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Old member here to say hi  Rate Topic 

Posted by chrishamer: Thu Mar 16th, 2017 12:39 1st Post
Hi everyone,

So it's been years since I was last on here - back when we were at Nikon but I never really successfully transitioned to the new page.

Just wanted to say hi to connect with some of you whom I see are still active!

Stumbled upon the new forum by accident and recognised JK so had to post a message.


Posted by jk: Thu Mar 16th, 2017 13:30 2nd Post
Holy smokes! Chris where have you been all this time?
I guess student days are gone and you are now somewhere and working.

Keep coming back and post some images and tell us what you are doing.
Are you still in SW London?

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Thu Mar 16th, 2017 14:28 3rd Post
Hi Chris, I was only thinking of you yesterday!

So nice to hear from you again, I hope you will pop in regularly and help keep this bandwagon rolling along.

Would be nice to hear what you are up to now...


Posted by chrishamer: Thu Mar 16th, 2017 17:26 4th Post
Hi both,

Good to hear from you too! It has indeed been a really long time!

I've been doing really well, still in southwest london, though also spend part of my week in Haddenham in Oxfordshire so that's all very nice :) .

You correctly guessed that my student days are over, indeed, I now work in London. I specialised in PR after studying journalism, specifically in the B2B tech business and have now been at it for 5 years.

Photography wise I don't have as much time as I used to but still very much take the time to take photos when the opportunity presents itself, more often than not through my phone but it is quite incredible how far we've come. I've got an A3 print hanging in my room that I took with an iPhone 6 Plus that could easily rival the output of my old D300....

When I get the chance I have a D600 and various lenses, that meets most of my needs - though I have access to a D810 and D4 when I need it. I don't do much professional work but sometimes my job intersects and I get to use those skills for various things like portraits or sometimes other images.

Here's my instagram, it'll keep you busy before I post some proper images but you'll see what I mean about loving my iPhone 7 Plus camera...

So yes been busy... how are you both doing?

Great to hear from you too Robert! It's been a while!

Posted by Eric: Thu Mar 16th, 2017 19:12 5th Post
Hey...good to hear from you again Chris! A lot of people have drifted away as their need for digital instruction lessened or life just got in their way! But a number of the old timers are still loitering here, though maybe not posting as often. Glad to hear you are doing well.

You are right, sensors are so good now, even in phones, that for most situations you don't need a DSLR. In fact, Jonathan, Tom and I have all been flirting with Fuji X systems for some time, to varying degrees. Their image quality matches Nikon in half the weight...ideal for walking about. Sadly they don't quite match Nikon for high speed shooting subjects like birding or sport....but are 95% there. And for hobby shooting...95% may be enough.

I eventually closed the business and retired last year. I still have two clients that don't understand 'retirement' and keep coming back for the odd photo shoot, digital manipulation or brochure design. But the wife keeps dragging me around Europe for long holidays (visited a lot of Germany!) so hopefully these people will eventually get the message when I am not answering the phone.

Keep in touch.



Posted by chrishamer: Wed Mar 22nd, 2017 10:45 6th Post
Good to hear from you too Eric - and yes the onslaught of technology has been quite impressive to watch.

Don't think I'll ever belong to the 95% who are just happy with a phone but 95% of the time it's all I need.

Interesting to hear about the Fuji X systems proving so popular - I'm still in the full frame camp for now - I'm yet to see a smaller format camera I like so far. But then again I adore the super wide-angle perspective and that always seems hard to replicate on smaller format cameras.

Being dragged around Europe doesn't sound too bad! At the moment I'm travelling to Austria once a month which is nice, but only ever for 2-3 days at a time. Thankfully I'm already planning this year's annual pilgrimage to Austria by car via Germany so I can visit various friends. That has always proven to be a good trip - this year we'll probably head into Italy as my family are based about 2 hours from the border so it'd be rude not to. So should get some decent photo opportunities once again.

Posted by Eric: Wed Mar 22nd, 2017 15:48 7th Post
chrishamer wrote:
Good to hear from you too Eric - and yes the onslaught of technology has been quite impressive to watch.

Don't think I'll ever belong to the 95% who are just happy with a phone but 95% of the time it's all I need.

Interesting to hear about the Fuji X systems proving so popular - I'm still in the full frame camp for now - I'm yet to see a smaller format camera I like so far. But then again I adore the super wide-angle perspective and that always seems hard to replicate on smaller format cameras.

