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Ralph G Speer

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Saugerties, New York USA
Posts: 122
Yes D1 with 24-70 Nikon  all settings 0 or normal.

Out the back door in the rain.

Play with it if you wish. It down loaded like lighting in an udated system. and for being the first Nikon DSLR what's your thoughts.


Trying to get the right size.

Attachment: DSC_0004 D1.jpg (Downloaded 47 times)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Good old D1!

Seems it's suffering with the Magenta cast.

I set Magenta -40, Blue +20 and Yellow +20

Slight tweaking in Lr3.

Not sure if I have improved it... Maybe too much yellow?

Attachment: DSC_0004aEdit.jpg (Downloaded 51 times)


Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Robert wrote: Good old D1!

Seems it's suffering with the Magenta cast.

I set Magenta -40, Blue +20 and Yellow +20

Slight tweaking in Lr3.

Not sure if I have improved it... Maybe too much yellow?

I wonder if correcting globally you are influencing areas that didnt suffer from magenta and loosing some impact? This has JUST the red/magenta tweaked

Attachment: DSC_0004a.jpg (Downloaded 50 times)

Ralph G Speer

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Saugerties, New York USA
Posts: 122
Trying to get a good size to work with. Is this to big?

I did't play with the colors -- Right from the camera except for resizing;





Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
If you attached an image Ralph then perhaps it was too big.

Btw I deleted that double post.

OK, I seen it in Post 1


Well that's my best effort with Lightroom.

My D1 doesn't exhibit a Magenta cast, it's pretty neutral. I wonder why?

Attachment: DSC_0004 D1Edit.jpg (Downloaded 45 times)


Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 525
If you have a Raw file you can use the camera profile for a D1 in Lightroom, should correct perfectly.

Gilbert Sandberg


Joined: Tue Apr 17th, 2012
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 196
My 2 cents: consider that the D1 has a default colorspace of NTSC, not all software can cope with that.
Regards, Gilbert

Ralph G Speer

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Saugerties, New York USA
Posts: 122
Robert I agree with you on the collor.

richw and Gilbert I have many Raw files from the D1. Back when I was useing it I had the camera set with the color corection set up Nikon cam up with and it did seem to work well. I am thinking (with my Wife & Daughter hounding me) about selling. I took this shot to compare with some of the newer D3 and D3x files just for kicks.


Current theme is Blue

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