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Next cameras from Nikon? Z9, Z5, Z3.  Rate Topic 

Posted by jk: Wed May 29th, 2019 14:41 1st Post
Latest rumours are that there will be some new Nikons late this year or early 2020.

Read more:

Low-end Nikon D5700 DSLR or similar is still a possibility
High-end Pro Z series camera (Z9?) with dual card slots - the development could be announced as early as this summer
Nikon Z5 in 2019: 30-32 MP APS-C sensor, similar body to the Z6, dual card slot (XQD and micro SD)
Nikon Z3 in 2020: entry-level DX camera with fix LCD screen, 24 or 26 MP sensor, one micro SD card slot only, probably no EVF
At least two DX Z lenses at launch, probably a standard zoom lens and a tele-zoom or a standard zoom + a prime, more DX lenses to come in 2020
The next Z firmware update will come either early summer or autumn, that will bring CFexpress support and RAW recording
Nikon D6 will not be a hybrid camera

Interesting item to me is the move to having......

  • Dual card slots.
  • All Z mount instead of F.  It seems F is now dead or dying!
  • Z5 = 30MP option added, as well as Z3 = 24MP, and Z9 = ??MP but I guess 45MP.

I think that a Z3 without an EVF is a disappointment.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Thu May 30th, 2019 20:50 2nd Post
There seem to be a lot of complaining online from G7 users. Seems that the eye focus is zeroing in on the eyelashes instead of the eyeball.
This creates a lot of failed shots. :lol:

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by Robert: Fri May 31st, 2019 01:22 3rd Post
amazing50 wrote:
Seems that the eye focus is zeroing in on the eyelashes instead of the eyeball. :lol:
I can see this would be a problem... :devil:


Posted by novicius: Thu Jul 4th, 2019 00:49 4th Post
I will stay with the F-mount camera`s and the specialized lenses that I have, then will go further with HUAWEi/leica and Motorola/Hasselblad...Tired of Nikon `s lack of incorporating Wi-Fi..GPS ...and Inability of making an F digital...

I thought that the Df was a step in the right direction...turned out to be a one note song..

May even look into a 2nd hand FUJI / Hasselblad..

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by GeoffR: Thu Jul 4th, 2019 06:04 5th Post
novicius wrote: I will stay with the F-mount camera`s and the specialized lenses that I have, then will go further with HUAWEi/leica and Motorola/Hasselblad...Tired of Nikon `s lack of incorporating Wi-Fi..GPS ...and Inability of making an F digital...
That is your prerogative of course.
Being pedantic, it isn't an inability to make a digital F, it is unwillingness to do so. Nikon are perfectly capable of doing so but for some reason don't see the need.

Which Nikon F features do you want in a digital version? It is a mechanical camera, without a meter in its initial iteration. You can't have a purely mechanical digital camera because you have to link functions between the mechanical side and the electronic. I am not sure you could make a digital camera without a meter, if only because it would be on the sensor. The F was pre-AI, but I doubt anyone would buy a digital camera without AF. My opinion is that a digital F would be a huge disappointment simply because it would be a compromise and that probably wouldn't please anybody. Much like the Df in fact.

Wi-Fi and GPS, well yes they can be incorporated but how much use would they get? Wi-Fi first, I have a camera with Wi-Fi a 1J5, I have only used the Wi-Fi to see what it does (noting for me) and I also have a WT2a for the D2X I haven't used it much either, it requires too much additional equipment. There is a place for Wi-Fi and Nikon cater for that with the Wireless Transmitters for high-end cameras, yes they are over-priced. With Wi-Fi you need something to connect to, either a device or a network, out in the wilds there aren't many networks and who wants to carry another device? I suppose if you want to post images to social media it may have its uses but I wouldn't post an unedited image anyway.

GPS is always going to be a problem because inbuilt GPS will sleep when the camera sleeps but take much longer to establish a position on waking up than will be necessary for the camera to be ready. Thus the ideal is an always-on GPS and that might as well be a stand-alone device with its own batteries. Nikon seem to understand this.

Of course if you incorporate these technologies you also limit the camera's life. When the Wi-Fi and/or security protocols change you are stuck (The WT2a doesn't support WPA2 for example). Keeping the transmitter separate allows upgrading that can never be incorporated into a camera. GPS is similar, though the average user has no idea what gets done, and if you produce a camera with GPS how long will it be before users want GLONASS or Galileo as well?

novicius wrote: I thought that the Df was a step in the right direction...turned out to be a one note song.. You weren't alone but the more pragmatic could see the joins and told Nikon “You can do better”. The response seems to have been the D5 and the Z series, the Df is still available new so Nikon haven't given up on it entirely but personally I would rather have a D4 which is more suited to my hands, the Df is not tall enough for comfort. You might like to read Thom Hogans review.

