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Ed Hutchinson

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 214
Hi there
It is time to shoot other things now Saturday was the first flyday this year so I am out from under my rock Very cool things flying  a P40 and a ZERO 
I hope you all are doing well I have been away shooting other things (airguns) great fun.


I don't go crazy
I am crazy
I just go normal from time to time!                           

Attachment: flydayzerop40 074.jpg (Downloaded 31 times)

Ed Hutchinson

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 214
I must add this was a very difficult shoot, I had a screaming 5 year old next to me very high pitched voice and french I think he spoke so fast I could not tell, not only did he talk but he never stopped moving.  Oh well I guess I am just lucky LOL
Other than that it was a great day I got to see the zero fly for the first time, the motorcycle ride in and back about 80 miles was pleasant and good fun, the weather was good  so all in all a good day.


Attachment: flydayzerop40 065.jpg (Downloaded 32 times)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Well done Ed.
I suppose that sometimes we need to be thankful for small mercies. At least the 5 yr old doesnt live with you.

Ed Hutchinson

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 214
Thank all the powers that be!!!!    I don't think he would still be alive without some form of gag and a straight jacket in his size.


It is over now and I can at least laugh about it, all though I don't feel sorry for the father he deserves all he gets


I will have an adult beverage and forgetaboutit  :lol:



Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Sausalito, California USA
Posts: 616
Cool, Ed

First time I've seen a P40 and a Zero side by side except in the old war movies :-)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
TomOC wrote: Cool, Ed

First time I've seen a P40 and a Zero side by side except in the old war movies :-)
Probably not happened too many times ever!

Ed Hutchinson

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 214
They haven't flown opposing aircraft together till this year,later will be an F6FHellcat and the Zero, then a BF109 and a Spitfire and so on very cool I will be there as well


Ed Hutchinson

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 214
Oppps I forgot to mention the P40 is painted in the colors of Frank Neal the AVG's top ace, he came to live in Washington after the war, to honor him the repainted the P40, I think that is very cool.

Attachment: flydayzerop40 013.jpg (Downloaded 18 times)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Excellent pix Ed, and interesting background, makes all the difference when we know what's special about the subjects, thanks.

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