn our bridges or whatever cliche fits best. Because we would look really stupid if we took our toys home only to find brand UK isnt as saleable as we like to think it is.

But whatever the course of action, or the source of our income, there is no doubt that a better control of the expenditure in this country is urgently needed. We need to toughen up on some areas that are glaringly haemorrhaging precious resources.

We LOVE our bankers in the US.  they are so........ah........Trustworthy:rofl:

Always know where you can get clean drinking water and keep some chickens.:thumbsup:

I wish I could find a better/legal place to keep my money than in the banks but with all the money laundering laws and the general untrustworthy nature of institutions it makes for difficult choices!

I could look after it for you?;-)


Posted by Squarerigger: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 11:03 25th Post
Jonathan, send half of your assets to Eric and half to me. Don't want to have all your eggs in one basket - so to speak. I will employ the time honored tradition of my relatives from Kentucky. Your assets will be divided up among several old coffee cans and buried, during the hours of darkness of course, in my yard. At my age, I will probably forget where the hell I planted them so the money will be perfectly safe. :-)


Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 14:23 26th Post
I was sure that Scotland Yard or someone was going to show up at Steve's house! (just teasing Steve)

.....Well, as it happens; I once did have MI invite me to a hotel, but that was when I worked in defence. I sussed who they were, pretty obvious really since the guy had all my personal information some of which I had never given to anyone else. Daft goons LOL

You realise of course Scotland Yard is nothing to do with Scotland.

Posted by blackfox: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 14:43 27th Post
ah defence i worked on defence to ,the hardest part was getting the posts into the ground ,and it was all o.k till we had them strong winds last winter :rofl::rofl:

Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 15:28 28th Post
blackfox wrote:
ah defence i worked on defence to ,the hardest part was getting the posts into the ground ,and it was all o.k till we had them strong winds last winter :rofl::rofl:
Ha ha, yes very good. Have you thought of going on stage?

Posted by Eric: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 16:21 29th Post
steve of oxford wrote:
blackfox wrote:
ah defence i worked on defence to ,the hardest part was getting the posts into the ground ,and it was all o.k till we had them strong winds last winter :rofl::rofl:
Ha ha, yes very good. Have you thought of going on stage?

My wife always said I should be on the stage...the one going south.


Posted by Eric: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 16:45 30th Post
Ok Mr Cameron you can take us out of the EU...we are on the up....


Posted by Robert: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 17:28 31st Post
Given the chance they could probably eat all our cows in a week! :-(


Posted by richw: Fri Nov 23rd, 2012 06:53 32nd Post
blackfox wrote:
the real trouble is and this is not a racist statement just pure fact ,brand u.k is NOT that any more in reality ,in the majority of factories these days its made in britain by polish or other eu and immigrant workers .sad sad statement but totally true in well over 50% of the workplace .
whilst i was still working the last 15 years as a taxi driver ,i saw my customer base that was taken to and from factories to work dwindle away to virtually zero ,to be replaced by foreign workers who tended to use there own communal transport .not fiction but pure fact ,the factories are still there churning out the same stuff but not made by local labour anymore .
a lot of it is down to agency workers who don't have to be paid holidays etc but the foreigners will grab it with both hands .
as i said this is not racially motivated just fact ,so please (steve especially) do not turn it round to be that :readthis:

In the last years of living in the UK running a large distribution warehouse our workforce was mainly immigrant, but not because of cost. Most young English raised workers that came through the front door acted as if the job was below them and had no work ethic. Most immigrants however seemed to really value the work and worked damn hard.

It's not immigrants to the UK that is at the source of it's problems, but how youngsters are brought up expecting to walk effortlessly out of school/college into jobs that in reality they need to put in ten years of hard graft to earn. Alternatively they grow up thinking that crime/welfare is an acceptable way to spend your life.

In the end I moved to Aus, which is not as bad, but in danger of going the same way.

However standards of living for blue collar jobs are much higher here protected by a strong Trade Union movement which survives due to the money that keeps rolling into the country from it's mineral resources.

