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D3200 card reader replacement  Rate Topic 

Posted by Earthjuice: Sun Nov 20th, 2016 16:01 1st Post
New to the forum.My D3200 card reader has crapped
out and I am going to replace mine. I have a new one
In my possession. Has anyone ever had to replace their
reader? What am I looking at on this job?

Posted by Robert: Sun Nov 20th, 2016 16:26 2nd Post
Welcome to the forum.

Err, card reader? Do you mean the slot in the camera which you insert the SD card into for the camera to write the image files onto?

I would expect a card reader to be a USB device which you plug into your computer to off load the images to the computer...

If the former, I have never been into a D3200 but component level repairs can be very tricky, the ribbon cables are very fragile and the slot into which you insert them are even more fragile. The fact that you are asking how, suggests to me that you lack the knowledge/experience and technical expertise to do the job. Suggest you find a competent camera service shop. You don't mention your whereabouts, if in the UK, I could recommend Advanced Camera Services at Watton, Norfolk or try searching for Nikon repair shops.

If you aren't put off by my cautions, try looking for a how to video on You-Tube,or visit Life Pixels website where they have some teardown info on some Nikon cameras. Might not cover D3200 though...

The latter is a simple matter of plugging it into the USB socket on your computer, but I'm sure you knew that.

If it's an internal card reader then it's a pretty simple task to replace the card reader unit complete.


Posted by Eric: Sun Nov 20th, 2016 16:40 3rd Post
Earthjuice wrote:
New to the forum.My D3200 card reader has crapped
out and I am going to replace mine. I have a new one
In my possession. Has anyone ever had to replace their
reader? What am I looking at on this job?

Hi ..welcome

Can i ask how you KNOW the camera reader is faulty? Presumable the card has been checked on another you know it's not the card itself at fault?

As Robert said, try googling Lifepixel. They convert bodies to Infra Red and as they also supply filters for DIY enthusiasts they have sequential photo instructions for stripping down various cameras. I did a D70 conversion several years ago and the instructions were very useful.

Although they direct you to the sensor, I remeber exposing the contacts for the card reader while burrowing into the circuit their instructions may help.


Posted by jk: Mon Nov 21st, 2016 01:21 4th Post
I always connect my camera via a USB cable to my Mac and download using ImageCapture. The means I dont need a card reader, and there is no chance of forgetting to put the card into the camera.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Mon Nov 21st, 2016 03:01 5th Post
We still aren't sure what the OP means by 'card reader'.

One of the possibilities for a failed card slot in camera is the retention device. I have come across means of securing the card in position using a small packing and the outer lid, but it's messy unless you use JK's method of unloading images via USB.

Another possibility could be the contacts on the card, or reader are not good, either dirty or damaged? More information about the initial diagnosis could help...


Posted by jk: Mon Nov 21st, 2016 04:01 6th Post
Earthjuice wrote:
New to the forum.My D3200 card reader has crapped
out and I am going to replace mine. I have a new one
In my possession. Has anyone ever had to replace their
reader? What am I looking at on this job?

To help us help you, please can you fill in your location. Country and/or city is good.
We can then suggest repair companies or understand your needs better.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Gilbert Sandberg: Mon Nov 21st, 2016 11:23 7th Post
as mentioned above, you give no hints as to uyour circumstances, I assume you mean the camera card-unit.
re: What am I looking at
I would be looking at an experienced Nikon-qualified technician doing it for me (if he/she would let me look over a shoulder).
Regards, Gilbert

1st new
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