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Just dropped my D800E  Rating:  Rating

Posted by glocke12: Mon Jan 6th, 2014 18:27 1st Post
Well, it finally happened. After owning 3 different DX bodies over the past 8 years, the one camera that I managed to drop was the expensive D800E after a little over 1 week of ownership.

I had my camera bag on the front seat of my car, and have trained myself to ALWAYS check the zippers before I pick it up...Well, today was the one time that training failed and as I went to pick up the bag, the camera slipped out and fell about 2-3 feet onto the ground (a mix of gravel and dirt is what it landed on).

It looks like it hit back first. Only visible damage were some specs of something that seemed to have worked loose and were visible in the viewfinder. A few gentle puffs from a hurricane blower took care of those.

One thing I noticed, and I am not sure if it was there before, is that there is a "rattle" sound when the flash is closed and the camera is shaken gently. When the flash is open I do not hear this. Might be normal? I hear it on my D7000 also..

Other than it seems to be working ok. I took a couple of test shots and they seem fine.

So, is there anything I should be checking ? Would this warrant a trip to NIkon USA ??

Posted by jk: Mon Jan 6th, 2014 18:39 2nd Post
It is a Nikon from its professional range so it is built to take 'hammer'.
I think you will find that it might have the odd scratch but it will be OK.
Anyway you have nearly two years of warranty left ;-)

I had a Nikon F Photomic that bounced across a road. I was running to catch a news story picture in London and the camera strap broke. The camera with motordrive and lens bounced across the road but it still worked perfectly until I sold it three years later!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by MaxSouthOz: Mon Jan 6th, 2014 20:06 3rd Post
My D 7000 rattles, as well.

Posted by Robert: Tue Jan 7th, 2014 03:13 4th Post
I believe this is one reason why the 'pro' bodies are expensive, they are made to take the rough and tumble of real time use. My D1 (which cost more than the D800 in it's day) fell four feet onto solid concrete and didn't even show a mark! Two feet onto gravel/dirt is a cushioned landing!

Training needs to be backed up with experiences... I am willing to bet you won't leave the zip open again. :needsahug:

Don't try it with the D7000, may not be the same happy ending. :devil:


Posted by glocke12: Tue Jan 7th, 2014 07:02 5th Post
Robert wrote:

Training needs to be backed up with experiences... I am willing to bet you won't leave the zip open again. :needsahug::

Hopefully not...

After taking many, many photos last night testing out the AF and other things, I think the camera will be ok, but only time will tell.

I guess I need to look into insurance. Suggestions ? Rider on my homeowners policy? Camrea store also offered accidental drop/damage coverage also but that was $350.00 for three years (included free cleanings and loaner cameras also).

Posted by novicius: Wed Jan 8th, 2014 00:02 6th Post
glocke12 wrote:  Camrea store also offered accidental drop/damage coverage also but that was $350.00 for three years (included free cleanings and loaner cameras also).

That `s not bad .

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

1st new
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