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Joined: Tue Sep 27th, 2016
Posts: 1
I have a 6300 coolpix and when I connect the cord to charge it, no light comes on and the battery does NOT charge. I did find on a Canadian Nikon website that the issue is 'known' and due to a firmware bug. I did speak to Nikon about this and they advised I send the camera in for repair (+ firmware upgrade) and that I'll be responsible for all shipping+repair costs. My position is, if this is a firmware issue, then Nikon should cover all 'repair' costs. Yet, the Nikon people I spoke to stood by their position that, the camera is out of warranty and I need to PAY for it to be repaired.

Is there a workaround, like charging the battery by other means, so I can do the firmware update myself?


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Welcome to the forum, hope we can be of some help.

Sorry I'm not familiar with the Coolpix 6300 but the Li-ion Battery EN-EL12 appears to be removable and charged with an external charger.

Is it possible to borrow or buy a cheap eBay (or similar) Li-ion Battery EN-EL12 and use that to upgrade the firmware?

Nikon are usually pretty good at making their firmware updates available, Perhaps JK knows something about this?



Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Posts: 571
The charger battery selections on eBay are usually dependable and this will work. Only problem is the time for shipping from the Orient. Don't often plug vendors but I had very quick shipping from a Canadian vendor this link is not for your battery but the one I ordered and you can check it out for the one you need.

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