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Posted by blackfox: Mon Oct 7th, 2013 11:18 1st Post
hi gang made the hard decision last night to move back to canon ,i have struggled to get decent pics since buying the d7100 ,there is something not right about the raw files i cannot define it exactly but its like theres a infinity limit on the pics anything taken at infinity is out of focus tried all sorts with the lens and t.c combos but nothing worked ,when my second body decided to play up the other day it was the final straw .i have today returned the camera and surprisingly they gave me a full refund with no argument .and am now in the process of starting to e/bay my lenses etc .i will like ian continue to look in keep smiling

Posted by jk: Mon Oct 7th, 2013 12:32 2nd Post
Sorry you have had so much grief with the Nikon 7100.
I'd offer you my D300 but I dont think it is really a step forward for you.

Hope that the Canon purchase goes smoothly and that you continue to take great bird photos.

Do drop in and post even if you are a Canon user. I have a Canon G12 that I use as well for my underwater stuff.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Mon Oct 7th, 2013 13:33 3rd Post
i took that as read jonathon its a small group on here but helpful ,yes i could have gone back down the d300 route but its not what i wanted .things move on and its was not a lightly taken choice and you never know it may change again

Posted by jk: Mon Oct 7th, 2013 16:58 4th Post
Of course now you have done that the long awaited D400 will be announced.


Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Mon Oct 7th, 2013 17:40 5th Post
not bothered nikon have burnt my feathers to badly with this one ,got a couple of mates that are also going through the same problems ,its not what you see that counts its the untold numbers of binned shots

Posted by amazing50: Tue Oct 8th, 2013 00:10 6th Post
There are adaptors that allow you to use Nikon glass on a Canon. Don't know if autofocus works or how well.

I've also had some concerns with infinity focus with my D600. Some seems to be from camera movement even at higher shutter speeds. It doesn't take much with the high pixil density to throw off sharpness a bit.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by Eric: Tue Oct 8th, 2013 08:18 7th Post
amazing50 wrote: There are adaptors that allow you to use Nikon glass on a Canon. Don't know if autofocus works or how well.

I've also had some concerns with infinity focus with my D600. Some seems to be from camera movement even at higher shutter speeds. It doesn't take much with the high pixil density to throw off sharpness a bit.
What problems are you having with 'infinity' focus?

I must be missing something cos...Ive never taken a photograph that needed infinity to be in focus anyway?

Or do you mean the lens focusing isnt reliable at extreme long distance settings?

Sorry if I am being thick.


Posted by blackfox: Tue Oct 8th, 2013 09:04 8th Post
i know exactly what he means eric ,till you actually see the files you cant really define it the 7100 did exactly the same ,its not wrong but its definetly not right either .and just one of the little niggles i couldn't put my finger on .once you know its there though it drives you mad

Posted by Eric: Tue Oct 8th, 2013 10:06 9th Post
blackfox wrote: i know exactly what he means eric ,till you actually see the files you cant really define it the 7100 did exactly the same ,its not wrong but its definetly not right either .and just one of the little niggles i couldn't put my finger on .once you know its there though it drives you mad I would be truly interested in seeing an example of this. Can you post a crop of an unacceptable infinity focus...with a canon comparison?

I am sort of getting the impression that Nikon pixels are not resolving the 'dithering' (for want of a better term) as well....but I may be way off the mark.


Posted by amazing50: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 00:50 10th Post
Eric, I took this shot up a side street while walking through the town of Elora Ontario a few days ago. It was taken with a Nikkor 24-120 f/3,5 on auto focus at 110 mm and 1/350sec. at f/8 with my D600. The church was at infinity. The crop of the steeple shows my infinity focus concern and the same crop after a quick run through with SmartDeblur, a new program I've been trying out. It must be remembered that these concerns are only for large prints or extreme crops, as this technical quality of picture could be easily hung as a Super B 1(3x19 inches) with minimal post processing.

