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360º 'Product' PhotographyAny tips or idea's?  Rate Topic 

Posted by Robert: Sun Nov 26th, 2017 02:47 1st Post
A friend has a piece of Hematite, quite a spectacular piece, about 100mm (4 inches) in diameter, very heavy, black with dark grey and faint dark red/brown markings/streaks. It's roughly spherical but with a rosetted fracture mark where it may have separated from another piece of Hematite. I believe it's of the type known as 'kidney ore' and they were sometimes found in clusters. Hematite is known to be brittle and has an almost glass like feel.

The local area was famed for the finest Hematite deposits in the world in the mid to late 19th century, some mining continued until the mid 20th century. It was the foundation for the prosperity of Furness area, railway rails and pig iron for further processing, were the main products, the rails were exported around the world.

This is the only piece of Hematite ore I have seen in the flesh and to handle. It's quite spectacular and I believe an outstanding example. I want to photograph it but am unsure how to capture the piece to do it justice. I feel that it really needs recording so that others can see this lovely example and examine it closely if they wish.

Given my recent attempts at 360/180º landscapes, my thoughts turn towards 360º imaging, in this case inwards, rather than outwards. I would need fine detail, a depth of good focus of about 2 to 3 inches and presumably a longish focal length (~105mm?) to avoid the distortion which a wider angle lens would produce.

From what I can gather, about 24 images around a subject are good but perhaps it also needs a 'zenith' and 'nadir' image too? It can be placed on a turntable or a bearing to rotate it.

I have searched 360º product photography but what I am finding seems entirely commercially orientated, with very expensive software or licences to host the images on specialised servers.

I have been pondering this for a year or more but I need to actually do something, the owner is elderly and in poor health. I currently have permission to photograph it, that could change, so any suggestions are welcome.


Posted by jk: Mon Nov 27th, 2017 03:58 2nd Post
Got no experince of 360 photos. They always seem artificial to me!

Light tent or diffuse lighting would be my first thought but it depends on how shiny it is and the quality of the light it is photographed by.
I would want to used diffused flash to ensure that I got greatest amount of detail captured.

I guess you could photograph it using HDR at 1stop intervals.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Mon Nov 27th, 2017 04:46 3rd Post
I accept the 360º photos are artificial but they can convey a lot more to the viewer than a simple 2D photograph. Also depends on the way it's done, some are stunning!

Thanks JK, yes the lighting could be very important, I was thinking of using my two SB800 units with diffusers. That texture it has is pretty fine, almost like an orange but very much finer.

My understanding is these globes were created during volcanic eruptions a while back, the hematite formed a ball by magnetic attraction and massive surface tension, rather like a drip of water, as the material cooled it shrank and caused the micro rippling/dimples which is the outer surface texture. This is one reason why I want the viewer to be able to zoom into the image so see this texture, so lighting is going to be very important.

I am also interested to know if the hematite reacts at all under UV light. There may be some fluorescent reaction...

My greatest obstacle is the software side. Because this is a niche aspect of photography, mainly used by large companies trying to make their products appeal to their customers, they aren't keen to share the information about their toys, or the software to create or display these images.

On the whole this isn't an area which has attracted the keen DIY photographer who thrives on innovation in the same way as 360º panoramas do. 360cities pano's are proliferating on Google Earth at an amazing rate. I have just looked at The Faroe Islands on Google Earth and was amazed how many 360º panoramas there are now. Even of relatively mundane locations.

This is an example of what I am trying to achieve:


Posted by jk: Mon Nov 27th, 2017 05:00 4th Post
Do you have any preliminary photos?

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Mon Nov 27th, 2017 06:57 5th Post
Good point, I don't think I have, I will pop round and try to get some.

Grabbed these off of Google... :sssshh:

Attachment: Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 11.54.21.jpg (Downloaded 13 times)


Posted by Robert: Mon Nov 27th, 2017 07:03 6th Post
That's a bit off with the white balance, it's about that size but more spherical.

This gives some idea of the structure and is more accurate colour wise.

You can get some idea of the micro texture on the first image in the semi highlight areas. Sort of contraction rippling, presumably acquired as it cooled from a molten glob.

Attachment: Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 11.55.58.jpg (Downloaded 13 times)


Posted by aartiasthana: Fri Feb 16th, 2018 05:59 7th Post
You can checkout Movense 360 degree product photography which is one of the fastest and easiest solutions in the market to capture 360 product spins within seconds.
If you want to know more information about this app or categories related, then you can visit here: -

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