Posted by jk: Fri Nov 23rd, 2012 15:45 33rd Post
Well following on the theme since I am Security Cleared until 2014. I couldnt possibly tell you where my money is except that once again I thank HMCE for my latest gift. :-)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Fri Nov 23rd, 2012 16:56 34th Post
richw wrote:
blackfox wrote:
the real trouble is and this is not a racist statement just pure fact ,brand u.k is NOT that any more in reality ,in the majority of factories these days its made in britain by polish or other eu and immigrant workers .sad sad statement but totally true in well over 50% of the workplace .
whilst i was still working the last 15 years as a taxi driver ,i saw my customer base that was taken to and from factories to work dwindle away to virtually zero ,to be replaced by foreign workers who tended to use there own communal transport .not fiction but pure fact ,the factories are still there churning out the same stuff but not made by local labour anymore .
a lot of it is down to agency workers who don't have to be paid holidays etc but the foreigners will grab it with both hands .
as i said this is not racially motivated just fact ,so please (steve especially) do not turn it round to be that :readthis:

In the last years of living in the UK running a large distribution warehouse our workforce was mainly immigrant, but not because of cost. Most young English raised workers that came through the front door acted as if the job was below them and had no work ethic. Most immigrants however seemed to really value the work and worked damn hard.

It's not immigrants to the UK that is at the source of it's problems, but how youngsters are brought up expecting to walk effortlessly out of school/college into jobs that in reality they need to put in ten years of hard graft to earn. Alternatively they grow up thinking that crime/welfare is an acceptable way to spend your life.

In the end I moved to Aus, which is not as bad, but in danger of going the same way.

However standards of living for blue collar jobs are much higher here protected by a strong Trade Union movement which survives due to the money that keeps rolling into the country from it's mineral resources.

Very true. We have spawned two generations of workshy individuals through a stupendously incompetent benefit system. In contrast the immigrants that have come to work here, do work. It's the ones that have come to enjoy the same handouts for nothing, they need to ship out.

We now have a Lithuanian super store and 4eastern European food stores in our town. The face of Britain is changing significantly.

But at least these people have rented premises, are paying some taxes and are working hard. Good luck to them.


Posted by steve of oxford: Fri Nov 23rd, 2012 18:08 35th Post
richw wrote:

Most young English raised workers that came through the front door acted as if the job was below them and had no work ethic. Most immigrants however seemed to really value the work and worked damn hard.

Another way of putting that, is:

Most English workers understood the employer was taking the P, whereas the immigrants who had no idea of the right to a fair wage, were stupid enough to work for next to nothing thus providing a usually greedy employer with even more big fat profit.

Posted by steve of oxford: Fri Nov 23rd, 2012 18:27 36th Post
Eric: We have spawned two generations of workshy individuals through a stupendously incompetent benefit system.

I disagree. These individuals have been spawned as they are because their areas have been robbed of their industries. Why?...because with our traditional industries our country would be one to be reckoned with, and we can't have that now can we.

You take industry away from areas without replacing it, you get social problems. This is not the fault of youth, but the kow towing politicians who've been running this country down for decades and deserve to be hung for treason.

Posted by Eric: Fri Nov 23rd, 2012 19:23 37th Post
steve of oxford wrote:
Eric: We have spawned two generations of workshy individuals through a stupendously incompetent benefit system.

I disagree. These individuals have been spawned as they are because their areas have been robbed of their industries. Why?...because with our traditional industries our country would be one to be reckoned with, and we can't have that now can we.

You take industry away from areas without replacing it, you get social problems. This is not the fault of youth, but the kow towing politicians who've been running this country down for decades and deserve to be hung for treason.

We are in the process of a large employment opportunity in our town. Nearly 200 jobs have been created and the successful applicants started their induction and training in the last week of October.

As of last Monday, 21 of these have 'jacked it in' citing too rigid discipline, not letting them have time off for family commitments, can't get into work at that time every day, doing their heads in, and not what they thought it would be some of the excuses.

It is convenient to assign the blame to incompetent politicians, greedy businessmen and everyone else ...but the fact is, many of our unemployed are unemployable, because of their attitudes, unreasonable expectations and entrenched reliance on money for nothing.

All of which is academic, as frankly, I have stopped winding myself up over things I can't change.

Edit: just been told that I was being unnecessarily harsh with our local youths. It appears it was only 16 that left...the other 5 were relocated at the company in jobs that they were prepared to do...we hope.