Attachment: MGA_1538 - Copy_res_cr.jpg (Downloaded 64 times)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by amazing50: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 00:56 11th Post
Couldn't get it to take multiple pix

Attachment: Image00001.jpg (Downloaded 65 times)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by amazing50: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 01:00 12th Post
This is the crop without Smart Deblur, about 100%

Attachment: MGA_1538 - Copy_cr3.jpg (Downloaded 63 times)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 03:48 13th Post
amazing50 wrote:
Couldn't get it to take multiple pix
Unfortunately it won't. :banghead:

What aperture and shutter speed were you using? The image appears to have had the EXIF data removed so unfortunately I can't tell for myself.

If you had taken that same image with a Nikkor 180mm f2.8 or a Nikkor 105mm f2.5 the image would be very different and we would be discussing how sharp it was.

Zoom lenses and ultimate sharpness do not tend to come in the same box. I venture to suggest the sensor can out-resolve your lens.

I am assuming it's hand held, the finial on the church has much detail and is against the bright sky. I would say that is as good an image as you can expect under those conditions. The definition of fine, backlit objects is very dependent on aperture and exposure, small changes in aperture make a big difference to the captured image, because the subject/background contrast is extreme.

Notice that Bj¸rn's tests were made with a D1X and D1H with no more than 5Mp and DX, I suspect he would need to revise his conclusions for an FX 24Mp camera.

If you can get A3 prints which are satisfactory when viewed from 1.5 times the diagonal than I would be very happy, zooming in in the minutia on the screen is pointless unless you intend to make extreme crops or print wall size images. And even then I am sure when viewed from 1.5 times the diagonal it will be tack sharp.


Posted by Eric: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 05:00 14th Post
amazing50 wrote: Eric, I took this shot up a side street while walking through the town of Elora Ontario a few days ago. It was taken with a Nikkor 24-120 f/3,5 on auto focus at 110 mm and 1/350sec. at f/8 with my D600. The church was at infinity. The crop of the steeple shows my infinity focus concern and the same crop after a quick run through with SmartDeblur, a new program I've been trying out. It must be remembered that these concerns are only for large prints or extreme crops, as this technical quality of picture could be easily hung as a Super B 1(3x19 inches) with minimal post processing. What point/object did you use to focus in the shot?
How far away from you is the church?
Whats the detail like in the car (right mid distance next to lamp post) registration plate when similarly cropped?


Posted by amazing50: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 10:22 15th Post
I was set at 11 auto focus points locked in the center with center weighted metering of 15. Iso 200 1/350sec f/8 110mm Nikkor 24/120 f/3.5-5.6G with VR on.

I think this plate crop is at 100%. I would estimate the distance at about 100 meters to the church.

The full pix that I posted had the EXIF data included but SmartDeblur seems to remove it on the crops.

Interesting, I just downloaded my pic and it had the EXIF removed. Is this normal or did I slip up?

Attachment: MGA_1538 - Plate crop.jpg (Downloaded 50 times)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 12:10 16th Post
Need to take the same picture with camera on a tripod.

I dont have that lens but the lens can also make a big difference.

I used to be able to hand hold at 1/20 with a 200mm but now it is not the case. Digital is much less tolerant (sharper) than film. At 24MP the camera is much much better than film ever was even Kodachrome 25.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 13:52 17th Post
Next time I'm out that way I'll use a tripod, do the mirror lockup and remote release, and also take my 70-200 2.8 VR Sigma and compare the lenses.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 14:36 18th Post
Given the lens data you posted (Thanks) I feel it simply the sensor out resolving the lens.

I don't see camera shake in that image.

I will post a JPEG later to see if the forum software strips the EXIF data but the image size data survived? o.O


Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 14:54 19th Post
An image I took earlier this year walking the boys to school one morning:

JPEG with the EXIF intact when it left me.

