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A new home for us  Rate Topic 

Posted by jk: Wed Apr 4th, 2012 16:56 1st Post
The forum customisation is almost finished but I'm sure it will be an ongoing thing so I'll introduce myself.

I have been a member on the other forum ( since 2001 and was one of the first members there.  Along with Steve Saunders we have moderated the other forum and so we will continue here.  I think I can say that we have enjoyed our Nikon cameras and provided some help and advice to others over the years.

As a photographer and scuba diving instructor now I just enjoy myself. 
I gave up work in 2007 as I got tired of corporate politics (In fact I hate all politics,  so much wasted energy.  Just go do it.) and was lucky enough not to have to continue working except on projects that I want to do.  These projects tend to be largely without pay and I do it to learn new stuff and help the people and community where I live in Spain. 

My photography now is mostly flamenco, landscape, portrait and motor sport as well as underwater where I also take photos when I have time.  It's not really possible if you are instructing so this is more of an occasional item rather than an every dive.

Still learning after all these years!

1st new
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