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Hello everyone Moved up from my F2 to a D1  Rate Topic 

Posted by Smity: Fri May 18th, 2012 23:33 1st Post
I haven't taken any pictures in a while. Film just didnt fit well into todays world and I hated trying to use the small piont and shoot digital cameras. 

So I got tired of looking at all my Nikkors sitting there with nothing to do and decided to move up 25 years in technology . From a F2 photomic and a FM to a D-1. I know that a D1 is just a paper wgt to a pro but it is a big advancement for me .

WOW It is a lot more fun being able to see quickly what you have done.

The exposure is more  critical compared to film. But I am getting back into the swing. I   only use  Manual and apeture priority.

The D-1 is alot more usable with the older lenses and accessories  than Nikkon leads one to believe. The only thing I cant use is the cable release. I can even use my old lenes that have been  home converted to AI. Even my K extension rings and BR-4 apeture ring work fine.

If anyone is wondering what a mint condition D-1 in the box with charger and a good battery  is worth. It cost me  $137.50 shipped I couldnt be happier.


Posted by richw: Sat May 19th, 2012 00:59 2nd Post
Welcome to the Forum. There are plenty here who still have a soft spot for a D1, so you will be among friends!

Posted by Robert: Sat May 19th, 2012 03:15 3rd Post
Hi Mark and welcome to our new Forum.

You don't say where you are located, please enter at least a country in your profile, it helps in so many ways to know where our members are.

The price sounds about right for a good D1, budget for a second (new) battery! ~ $35 Battery Barn used to be the place to go, I am guessing the price was in $ not £? Do you realise it was well over $5,000 when it was new?

Sounds like you are well kitted out for lenses. Most of the older lenses work well with a D1. remember you are only using the centre of the image circle, imagine a crop factor 1.5, which means effectively a 50mm lens produces an image that a 75mm lens would have on film. This is great on the longer lenses giving you a built in TC converter, however as you may realise it's a snag at the wide end, a 20mm lens is no longer as wide as it was! Most of us have a Sigma 10-20 in our bags to deal with this shortcoming, (pun intended!).

If you still have any pre Ai lenses which have not been converted, DO NOT try to mount them. You can wreck the camera aperture control, the lens may mount but removing it could involve dismantling the camera.

In my opinion the biggest benefit of digital apart from the 'free film' of course, is the histogram, you can take several exposures and vary the settings to get exactly the correct exposure. I use the histo on every exposure, sometimes you need to adjust the compensation to correct the settings for given conditions.

I use D1, D1x and D200 depending on the job in hand and tend towards the older, manual lenses.

The exposure latitude is comparable with chromes, not as much freedom as negative stock.

Regarding ISO settings the base setting for digital is ISO 200 with the D1 ISO400 is really tops unless you like digital noise.

Lastly you may find the images have a magenta cast, that can be dealt with in post processing. You will need a good processor to organise and process your images. I strongly recommend Adobe Lightroom. It covers most of your needs, organising and adjusting, processing NEF's and outputting to slideshows, websites and print.


Posted by Smity: Sat May 19th, 2012 10:35 4th Post
It was $135.00 dollers shipped. Mint condition in the box

I was very amazed that someone would spend $5000.00 on a camera and not use it. Lucky Me :thumbsup:


Posted by Dave Groen: Sat May 19th, 2012 12:40 5th Post
I spent $5000 on a D1 and used it a lot. It served me well for many years and is now living in the UK with Robert.

Interesting - there are replies to your thread from Australia, the UK, and right next door in St. Louis. Small world, unless you're walking.

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left

Posted by TomOC: Sat May 19th, 2012 13:05 6th Post
The D1 is right up there in my own hall of fame with the nikon s2 rangefinder.

It literally changed the landscape and my life !!!

You are in good hands here.



Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by rmoser: Sun May 20th, 2012 07:10 7th Post
I still use my two D1x cameras a fair amount. But given my aging eyes, only rarely with manual focus lenses. One of my D2x cameras has a Katz eye screen (split image focusing in the center with fine micro prism around it) which makes manual focusing much easier.


Posted by jk: Sun May 20th, 2012 16:56 8th Post
I would love a digital F2A but that is only a dream.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by rmoser: Tue May 22nd, 2012 13:57 9th Post
I still prefer using my two F2AS cameras to the F3 or F4.


Posted by iPlaid: Wed May 23rd, 2012 16:06 10th Post
I still have my d1 that I paid 800 dollars for in 2003 - it mostly sits on display with my old TLRs and vintage cameras, but every once in a while I take it for a spin. When the d7000 first came out, I took a photo of it with my d1 -Nikon's newest shot with it's first dslr...

Posted by jk: Wed May 23rd, 2012 19:19 11th Post
Andy you look like Bill Murray in that new avatar.

Still learning after all these years!

1st new
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