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RobertA little about me.  Rate Topic 

Posted by Robert: Tue Apr 24th, 2012 03:37 1st Post
I have been interested in photography since I was about 12, I got a Zenith camera from Boots the chemist's with money I had saved. Knowing the editor of the local paper I was given a few assignments like Women's institute groups etc. I didn't have an exposure meter so the results were a bit erratic.

I have used photography to record life and my activities over the years. Particularly my work and cars. As a builder I saw and supervised many projects converting, restoring and stabilising buildings and developing green field sites. Many of my work images were kept by the company I worked for but I do still have some interesting sets of photographs recording entire projects.

I have always been interested in engineering, cars, machinery and earth moving plant. I have owned many excavators and trucks over the years.

Camera wise I have owned a few, starting with the Zenith, I had a Kodak 2 1/4" Twin Lens Reflex, an Exa1x, Exa IIe? Exacta Varex, Zeiss Contaflex, Nikon FE, Bronica 2A and a little Canon 110 P&S. Apart from a couple of Fugi P&S my first Digital camera was my D1 which replaced the Bronica and Nikon FE. Since then I have grown my collection to include D1x, D200 and IR-UV versions of both. My most recent Nikkon is the D3100 which I wanted for it's video feature. I am tending to use the the D3100 for snapshots and family interest photography. Not done any video with it yet.

I help Michael, my older son with his interest in photography, he picks up my cameras and makes some nice images with his own D1x. We go to motor sport events around the country.

Almost retired now, my main interest is photographing plants and flowers to illustrate a book about plant names.


Posted by Graham Whistler: Thu May 17th, 2012 18:06 2nd Post
Robert a flower for you!

Attachment: Saguaro-blooms.jpg (Downloaded 22 times)

Graham Whistler

Posted by Robert: Thu May 17th, 2012 19:32 3rd Post

Thank you Graham. That's kind of you, a remarkable image.


Posted by Squarerigger: Thu May 17th, 2012 21:33 4th Post
Well done Graham, beautiful image and a wonderful thought.


1st new
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