Posted by jk: Sat Nov 24th, 2012 06:59 38th Post
Eric wrote: steve of oxford wrote:
Eric: We have spawned two generations of workshy individuals through a stupendously incompetent benefit system.

I disagree. These individuals have been spawned as they are because their areas have been robbed of their industries. Why?...because with our traditional industries our country would be one to be reckoned with, and we can't have that now can we.

You take industry away from areas without replacing it, you get social problems. This is not the fault of youth, but the kow towing politicians who've been running this country down for decades and deserve to be hung for treason.

We are in the process of a large employment opportunity in our town. Nearly 200 jobs have been created and the successful applicants started their induction and training in the last week of October.

As of last Monday, 21 of these have 'jacked it in' citing too rigid discipline, not letting them have time off for family commitments, can't get into work at that time every day, doing their heads in, and not what they thought it would be some of the excuses.

It is convenient to assign the blame to incompetent politicians, greedy businessmen and everyone else ...but the fact is, many of our unemployed are unemployable, because of their attitudes, unreasonable expectations and entrenched reliance on money for nothing.

All of which is academic, as frankly, I have stopped winding myself up over things I can't change.

Edit: just been told that I was being unnecessarily harsh with our local youths. It appears it was only 16 that left...the other 5 were relocated at the company in jobs that they were prepared to do...we hope.

Whilst I am all for businesses generating reasonable profits and giving good wages.  These wages have to be earned from hard work and commitment to the job and the profits shouldnt be used to pay director bonuses (they should have declared salaries with option to buy shares if it is a PLC), but for reinvestment in the company.

Even though I got very good management bonuses at GSK, in principle I think that all bonuses should be paid in shares, not money.  This makes the bonus zero taxable if they are held for 5 years which in turn encourages the employee to work hard as it will be reflected in the share price.

The John Lewis model works well in my opinion even though there will people who whinge at the idea of employee responsibility and commitment to profits for all.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sat Nov 24th, 2012 07:32 39th Post
jk wrote:
Eric wrote: steve of oxford wrote:
Eric: We have spawned two generations of workshy individuals through a stupendously incompetent benefit system.

I disagree. These individuals have been spawned as they are because their areas have been robbed of their industries. Why?...because with our traditional industries our country would be one to be reckoned with, and we can't have that now can we.

You take industry away from areas without replacing it, you get social problems. This is not the fault of youth, but the kow towing politicians who've been running this country down for decades and deserve to be hung for treason.

We are in the process of a large employment opportunity in our town. Nearly 200 jobs have been created and the successful applicants started their induction and training in the last week of October.

As of last Monday, 21 of these have 'jacked it in' citing too rigid discipline, not letting them have time off for family commitments, can't get into work at that time every day, doing their heads in, and not what they thought it would be some of the excuses.

It is convenient to assign the blame to incompetent politicians, greedy businessmen and everyone else ...but the fact is, many of our unemployed are unemployable, because of their attitudes, unreasonable expectations and entrenched reliance on money for nothing.

All of which is academic, as frankly, I have stopped winding myself up over things I can't change.

Edit: just been told that I was being unnecessarily harsh with our local youths. It appears it was only 16 that left...the other 5 were relocated at the company in jobs that they were prepared to do...we hope.

Whilst I am all for businesses generating reasonable profits and giving good wages.  These wages have to be earned from hard work and commitment to the job and the profits shouldnt be used to pay director bonuses (they should have declared salaries with option to buy shares if it is a PLC), but for reinvestment in the company.

Even though I got very good management bonuses at GSK, in principle I think that all bonuses should be paid in shares, not money.  This makes the bonus zero taxable if they are held for 5 years which in turn encourages the employee to work hard as it will be reflected in the share price.

The John Lewis model works well in my opinion even though there will people who whinge at the idea of employee responsibility and commitment to profits for all.

There is no doubt that there are layers of society that are taking obscene financial advantage. Steve would use stronger rhetoric. LOL

But at all levels there is a widespread feeling that they have a right to have everything.

The word deprived is banded about too liberally. My brother in law is an employee of the social handout division. He once said to me that " in this day and age a person who hasn't got a TV is 'deprived' ....this could affect their state of mind......and therefore they should be provided with one by the state".