Having said all that good luck with what ever you decide to do.

Posted by chrisbet: Thu Jul 4th, 2019 06:16 6th Post
I use wi-fi all the time when I am away from home to download images from the camera to the phone so I can upload them to the internet - either to my home server or to a media site like here!

Wi-fi is easy to add to any camera that takes SD cards - Toshiba flashair SDs come with built in wi-fi, all you need to do it join the flashair network from your phone and download whichever images you want.

What would be cool is to be able to upload gps coordinates from the phone to the flashair sd card, since the phone is on all the time there would be no delay getting a fix.

If it is broken it was probably me ....

Posted by novicius: Thu Jul 4th, 2019 12:24 7th Post
A Digital F...would be Exactly that...Looking like an F being Digital , as in All that ,say ,a D6 could do..WiFi and Geotagging are of Importance to Many incl. me, and I`m a Retiree , many ,if not Most pro`s require that by now, witness the fact that the stuff is for sale ,and as mentioned for a Hefty sum, while it costs practically next to nothing in manufacture, and since when does Nikon listen to anyone ???..several reviewers have complained about exactly the opposite..

About that digital F....imagine the camera as is ,incl. it`s Low weight but specked with eletronics incl. metering / autofocus and everything, interchangeable finders with a photomic having a metering range of Lunasix F class...interchangeable backs with sensors of different characteristics , something that Leica does with different camera´s and is being rather successfull with it ..from the get go the F is designed as a System - Camera , making it probably the most succesfull as over a million were produced, unrivalled by any.....a Digital version could reach an even Higher success using all nikkor retro focus lenses ever made, as Lens continuity has been part of the driving force behind Nikon`s success....somewhat flopped by the introduction of the G-lenses,..I have some, and I can use my TC converters on those with Full lens opening Only !!

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by chrisbet: Thu Jul 4th, 2019 13:32 8th Post
I loved my FM and I would like the Df  - if I could afford it! I don't see why it isn't possible to produce a camera as novicius suggests but Nikon seem to have sunk their future in the Z series not retro.

I suppose it is a bit like the Mini - the original concept was brilliant but the overblown modern versions have lost that simple clean approach and dumbed down the user interface. :thumbsdown:

If it is broken it was probably me ....

Posted by jk: Thu Jul 4th, 2019 17:00 9th Post
Yes the FM and FE cameras were brilliant cameras.  I had one of each.  Never missed a beat.

I like the Df concept but I find it less appealing with the extra knobs and dials.  I am sure it could be like the F301/501 cameras.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by novicius: Thu Jul 4th, 2019 19:12 10th Post
Yes, I am somewhat frustrated with that \" funny \" Z mount... what is it for ?...for the same sensor size..?!..

Why not go for Bigger then, after all , Nikon is making a line of lenses for it , which are Incompatible with the F-mount, sure, there`s an adapter to couple F Lenses to that Zorro outfit, but Not the other way around..there`s a 24-70 F zoom,and now there`s a 24-70 Z zoom,...what ?..the F zoom can be mounted by means of the Adapter,... that indicates that they`re duplicating the F lenses is Clear to me that Nikon is Sorely Lacking in Competent leadership,..this coming from a person who´s been a Nikoneer for over Four decades, I have pre-Ai lenses ( vintage now ) that were spankin` brand new when I bought them, ....and when the 1 series came out I could see the idea of coming out with a mini camera/lens line , a small..lightweight system ..that delivered Quality close to the Real thing..there`s a site where among other things Photographic Dynamic Range of many makes can be compared , there can be seen how f.ex. the 1 V2 compares to the D1....:

As for that Df, it is its Compatibility I was Referring to, but with a skimpy battery and a flimsy batterydoor that , according to several reports broke easily, indicating it was built half-heartedly,..after all , a Nikon is Not supposed to break,...\" Nikon brings the picture home \" , I do remember that slogan..and my Nikon`s always have.

So why a Bigger diameter flange for the same sensor size, as can be easily seen, the F-flange can cope with f 0.95 speeds....but perhaps Nikon has an f 0.5 lens in the making ? that would be nice, yet it seems to me that the whole Z thing is a hap-haZard adventure..