Attachment: DSC2517 Snow Flurries.jpg (Downloaded 45 times)


Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 14:54 20th Post
The EXIF data:

Attachment: Screen Shot 2013-10-09 at 19.52.23.jpg (Downloaded 42 times)


Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 14:56 21st Post
The snow flurries image appears to have lost it's EXIF data. o.O


Posted by amazing50: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 15:14 22nd Post
Robert what software did you use to get all that EXIF data? I only get 15 items with my viewer.

I downloaded your pic and didn't get any EXIF data. :banghead:

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 15:40 23rd Post
It's the Apple 'Preview' software, a default software bundled with the system.

The basic Photoshop Cs5 Camera data EXIF is below for the same image and I will also post the full EXIF from Ps.

Attachment: Screen Shot 2013-10-09 at 20.38.24.jpg (Downloaded 57 times)


Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 9th, 2013 15:41 24th Post
Full Photoshop EXIF.

Attachment: Screen Shot 2013-10-09 at 20.37.22.jpg (Downloaded 61 times)


Posted by Squarerigger: Fri Oct 11th, 2013 11:31 25th Post
Sorry to see you moving on Jeff. Iain is big into birding also and he left Nikon for Canon awhile ago and seems to be happy. May want to give him a pm, he still is a member on this forum.

As an aside, I have moved on also but to Fuji. Got a good deal selling all my Nikon kit. I plan to hang around here, if it's ok, just because I like you guys.


Posted by Eric: Fri Oct 11th, 2013 14:03 26th Post
Squarerigger wrote:
Sorry to see you moving on Jeff. Iain is big into birding also and he left Nikon for Canon awhile ago and seems to be happy. May want to give him a pm, he still is a member on this forum.

As an aside, I have moved on also but to Fuji. Got a good deal selling all my Nikon kit. I plan to hang around here, if it's ok, just because I like you guys.

Which Fuji are you using now, Gary?


Posted by Squarerigger: Fri Oct 11th, 2013 17:03 27th Post
Eric wrote:
Squarerigger wrote:
Sorry to see you moving on Jeff. Iain is big into birding also and he left Nikon for Canon awhile ago and seems to be happy. May want to give him a pm, he still is a member on this forum.

As an aside, I have moved on also but to Fuji. Got a good deal selling all my Nikon kit. I plan to hang around here, if it's ok, just because I like you guys.

Which Fuji are you using now, Gary?

I took the X20 along with my Nikon gear on a vacation in Europe last month. I ended up using the X20 about half the time mainly due to the weather and hiking up the mountains. Fell in love with the camera.

I had been on the Fuji forum for over a year and I was pretty impressed with the line up. So, I decided to buy a X-Pro1 and the 18-55mm lens. Got it and really liked the camera, quirks and all. Ordered the 55-200mm lens and am waiting for the 23mm to come out.

I like the weight of the kit. I can carry the X-pro1 with 18-55 attached and in a small bag carry the 55-200 and or the 23mm if I want both.

My wife really likes the new kit, she says she is not nearly as worn out after carrying my kit around all day on trips. So, it's a win/win.

My photography is travel, landscapes, family, and street. the Fuji does very well. I just don't need the Nikon anymore.

It has been fun learning the X-Pro1 and I find myself slowing down and really thinking about what I am doing more now. I feel like I have my Nikon FM back only in digital. It does so many things well I can deal with the few quirks. I don't need super fast auto focus and burst speed.


Posted by jk: Fri Oct 11th, 2013 17:04 28th Post
Squarerigger wrote:
Sorry to see you moving on Jeff. Iain is big into birding also and he left Nikon for Canon awhile ago and seems to be happy. May want to give him a pm, he still is a member on this forum.

As an aside, I have moved on also but to Fuji. Got a good deal selling all my Nikon kit. I plan to hang around here, if it's ok, just because I like you guys.
Seems like people are switching, moving, exchanging kit.
Personally I use Nikon, Fuji and Canon. The Canon is only a G12 but it gives good results underwater.