After falling about laughing I said I was feeling a bit mentally stressed myself because I haven't got a Rolls Royce...could he wangle me one.

But seriously it underlined for me the basic problem, that if people are weaned on this sort of rubbish they will grow up to expect the world owes them...and inconveniencing themselves (like working a 40 hour week) becomes unthinkable.

I suppose in the example I quoted I should be more positive. That 90% of the people have secured jobs and are prepared to work and only 10% are lazy, workshy individuals.

But somehow that still doesn't make me warm and content inside.


Posted by steve of oxford: Sat Nov 24th, 2012 11:15 40th Post
Yes I understand where you're coming from Eric. In fact even some of the ones employed in, say for instance Halfrauds, really get my blood boiling with their stupidity and evident uselessness. But, it's education at fault, which in turn produces bad parents which causes generations of thick bone idle sods.

I see the catalyst as being the loss of industry. In many areas of the country years ago you had to do well at school so you could get into engineering, because if you didn't the only option was down the job prospects not even coal fact our aircraft industry is now little more than a sick joke.

Fortunately I became a time served Instrument Maker, and I've been working nearly 40 years and seen wholesale destruction, and actually a recent example of this is Cameron's yankee ass licking by ordering the MoD to purchase JSF, rather than order BAe on pain of death to come up with something better, or at least navalise the Typhoon.

Decade after decade of traitor governments bending over backwards to please other countries and robbing the crap out of ours is the problem. And to hell with other countries we owe them absolutely NOTHING, we need to rebuild our own country rather than kow tow to the US and sponging corrupt Europe.

Work shy kids of low intelligence & drive are an indicator of a deeper problem, which was not of their making.

Posted by jk: Sun Nov 25th, 2012 06:59 41st Post
Eric wrote: jk wrote: Eric wrote: steve of oxford wrote: Eric: We have spawned two generations of workshy individuals through a stupendously incompetent benefit system. I disagree. These individuals have been spawned as they are because their areas have been robbed of their industries. Why?...because with our traditional industries our country would be one to be reckoned with, and we can't have that now can we. You take industry away from areas without replacing it, you get social problems. This is not the fault of youth, but the kow towing politicians who've been running this country down for decades and deserve to be hung for treason. We are in the process of a large employment opportunity in our town. Nearly 200 jobs have been created and the successful applicants started their induction and training in the last week of October. As of last Monday, 21 of these have 'jacked it in' citing too rigid discipline, not letting them have time off for family commitments, can't get into work at that time every day, doing their heads in, and not what they thought it would be some of the excuses. It is convenient to assign the blame to incompetent politicians, greedy businessmen and everyone else ...but the fact is, many of our unemployed are unemployable, because of their attitudes, unreasonable expectations and entrenched reliance on money for nothing. All of which is academic, as frankly, I have stopped winding myself up over things I can't change. Edit: just been told that I was being unnecessarily harsh with our local youths. It appears it was only 16 that left...the other 5 were relocated at the company in jobs that they were prepared to do...we hope. Whilst I am all for businesses generating reasonable profits and giving good wages.  These wages have to be earned from hard work and commitment to the job and the profits shouldnt be used to pay director bonuses (they should have declared salaries with option to buy shares if it is a PLC), but for reinvestment in the company. Even though I got very good management bonuses at GSK, in principle I think that all bonuses should be paid in shares, not money.  This makes the bonus zero taxable if they are held for 5 years which in turn encourages the employee to work hard as it will be reflected in the share price. The John Lewis model works well in my opinion even though there will people who whinge at the idea of employee responsibility and commitment to profits for all. There is no doubt that there are layers of society that are taking obscene financial advantage. Steve would use stronger rhetoric. LOL But at all levels there is a widespread feeling that they have a right to have everything. Noone has a right to anything except life.  Thereafter you make of it what you put in or receive for your efforts. Some 'privileged' people have an additional kickstart but they are few compared to the many.  I managed to work had and amass enough money through not spending all my time smoking and boozing and whilst having expensive tastes in toys I still managed to have a reasonable lifestyle.  The word deprived is banded about too liberally. My brother in law is an employee of the social handout division. He once said to me that " in this day and age a person who hasn't got a TV is 'deprived' ....this could affect their state of mind......and therefore they should be provided with one by the state". Well I feel depressed as I have no job and I dont desire one as I have worked enough for big organisations. I dont watch TV very often as the TV-cocaine is complete drivel, I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here (why?  Have a taste of the real world would be my answer), X-Factor, Coronation Street, East Enders, Strictly Come Dancing.....etc.... The stuff that is useful is on at strange times in the day or night - Question Time and other current affairs programs. After falling about laughing I said I was feeling a bit mentally stressed myself because I haven't got a Rolls Royce...could he wangle me one. But seriously it underlined for me the basic problem, that if people are weaned on this sort of rubbish they will grow up to expect the world owes them...and inconveniencing themselves (like working a 40 hour week) becomes unthinkable. I suppose in the example I quoted I should be more positive. That 90% of the people have secured jobs and are prepared to work and only 10% are lazy, workshy individuals. But somehow that still doesn't make me warm and content inside.Are you sure the 80/20 rule doesnt apply :devil:

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by steve of oxford: Sun Nov 25th, 2012 10:02 42nd Post
Coronation Street, East Enders.

and I might add Emerdale. But they're all the same, serving the same purpose: a vehicle to brainwash people into accepting gay rights, time after time these deviant producers of such drivel blatantly violate the watershed, i.e two blokes full on snogging before 9.30 pm, shockingly they get away with it. Yet, on celebrity jungle every F word is blanked. So what this tells me is that some self appointed guardians of morality (probably gay themselves) are deciding FOR US that we're not to hear swear words, but at the same time we're supposed to believe it's acceptable for them to expose our kids to two blokes snogging. Worst still, the gay issues soap lobby is now trying to convince people that a pair of gay blokes can be given a baby that was forcibly removed from good normal parents to raise as their own,,,,,,and we're supposed to believe that in such a real life situation that child's sexuality would not be affected by it's environment.

The provable conspiracy is the fact that currently the soap producers are trying to subdue the public into accepting gay adoptions.

I abhor the double standards, the use of these programmes to force various issues in people's faces.

Simply put: the producers, by their own perverted lifestyles have reduced the soaps to nothing more than filthy PC trash, which is why I don't watch them.

It also says a lot for the actors, who are willing to put their tongues down some other bloke's throat knowing it will be illegally screened before 9.30pm and people's children will see it. Yup, the money. Or because it pleases them that children will be exposed to their sexuality.

I would like some beeb producer to come on here waving his pink feathers at what I have written, because; 1 was at the beeb for four years so I know what I am talking about, 2 the beeb is hardly in a position to comment on moral values.

Anyone thinking the beeb might be a hotbed for psychopaths and work shy PC mouth pieces....would be pretty close to the truth.

Posted by steve of oxford: Sun Nov 25th, 2012 10:07 43rd Post
something gone a bit funny with the forum....messages appearing twice, once as normal then as a quote.

Posted by steve of oxford: Sun Nov 25th, 2012 10:18 44th Post
JK: Well I feel depressed as I have no job and I dont desire one

Well there you go then, unwilling to work !

LOL, to tell you truth JK, you, I and millions of others feel the same way. Though in my case I am not depressed, I used to be but now I'm what you might call semi-retired i.e. no debts, property entirely owned by me, and though I do have a job involved in Formula 1, it's just to pay the bills and keep me in my favourite cars.

Posted by jk: Sun Nov 25th, 2012 15:43 45th Post
If I thought there was a reasonable company whose morals and principles matched mine then I would be happy to work for a wage that covered my costs of going to work.

