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 Moderated by: chrisbet, Topic closed


I notice that we are all gathering around the "introductions" section to discuss other matters not covered by the other sections. Is this ok?

For example....I would like to ask

Is the donations link operating yet? Can I give you a few quid?

I wonder if within the Forum section there should be another option for posting questions about the forum....rather them being mixed in with new member introductions?

But I suppose it's not that important.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Yes the PayPal donation button is working.

I have had several donations so far.
Thanks to all who have donated.

We will use the funds towards hosting payments for the future and also getting some of the customisations that we need to make the photo Gallery look and work well.

Yes if people can start to post into the new sections then that would be good.

Dont forget if it doesnt fit in a forum then there is the
Everything Else section.

I'm just checking the text size feature.  I wont be posting text this size all the time!!


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I think it is important Eric, I have just raised it in the Mods section. There are several completely inappropriate posts in various sections, not just here.

The 'Introductions' section is for introductions, that is to say a short post about yourself, not to simply announce you have 'arrived'.

I feel it's important to set an example to new members else we will have a real mess on our hands before long.

The Off Topic Emoticon is sorely needed. Already!

On the other hand, do we really want to change the way we were, to a neat, compliant and organised forum? 3:)

Current theme is Blue

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