What software are you using for the Fujis, Gary ?
I guess you shoot RAW with the XPro1.

No problem using non-Nikon kit and living here!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Fri Oct 11th, 2013 18:13 29th Post
Squarerigger wrote:
Eric wrote:
Squarerigger wrote:
Sorry to see you moving on Jeff. Iain is big into birding also and he left Nikon for Canon awhile ago and seems to be happy. May want to give him a pm, he still is a member on this forum.

As an aside, I have moved on also but to Fuji. Got a good deal selling all my Nikon kit. I plan to hang around here, if it's ok, just because I like you guys.

Which Fuji are you using now, Gary?

I took the X20 along with my Nikon gear on a vacation in Europe last month. I ended up using the X20 about half the time mainly due to the weather and hiking up the mountains. Fell in love with the camera.

I had been on the Fuji forum for over a year and I was pretty impressed with the line up. So, I decided to buy a X-Pro1 and the 18-55mm lens. Got it and really liked the camera, quirks and all. Ordered the 55-200mm lens and am waiting for the 23mm to come out.

I like the weight of the kit. I can carry the X-pro1 with 18-55 attached and in a small bag carry the 55-200 and or the 23mm if I want both.

My wife really likes the new kit, she says she is not nearly as worn out after carrying my kit around all day on trips. So, it's a win/win.

My photography is travel, landscapes, family, and street. the Fuji does very well. I just don't need the Nikon anymore.

It has been fun learning the X-Pro1 and I find myself slowing down and really thinking about what I am doing more now. I feel like I have my Nikon FM back only in digital. It does so many things well I can deal with the few quirks. I don't need super fast auto focus and burst speed.

I went for the XE1 and like you, took just it with the 18-55 and 55-200 on my recent holiday. Sadly, the wife had an accident cutting short our trip. So I didn't get to use it too many times. (neve took a single IR shot!)

Hope to start again with it in earnest in Italy next May.

Theres no doubt of the image quality. It just the speed of operation and battery life that currently let Fuji cameras down at the moment. It will be interesting to see what the next generation of Fujis achieve in these areas.

My Nikon bodies may well be relegated to use with long telephotos only!


Posted by Squarerigger: Fri Oct 11th, 2013 20:02 30th Post
jk wrote:
Squarerigger wrote:
Sorry to see you moving on Jeff. Iain is big into birding also and he left Nikon for Canon awhile ago and seems to be happy. May want to give him a pm, he still is a member on this forum.

As an aside, I have moved on also but to Fuji. Got a good deal selling all my Nikon kit. I plan to hang around here, if it's ok, just because I like you guys.
Seems like people are switching, moving, exchanging kit.
Personally I use Nikon, Fuji and Canon. The Canon is only a G12 but it gives good results underwater.

What software are you using for the Fujis, Gary ?
I guess you shoot RAW with the XPro1.

No problem using non-Nikon kit and living here!

I use Aperture 3 and it does a fairly good job for the first iteration. I shot jpeg fine and RAW with the x20 and the xpro.

I have taken to the fuji xpro like a fish in water!

Thanks for letting me stay, I used Nikon for over 37 years! Time to move on for me but I have always liked this forum and the fine folks here.


Posted by Squarerigger: Fri Oct 11th, 2013 20:08 31st Post
Eric wrote:
Squarerigger wrote:
Eric wrote:
Squarerigger wrote:
Sorry to see you moving on Jeff. Iain is big into birding also and he left Nikon for Canon awhile ago and seems to be happy. May want to give him a pm, he still is a member on this forum.

As an aside, I have moved on also but to Fuji. Got a good deal selling all my Nikon kit. I plan to hang around here, if it's ok, just because I like you guys.

Which Fuji are you using now, Gary?

I took the X20 along with my Nikon gear on a vacation in Europe last month. I ended up using the X20 about half the time mainly due to the weather and hiking up the mountains. Fell in love with the camera.