Being dragged around Europe doesn't sound too bad! At the moment I'm travelling to Austria once a month which is nice, but only ever for 2-3 days at a time. Thankfully I'm already planning this year's annual pilgrimage to Austria by car via Germany so I can visit various friends. That has always proven to be a good trip - this year we'll probably head into Italy as my family are based about 2 hours from the border so it'd be rude not to. So should get some decent photo opportunities once again.

We love Austria...especially your amazing service stations. They put the UK dirty, overpriced grotty places to shame! My wife is a Ski Jumping fan so it was inevitable we visited the Bergisel and even took in Bischopshofen. Like many we enjoyed a memorable drive over the Grossglockner(twice!) ..snow ploughs were out the day before we drove the route, in June! Also spent time in S. Austria around Villach. I will stop reminiscing and leave an image of the Grossglockner mountain road ...for any other members who havent driven over the roof of Austria.....

Attachment: grossglock23.jpg (Downloaded 11 times)


Posted by Eric: Wed Mar 22nd, 2017 15:51 8th Post
Oh go on, one more....

Attachment: grossglock6.jpg (Downloaded 11 times)


Posted by chrishamer: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 05:27 9th Post
I completely missed those Eric, lovely photos of Austria! Ski Jumping is always a fun spectator sport - especially in Austria! The Grossglockner is quite something!

Posted by jk: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 05:47 10th Post
Welcome back Chris.

Hope that all is well with you.
I guess that you have finished your studies and you are busy at work.

I am now in Cornwall, may go back and forward to Spain in the new world order post Brexit.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by chrishamer: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 06:02 11th Post
All good here thanks!

Keeping busy, I do lurk here sometimes but struggle to find the time to post these days.

I moved to the Z system earlier this year(after a short flirtation with the EOS RP) so have been enjoying taking more photos, I have also trained to screen print my photos, so I use a studio in east London to print them, which has proved very rewarding.

Spain doesn't sound like a bad ideas post Brexit. I've never been so glad to be a dual nation!

Posted by jk: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 06:21 12th Post
I have a Z7 with 25-70 and FTZ adapter.  Enjoying it but mirrorless does have a few small limitations so I pair it with D850.
The extra MPs in these cameras gives some benefits but also fills up HDD and/or SDD.
Cant see any real advantage of the z mount over F mount.  I would really like a Z7 with a F mount and ability to use older AF (screw drive) lenses.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 06:31 13th Post
Hi Chris, was only thinking of you yesterday!  That's uncanny... That was exactly what I put in my previous post, I guess I am always thinking about or members, past and present. o.O

I remember my lad Christopher flooding the rest room in that coffee shop!  He hasn't improved! LOL

Glad things are good, also that you are busy.  Try to find time to post the occasional photo if you can I always enjoyed your photo's, especially the gargoyles! LOL

All the best.


Posted by chrishamer: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 08:19 14th Post
jk wrote:
I have a Z7 with 25-70 and FTZ adapter.  Enjoying it but mirrorless does have a few small limitations so I pair it with D850.
The extra MPs in these cameras gives some benefits but also fills up HDD and/or SDD.
Cant see any real advantage of the z mount over F mount.  I would really like a Z7 with a F mount and ability to use older AF (screw drive) lenses.

Interesting, I went to the Z6 as I'm increasingly doing some video work too - boy what a learning curve!!! But it has proven itself over time.

I must say the Z glass I've used has been phenomenal, but it's an expensive game. I must admit I went full on into mirrorless and got rid of my D600, I just stopped picking it up as I enjoy shooting with the Z6 so much more - though it took a lot of time tweaking the settings to make it do what I actually wanted it to. I've sold most of my AF-D glass, kept the AF-S but want to upgrade some of that to S lenses.

Posted by chrishamer: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 08:22 15th Post
Robert wrote:
Hi Chris, was only thinking of you yesterday!  That's uncanny... That was exactly what I put in my previous post, I guess I am always thinking about or members, past and present. o.O

I remember my lad Christopher flooding the rest room in that coffee shop!  He hasn't improved! LOL

Glad things are good, also that you are busy.  Try to find time to post the occasional photo if you can I always enjoyed your photo's, especially the gargoyles! LOL

All the best.

Haha, do I need to be worried, Robert?