However the likelihood of that is fairly small as most companies would rather have someone with a huge mortgage and debt burden, as they are more easy to control, than someone who might challenge them if they were immoral, unethical or the like over whom they have no hold.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 05:56 46th Post
steve ,i am surprised you cannot see the grand goverment master plan that has been unfolding for the last generation ,
(1) ban smoking in pubs ,it stops people going as most went for a smoke and joke plus the beer /it also stops people meeting in groups to discuss the state of things .
(2) subsidise large lcd t.v's to make it enjoyable for the rabble to stay at home and watch tv .
(3) use the t.v media to influence the way the rabble thinks and votes as you have so obviously stated above .
(4) the goverment benefits are that more and more pubs and clubs (rabble meeting places) close every week ,refer to section 2 and 3

fact during the latest middle east conflict a more truthfull unbiased viewpoint taking into account BOTH sides interests was given not on the BBC or SKY or even good old ITV but by AL JAZEERA really weird but its true

Posted by steve of oxford: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 14:57 47th Post
fact during the latest middle east conflict a more truthfull unbiased viewpoint taking into account BOTH sides interests was given not on the BBC or SKY or even good old ITV but by AL JAZEERA really weird but its true

Nothing weird about it. I watch Al Jazeera in preference to BBC news.

It's a known fact BBC is biased in favour of the US and Israel. It's a politically correct organisation....dances to the tune of oppressive governments. Like I said before the beeb is riddled with misfits, deviants, gays etc. I can tell you that when I was there I once fired an elastic band into the Israeli section, it nearly started world war three and the paranoid shts spent two days waging an inquisition as to "who fired that !" Yeah, a piddly elastic band and they felt someone was trying to wipe them out of existence. Still, I guess I was lucky I didn't fall victim to any shelling, cluster munitions or white phosphorous.

Posted by steve of oxford: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 16:04 48th Post
LOL, perhaps we might have some kind of recognition for the furthest a topic can drift. JK?

Posted by steve of oxford: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 16:15 49th Post
jk wrote:
If I thought there was a reasonable company whose morals and principles matched mine then I would be happy to work for a wage that covered my costs of going to work.

However the likelihood of that is fairly small as most companies would rather have someone with a huge mortgage and debt burden, as they are more easy to control, than someone who might challenge them if they were immoral, unethical or the like over whom they have no hold.

So national minimum wage wouldn't interest you JK?.

As for employer's morals, they're gone with the wind mate. It's all corporate now.

"However the likelihood of that is fairly small as most companies would rather have someone with a huge mortgage and debt burden"

.....Ur ass is mine, the corporate model.

Huge employee debt encourages backstabbing, snitching and general psychopathic behaviour amongst employees, particularly managers. i.e. the innocent get crapped on because their managers have too much to lose by sticking to morals. Such managers are seen as getting results. Yup, the corporate model, imported.

There is one who did me a while ago, but he has an appointment with a bin liner and a golf way to deal with scum like that is put the bstds in a coma.

Talking of jobs though, I know someone who like me took voluntary redundancy from the public sector and paid off his mortgage. Trouble was he couldn't get a job despite excellent references and experience. So, my mate changed his Resume and advertised himself as bone idle, unreliable, and quite dangerous in the workplace......straight away he gets three job offers, so what does that tell you?

Posted by jk: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 16:33 50th Post
By definition in Everything Else there is no fixed/topic item as it is just stuff!
Arent Jaguar part of the political landscape.

Talking about Jags, I see 2JagsPrescott didnt get elected as Police ThingyMaFlip in Humberside :lol:

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 16:38 51st Post
@steve..... Snakes in Suits rule. :lol:
When they have someone who is all three then they think they have someone who deflects from the snakes inadequacies.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by steve of oxford: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 16:44 52nd Post
jk wrote:

Talking about Jags, I see 2JagsPrescott didnt get elected as Police ThingyMaFlip in Humberside :lol:

LMAO !...yeah that was brilliant. He didn't half look unhappy.

That guy reckons he had bulimia, yet, he has a belly the size of Warwickhire, and I've seen him as a guest on Celebrity chef stuffing his guts with what other people can never afford to eat.

Damned hypocrite.

The only disorder he has is the attention seeking when he reckoned his phone was tapped, LOL, who the heck would want to listen to anything that fat idiot says ?

They were all the same you know, Prescott and others of that ilk...fat cats inflated at the expense of those they were supposed to represent...Kinnock being the worst offender...."keep the red flag flying boys"...."while me and the missus nip off to Brussels on £250K + expenses." Kinnock, the grand master of dropping people flat on their faces.

They're all the same, full of sht. It was never different, and never will be. This is why I don't vote for any of the sacks.

PS: it isn't Humberside, it' the East Riding of Yorkshire. Humberside is just a politician's perversion, there is actually no such place.

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