I had been on the Fuji forum for over a year and I was pretty impressed with the line up. So, I decided to buy a X-Pro1 and the 18-55mm lens. Got it and really liked the camera, quirks and all. Ordered the 55-200mm lens and am waiting for the 23mm to come out.

I like the weight of the kit. I can carry the X-pro1 with 18-55 attached and in a small bag carry the 55-200 and or the 23mm if I want both.

My wife really likes the new kit, she says she is not nearly as worn out after carrying my kit around all day on trips. So, it's a win/win.

My photography is travel, landscapes, family, and street. the Fuji does very well. I just don't need the Nikon anymore.

It has been fun learning the X-Pro1 and I find myself slowing down and really thinking about what I am doing more now. I feel like I have my Nikon FM back only in digital. It does so many things well I can deal with the few quirks. I don't need super fast auto focus and burst speed.

I went for the XE1 and like you, took just it with the 18-55 and 55-200 on my recent holiday. Sadly, the wife had an accident cutting short our trip. So I didn't get to use it too many times. (neve took a single IR shot!)

Hope to start again with it in earnest in Italy next May.

Theres no doubt of the image quality. It just the speed of operation and battery life that currently let Fuji cameras down at the moment. It will be interesting to see what the next generation of Fujis achieve in these areas.

My Nikon bodies may well be relegated to use with long telephotos only!

i am very sorry to hear about your wife Eric. With your background and love of birding and long shots, I think you would be wise to hang on to the Nikon gear. We all have different styles and shooting styles. I am just thankful we have so many systems to choose from.

I really like the OVF of the X-Pro and the information it can provide and that's the reason I went with it over the XE1.

I am sure you will come to like the XE1 for travel. People don't pay any attention to me and the Fuji but when I pulled out the Nikon I was immediately visible.


Posted by Iain: Sat Oct 12th, 2013 11:37 32nd Post
Whats going on with Nikon guys? I have two friends with Nikon and one is giving it till April and if no D400 he's changing.

Like others he's not happy with the D7100.

Posted by Eric: Sat Oct 12th, 2013 11:57 33rd Post
Iain wrote:
Whats going on with Nikon guys? I have two friends with Nikon and one is giving it till April and if no D400 he's changing.

Like others he's not happy with the D7100.

You could buck the trend and come back Iain.


Posted by Iain: Sat Oct 12th, 2013 14:19 34th Post
Eric wrote:
Iain wrote:
Whats going on with Nikon guys? I have two friends with Nikon and one is giving it till April and if no D400 he's changing.

Like others he's not happy with the D7100.

You could buck the trend and come back Iain.

Afraid not Eric, the 1Dx is amazing. ;-)

Posted by jk: Sat Oct 12th, 2013 16:36 35th Post
Iain have you tried the Magic Lantern firmware on your Canon ?
My friend showed his Canon running it and I was very impressed.
I wish I could get this for my Nikons.

For those who dont know about Magic Lantern see here.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Sat Oct 12th, 2013 17:50 36th Post
as j.k says its all about posting so here goes and i like my buddies on here to :applause:
heres one of the first shots from my new rig on tuesday ,a buzzard just after landing on a rabbit (behind him) got a 200 + shot sequence as i stood there with the bird ignoring me canon 60d lens sigma 120-400mm os ,i had owned this combo for around a hour or less when i took this ,if you like it i'll post more :devil:

hi boys -I'M BACK by blackfox wildlife & nature imaging, on

Posted by jk: Sun Oct 13th, 2013 07:22 37th Post
Excellent shot.
Poor rabbit but hey everyone has to eat!