Haha yeah I remember that too, you must tell me if you're ever back around this area, would be good to meet up again - even if it is 10 years later!

I'll try and get some posted, my instagram remains the main place I post stuff to publicly but I'll see if I can get a few up, I was in Austria last week for the weekend and got some lovely photos of the vines in the mountains around my family's home. Haven't had time to process those yet (funnily for me processing these days usually means dropping the quality to D1 levels so I can get my positives printed ready for screen printing, but I'll try and get some real ones done).

No gargoyles for a while I'm afraid, haven't been able to spend much time in France recently, which is where I think most reside :lol:

Posted by Robert: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 06:58 16th Post
I don't know Chris, it's uncanny sometimes.  Probably pure coincidence.

I was in Richmond again last December when I collected my D800. Want to get to Helmingham when I can find time.  If you think working life is time consuming, you don't want to try retirement!  :lol:

The screen printing sounds interesting.  We do have some gargoyles in a nearby town, on a castle. I keep meaning to photograph them, they are a bit high up but the 300 should get them.


Posted by chrisbet: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 14:18 17th Post
Hi Chris - another Chris here!

You obviously left before I arrived - although I am a Nikon user I am not a professional by any means, not sure I even qualify as an amateur!

My role here is more on the forum coding - I am responsible for many of the features here now and am part of the original software development team (all 2 of us!)

Anyway, welcome back, the more, the merrier!

If it is broken it was probably me ....

Posted by Robert: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 15:53 18th Post
Chris has just done another improvement, when we reply to a post, the post we are replying to is now in view below the posting window which can be very helpful when replying to technical questions.  Thanks Chris (bet).

Chris Hamer has been with us for years, from school/college university.


Posted by jk: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 15:55 19th Post
Yes and it works for me.
Thanks ChrisB.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by chrisbet: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 16:25 20th Post
Lol - you are welcome - but I added that ages ago - haven't touched to code for the summer - waiting for the autumn wish list :lol:

If it is broken it was probably me ....

Posted by jk: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 18:36 21st Post
Be careful what you wish for!
Autumn wishlist may be challenging.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by chrisbet: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 18:59 22nd Post
Hehe...  challenging for you & Robert to decide what you want, maybe :lol:

If it is broken it was probably me ....

Posted by Robert: Fri Aug 30th, 2019 20:17 23rd Post
I don't think we are far short of a full house here now, you have done a sterling job Chris.  I think a little tweak here and there is about all that's left.

One possibility which might just be a valuable resource for members and the wider community is a list of links to photographic websites, there are many valuable websites like Roland Vink's lens database which contains priceless information and data, Birna R¸rslett's lens assessment lists and all sorts of other sites large and small where snippets of info can be found.

Some little annex on this site, not like a thread, or a topic but a searchable list of websites, more like bookmarks but including a little note about what the bookmark will lead to.  My photography website bookmarks must amount to hundreds of websites and I am only scratching the surface.

One of my worries (not that my current idea addresses this) is that these websites contain priceless collections of information.  The chances of anyone else compiling this info is remote.  If  a site closes, for whatever reason, that data which has taken years of significant effort to accumulate, will be lost.


Posted by chrishamer: Thu Sep 5th, 2019 11:43 24th Post
Robert wrote:
Chris has just done another improvement, when we reply to a post, the post we are replying to is now in view below the posting window which can be very helpful when replying to technical questions.  Thanks Chris (bet).

Chris Hamer has been with us for years, from school/college university.

Since 2006 if memory serves me correctly.

When I, in a moment of teenage madness thought it'd make *MUCH* more sense to ask for a used D1 for my birthday from Kingsley Photographic on Tottenham Court Road rather than a new D50 / D70.

In hindsight it was, but boy oh boy did I need you lot to help me get results out of it! Turned out to be a much better camera than any of the consumer ones though, and the transition to the D300 which I then bought in 2008 was much easier having had to learn things the hard way haha.

Posted by jk: Thu Sep 5th, 2019 12:00 25th Post
The D1 and D1X were very good cameras.  I still have a D1X in my camera cupboard.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by chrishamer: Thu Sep 5th, 2019 12:04 26th Post
jk wrote:
The D1 and D1X were very good cameras.  I still have a D1X in my camera cupboard.
Absolutely, and they made for decent weapons if required due to the phenomenal build quality.

I regret selling my D1, but it financed more lenses, so was probably the right choice.

1st new
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