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Nikon 17-35 f2.8 AFS  Rate Topic 

Posted by Eric: Sun Mar 6th, 2016 06:10 1st Post
Selling my trusty 17-35.

Since getting the 14-24 some years back the 17-35 was 'relegated' to IR use. Blessed with no hotspot I produced all of the IR images taken on the D200 with this lens. But that's been sold on now, so the lens is just sitting on the shelf. I've put it on eBay which has 4days to run. So if it interests you, get in touch PDQ!


Posted by jk: Sun Mar 6th, 2016 09:58 2nd Post
Superb lens I have one. It is IMHO better than the latest Nikon 16-35.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Mon Mar 7th, 2016 05:13 3rd Post
jk wrote:
Superb lens I have one. It is IMHO better than the latest Nikon 16-35.
Totally agree....but they are both the same quality, when sitting on the shelf unused.


I'm looking hard at the Fuji system! The D750 is excellent and the prospect of getting a D500 would mean the Fuji vying for regular use.

Having thinned out a lot of my unused gear I don't want to create another arms dump.



Posted by Robert: Mon Mar 7th, 2016 05:25 4th Post
Perhaps prudence should wait for feedback from the eager beavers to try out the D500 and report impressions first?

The second mouse getting the cheese and all that... o.O


Posted by jk: Mon Mar 7th, 2016 09:57 5th Post
Well the D500 wont be here for me to test until early May. Presuming no further delays!

Eric, what Fuji lenses do you have? Are you thinking of another camera. The XE2 is great value as it is as performant, when upgraded with the latest firmware, as the XT1, but half the price. The new XPro2 has more MPs but is just a refined XPro1 so I am not purchasing.

Still trying to decide on Fuji 100-400 or Nikon 200-500 and then I can get rid of my Nikon 400 f2.8 AFS.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Mar 8th, 2016 18:54 6th Post
jk wrote:
Well the D500 wont be here for me to test until early May. Presuming no further delays!

Eric, what Fuji lenses do you have? Are you thinking of another camera. The XE2 is great value as it is as performant, when upgraded with the latest firmware, as the XT1, but half the price. The new XPro2 has more MPs but is just a refined XPro1 so I am not purchasing.

Still trying to decide on Fuji 100-400 or Nikon 200-500 and then I can get rid of my Nikon 400 f2.8 AFS.

I've only got 3 zooms for the Fuji. I didn't intend refining the range until I was certain Fuji was the way ahead for me. There is no doubt carrying 2 Fujis (colour and IR) with 3lenses is a heck of a lot lighter than an equivalent coverage with Nikon. The problem is, and I suspect always will be, the feel of the camera in the hand. I think I have Nikon moulded mits.


Not planning any more equipment purchases until ......our new bathroom is paid for....and it's not even started yet!



Posted by Eric: Wed Mar 9th, 2016 18:20 7th Post a Polish Dentist.

They have all the money in the UK now



Posted by jk: Thu Mar 10th, 2016 06:50 8th Post
Well done Eric.
Bit more for the bathroom or another camera lens!

Still learning after all these years!

1st new
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