I think that you would have got the same result on your Nikon just you probably dont feel so comfortable with using it. :lol:

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Sun Oct 13th, 2013 07:53 38th Post
would probably have got better with my older nikons jonathon ,but not with that bloody d7100 .history now gives me something to learn anyway ,the camera and lens used for this shot will be for back up and for use by the wife ,my own gear is still taking shape bit by bit :diggingahole:

Posted by jk: Sun Oct 13th, 2013 17:43 39th Post
Well it seems like the back up gear works well. :-)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Iain: Mon Oct 14th, 2013 09:03 40th Post
jk wrote:
Iain have you tried the Magic Lantern firmware on your Canon ?
My friend showed his Canon running it and I was very impressed.
I wish I could get this for my Nikons.

For those who dont know about Magic Lantern see here.

No I didn't Jonathan, I'm all 1series now.

Posted by Eric: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 08:32 41st Post
amazing50 wrote: I was set at 11 auto focus points locked in the center with center weighted metering of 15. Iso 200 1/350sec f/8 110mm Nikkor 24/120 f/3.5-5.6G with VR on.

I think this plate crop is at 100%. I would estimate the distance at about 100 meters to the church.

The full pix that I posted had the EXIF data included but SmartDeblur seems to remove it on the crops.

Interesting, I just downloaded my pic and it had the EXIF removed. Is this normal or did I slip up?
Have just posted this article on another thread. but it may also have a bearing on this infinity focus debate....


Posted by jk: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 10:34 42nd Post
Eric, That link doesnt work for me.
Please can you adjust.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 10:58 43rd Post
I think it's here, haven't read it all yet but it's definitely hyperfocal.


Posted by Eric: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 11:23 44th Post
Robert wrote:
I think it's here, haven't read it all yet but it's definitely hyperfocal.

Yes that's it.


Posted by jk: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 12:55 45th Post
Thanks Eric and Robert.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 12:59 46th Post
That is a very good article and really emphasises the point that you need to focus at or around the area you want sharp and then adjust accordingly.
Rather than fixing focus and assuming everything is in focus between two points. This technique is used in street photography for grab shots.
They are in focus but not sharply focused!!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 15:55 47th Post
jk wrote:
That is a very good article and really emphasises the point that you need to focus at or around the area you want sharp and then adjust accordingly.
Rather than fixing focus and assuming everything is in focus between two points. This technique is used in street photography for grab shots.
They are in focus but not sharply focused!!

I've been doing this unwittingly for sometime. I use to do the '1/3 in' routine but noticed the rear elements were not always perfect. I especially found this with long machinery when close up. But I guess it's more applicable to landscapes.


Posted by richw: Sun Oct 27th, 2013 18:42 48th Post
It's a bit beyond my level, I tend to do the 1/3 in and make a judgement on what aperture is necessary. One thing I have being doing more of recently with portraits of two people together is (if I can) to try and get them level to the camera. If not I have noticed that getting the eyes of the subject that is slightly forward sharp makes a better image than the rear, subconsciously when photographing two people I know I was always focusing on my favourite of the two until recently.

I have also begun to wonder recently how it is that some people have faces that autofocus just snaps sharply on and others don't. My sister has a son (three) and a daughter (two), Autofocus is spot on every time with the daughter but really struggles with her son. It's not just my photos this effects, it is apparent in a lot of photos the family have taken.

Posted by Eric: Mon Oct 28th, 2013 11:48 49th Post
richw wrote: It's a bit beyond my level, I tend to do the 1/3 in and make a judgement on what aperture is necessary. One thing I have being doing more of recently with portraits of two people together is (if I can) to try and get them level to the camera. If not I have noticed that getting the eyes of the subject that is slightly forward sharp makes a better image than the rear, subconsciously when photographing two people I know I was always focusing on my favourite of the two until recently.

I have also begun to wonder recently how it is that some people have faces that autofocus just snaps sharply on and others don't. My sister has a son (three) and a daughter (two), Autofocus is spot on every time with the daughter but really struggles with her son. It's not just my photos this effects, it is apparent in a lot of photos the family have taken.
His name isnt Damien is it?

First thought would be a more uniform skin complexion, but the shape of the face can influence the way ambient reflects, reducing contrast.


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