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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
I have been absent from here for a few years and lots of stuff passes in that time , a few years ago a friend of mine put me on to a company that deals with the theft and subsequent re-use of our images for commercial gain

the company is PIXSY.COM

and I signed up to there system , they link to wherever you have posted published your images and no matter how safe you think your pics are rest assured there not . and trust me its just not your best images that get stolen anything is fair game even holiday snaps .

I found quiet a few of my images being used commercially and instructed PIXSY to chase them up , they dont work for nothing and take 50% of any payout but half of something with no work is better than half of nothing ...

the end result is I had several payouts last year totalling in excess of 2 grand a couple of them being £500 plus and they ranged from a large American catering company using one of my shots as its logo to a international travel firm using a holiday snap of mine in its catalogue .

at present they are chasing a few national papers for me over a image to .. made more from this than from actually selling images :readthis:


Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
I know what you mean Jeff.

I've just nicked your fieldfare for my christmas cards. :lol:


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066

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