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How Was This Achieved?Faster than a bullet?  Rate Topic 

Posted by Robert: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 03:12 1st Post
I just spotted this photograph on the BBC news website...

Note the shell freshly emerged from the gun. It must be at maximum velocity, it appears fairly sharp, although it's a small image.

It's not flash, because the shell is in silhouette so it can only be a VERY fast shutter speed. Was this a normal camera or perhaps a posed capture with a special high speed camera?

Attachment: Screen Shot 2012-11-21 at 08.05.01.jpg (Downloaded 67 times)


Posted by jk: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 04:26 2nd Post
Lucky timing!
Muzzle velocity is 800m/sec so even at 1/1000 then it will have travelled about 1 metre. At 1/8000 it would have traveled 10cms which might yield a sharp image for a picture shown at a slmall size.

Could be photoshopped in ;-)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Squarerigger: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 08:58 3rd Post
Projectile on a very strong string. Scares the hell out of the enemy and still falls in line with military spending cut backs.

On a more serious note, I have seen numerous photos like this. I asked someone involved with artillery R&D and was told it was using an infrared trigger device. Don't know the science but something to do with gases being pushed ahead of the projectile. Can't verify any of this, just hearsay.


Posted by blackfox: Wed Nov 21st, 2012 13:53 4th Post
if its a u.k military shot they will have had time to set up a i/r trigger device .if its one from the current middle east situation then its probably luck .it can be done as per pictures in mags etc ,one american firm specialises in these triggers a friend of mine has just bought one for water drop photography

Posted by TomOC: Sat Nov 24th, 2012 23:40 5th Post
It's a trick photo from the NRA to make you think big guns are cool :-)

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by Eric: Sun Nov 25th, 2012 10:55 6th Post
I once did a golf tee shot like that...but from in front!

Fortunately I had a golf pro (safely) slicing it a bit over my left shoulder. Ended up with a loooong white smudged ball...even at 1/4000th. Needed a quick CS addition to get the finished look. ;-)


Posted by Iain: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 07:29 7th Post
With a side view it is possible, using Eric's golf ball I have had a few in the past with a golf ball a few feet in front of the club head.

I'll see if I can find one.

Posted by Ray Ninness: Tue Dec 25th, 2012 10:36 8th Post
TomOC wrote: It's a trick photo from the NRA to make you think big guns are cool :-)
They aren't??? Say it ain't so, and after all those years of collecting???

Sort of like chasing Megapixels?? Right??? :-)

Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

Posted by Ray Ninness: Tue Dec 25th, 2012 10:42 9th Post
My very first Strob unit was an Ultra-Blitz circa 1956 or so.. The recycle time was measured with and egg time, but the flash duration was a spectacular 1/30,000 of a second.. But it had a guide number of about 25 with ASA 100 film..To get a good image you basically left the film in the developer, went to lunch, and removed, when you were done!!!   But you could read the name on a basket ball in flight!! :-)

Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

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