If , Nikon has some new mirrorless camera technology up their sleeve, then why not with the F-mount ?...

The comment that is expressing concerns about incorporating wi-fi and geo tagging , does not take into consideration that such technology has been unaltered , ...the problem is with the expensive add-ons that were made to be compatible with a particular model only, yes, new standards have been introduced , But without making the old standards obsolete....the GPS I bought Ten years ago gets updated every year for a modest phone updates for free...even my METZ flashes can be updated ...for Free , ....all of those things can be done without resorting to a New flange.

There are those that can shed light on this better than I can , f.ex. :

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by jk: Fri Jul 5th, 2019 04:40 11th Post
Interesting comments that I tend to agree with in the case of the Fstoppers article.  I find the results from my Z7 to be outstanding and the images look great large but then again so do images from my D850 and D800.
What we need is a camera with a sensor with greater dynamic range so that we can take photographs that reproduce what we see without needing to manipulate the image via HDR techniques to achieve this.
This is where the first article on the dynamic range of different cameras sensors comes into play.  I am pleased that my Z7 and D850 produce as good dynamic range (~11.6), and the Fuji XT3 is (~10.35).  Compared to the Fuji GFX50 medium format is only ~(11.6) and not as high as the new Fuji GFX100 (~12.3) but staying on the FX format camera is giving me best of both.  Ultimately it is a personal choice of capability versus ultimate specification.

I am very happy with my cameras and lenses and yes occasionally I upgrade but I am now satisfied with their general specification, I now want lighter lenses and better dynamic range sensors but I have been saying that for a while.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by GeoffR: Mon Jul 8th, 2019 06:01 12th Post
novicius wrote:
A Digital F...would be Exactly that...Looking like an F being Digital , as in All that ,say ,a D6 could do..WiFi and Geotagging are of Importance to Many incl. me, and I`m a Retiree , many ,if not Most pro`s require that by now, witness the fact that the stuff is for sale ,and as mentioned for a Hefty sum, while it costs practically next to nothing in manufacture, and since when does Nikon listen to anyone ???..several reviewers have complained about exactly the opposite..

About that digital F....imagine the camera as is ,incl. it`s Low weight but spec'ed with electronics incl. metering/autofocus and everything, interchangeable finders with a photomic having a metering range of Lunasix F class...interchangeable backs with sensors of different characteristics , something that Leica does with different camera´s and is being rather successful with it ..from the get go the F is designed as a System - Camera , making it probably the most successful as over a million were produced, unrivalled by any.....a Digital version could reach an even Higher success using all Nikkor retro focus lenses ever made, as Lens continuity has been part of the driving force behind Nikon`s success....somewhat flopped by the introduction of the G-lenses,..I have some, and I can use my TC converters on those with Full lens opening Only !!

OK, that makes some sense but it is worth considering that Nikon stopped producing interchangeable finders after the F5. The F6 and later D series cameras didn't have one. There were four finders for the F5, the standard one, a waist level finder, a magnified waist level finder and a sports finder. The waist level finders become redundant with the Z series because the articulated screen does the job.

As far as I know the only interchangeable digital back for an SLR was the Leica Digital Modul R which wasn't a particular success, backs for MF digitals seem to work well enough but I am not sure the bulk would be acceptable for an SLR.

The Photomic head was an after thought to allow metering with a body that didn't have it built in, it is redundant today with metering cells in the bottom of the mirror box and beside the eyepiece. If you had interchangeable finders in the same was as the F5 you would still have the mirrorbox sensor. I don't see what a Photomic head would achieve.

You don't mention it but I assume you want Auto Focus and full compatibility with lenses from Pre-AI to the very latest. I think that might be challenging as you would need a means to adjust the aperture on G series and later lenses without aperture rings, a means of coupling rabbit ears on Pre-AI lenses and some means of inhibiting Shutter priority with anything before AI-S. A mechanically complex design.

I have already explained that adding Wi-Fi and GPS, while it may be relatively cheap, isn't necessarily in the photographer's best interest. My WT2a isn't compatible with my wife's 2009 MacBook Pro because the security protocols have changed since the WT2 was introduced. A camera with built in Wi-Fi would no longer be able to connect but might still drain the battery. Likewise since 2005 Wi-Fi has moved to include the 5GHz band and the WT2 can't go there either. A demand for more space on the 2.5GHz band could see that shifted from Wi-Fi making any camera with only 2.5GHz Wi-Fi unable to connect. It limits the life of the camera. Which is why I am prepared to forego Wi-Fi in a camera. Yes I still occasionally use the D2X and D2Xs and they work as well today as they did in 2006.

