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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6842
Today Nikon released information on the new V3 mirrorless camera.
This camera is 18MP and has a 1" sensor so provide x2.7 magnification compared to FX.

In addition they have released a 70-300 (FX equivalent 190-810mm) and a revised  10-30mm (FX equivalent 27-81mm).


Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
that big lens does make it look interesting .hmmmmm


Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6842
You knew that Nikon would tempt you back didnt you Jeff!

Nice to see you back.
I trust the rains have been kind to you.


Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Sausalito, California USA
Posts: 616
Ho hum...


Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
jk wrote:
You knew that Nikon would tempt you back didnt you Jeff!

Nice to see you back.
I trust the rains have been kind to you.

no not tempted yet JK ,it does look interesting with that big lens ,but having run through all the tests on i.q with eric when i had my v2 its just a ploy ,you don't actually gain any further reach ,any more than switching to crop mode on a d7100 will do ,its a fantastic marketing ploy but thats all it is ,theres absolutely no advantage in the final image .

as for the rains ,what rains we have had hardly any here and even the night of the big storm the mountains behind us lifted it over the top of the house ,the other side off the dee estuary facing the wind copped it bad though .

i think i have found my niche' with my 1DMKiii its all down to image quality at the end of the day and even at 10mp it has it galore .


Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6842
Good to know you are safe from the weather.

The V3 is not for me. The IQ out of the sensor of the V1 (10MP) and the V3 (18MP) wont be greatly different and I really dont think that a x2.7 crop sensor will yield images of sufficient quality to keep us happy.

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