GPS has undergone some changes too, WAAS, and LAAS, being just two of them. Navigational GPS systems also have to be SA aware and/or SA immune but but you can't add those functions/capabilities to a system built into a camera. For me the GPS adaptors sold on-line are a much better solution as they can be replaced when technology moves on, they are also GOLNASS and Galileo compatible.

I am sure Nikon could build a Digital F but they would have to be sure of making a profit. Given that such a camera would be mechanically complex (expensive) and, to some extent, niche market I really don't see them doing so. I like the idea but I couldn't afford to buy one.

Posted by GeoffR: Mon Jul 8th, 2019 06:07 13th Post
I think many long term Nikon users are frustrated by modern Nikon cameras. I blame Nikon for sticking so rigidly to the F mount, sure the bayonet itself remains unchanged but pretty much everything around it has moved on. With hindsight it would have been better to do what Canon did and change the lens mount in 1988 when AF became popular. That way there wouldn't be the compatibility problems that provoke so much discussion.

Today's Nikon F mount is a very different beast from 1959's F mount but still long term users want to mount their 60 year-old lenses on 2019 bodies.

Posted by jk: Mon Jul 8th, 2019 06:41 14th Post
GeoffR wrote:
I think many long term Nikon users are frustrated by modern Nikon cameras. I blame Nikon for sticking so rigidly to the F mount, sure the bayonet itself remains unchanged but pretty much everything around it has moved on. With hindsight it would have been better to do what Canon did and change the lens mount in 1988 when AF became popular. That way there wouldn't be the compatibility problems that provoke so much discussion.

Today's Nikon F mount is a very different beast from 1959's F mount but still long term users want to mount their 60 year-old lenses on 2019 bodies.
I think there is a very large amount of truth in this.  However we as mature or long term users of the brand also need to be aware that we need to look forward and embrace change.
There will be many new changes coming in the next 5 years so that most mechanical parts on cameras will be removed.  For example the mechanical shutter will be retired as the global shutter (electronic on/off switching of the sensor and saving to memory card) takes over and becomes cheaper to implement into cameras.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by GeoffR: Mon Jul 8th, 2019 11:02 15th Post
jk wrote:
I think there is a very large amount of truth in this.  However we as mature or long term users of the brand also need to be aware that we need to look forward and embrace change.
There will be many new changes coming in the next 5 years so that most mechanical parts on cameras will be removed.  For example the mechanical shutter will be retired as the global shutter (electronic on/off switching of the sensor and saving to memory card) takes over and becomes cheaper to implement into cameras.
I have no doubt that in a very few years the only home for a pre-AF-S lens will be on a 2019 or earlier Nikon. Although a Pre-AI lens can be used on some fairly recent bodies I get the impression that Nikon would rather one didn't do it.

Posted by novicius: Mon Jul 8th, 2019 13:30 16th Post
Interesting comments indeed, the Digital F should have been like the FUJI GFX 100, now that`s the Camera Nikon should have made ,a slightly bigger sensor with a lot more pixels yet still of reasonable size `tho it would have to have an Slr screen and Interchangeable finders.

The F was mentioned as a D6 caliber camera, and the Photomic would be like the Canon booster made for the Ft camera, improving the range considerably, such like the Lunasix F.

That EVF is still No match for an Slr`s screen...and although I have a DR-3 ( Anglefinder ) I still would like the waist level finder...something the FUJI-Hasselblad Still offers,...assuming that I do n`t need this and do n`t need that , will / does make me turn my back and look elsewhere..

All the Electronic Compatibility issues can and are by many makes fixed thru` software.

Ofcourse Nikon does Not want `ye olde Nikkors to be mounted any longer, they want to sell lenses, understandably enough as Nikon is a maker of Lenses.

Point is , even I , a reasonably loyal Nikoneer have started to " flirt " with other makes....with marriage to follow perhaps.

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by GeoffR: Mon Jul 8th, 2019 18:02 17th Post
novicius wrote:

All the Electronic Compatibility issues can and are by many makes fixed through software.
Yes indeed but the mechanical compatibility issues, of which there are many, can't be fixed in software and it is the mechanical rather than the electronic issues that would make a Digital F unaffordable.

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