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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

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Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
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Taken with the new to me 70-200mm f2.8 G ED VR - my newly built herb bed and its first inhabitants - parsley, chives, mint, thyme and basil.

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Very posh


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Well my woodland walk through the bottom of the garden is completed. When the leaves fall we will due some canopy lopping to get a bit more light into the area for woodland plants/shrubs still to be added. Having a rest for a week (medical reasons) but then plan to make some nest boxes for the area.

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I reused our old front garden gate as a fun feature.


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Looks good Eric.
Want another job?  I would like a similar one in my woods.  It is up a slope though so a little more difficult and strenuous.


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Nice 


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My wife has insisted a warning message must be displayed on entry to the woodland walk .

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Are you sure that should not read "on" :lol:

Graham Whistler

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From our garden today with Sony RX10 Camera

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A lovely display there Graham…and not a bug to be seen!!,!

How do you do it? Do you air blast them off before taking the photo? ;-)

I’ve been doing my own Garden Project since coming back from Bempton……it’s called serious weeding. The place is overrun with them. 

Jan however, has been using her iPhone ….while I was doing the hard slog. :needsahug:

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Unusually….there is a shortage of bugs on her shots (apart from 1) this time… which sort of confirms the view that this years poor Spring weather has hit the bugs hard….and their shortage will in turn hit the small birds too.

Graham Whistler

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Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
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Looks like your garden flowers are also doing very well, super photos Eric. We have just picked our first hand-full of runner beans. I have been hand pollenating with an art paint brush and it works!  No bees and very few insects apart from some black fly.


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Graham Whistler wrote:
Looks like your garden flowers are also doing very well, super photos Eric. We have just picked our first hand-full of runner beans. I have been hand pollenating with an art paint brush and it works!  No bees and very few insects apart from some black fly. Well I couldn’t think of anyone more adept at using an art brush, to take over bee duties. My only regret is you wouldn’t be able to take on national coverage. :-)

Graham Whistler

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Posts: 1866
Eric I just took this Orchid for Jan

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Graham Whistler wrote:
Eric I just took this Orchid for Jan

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You have actually stumped her …as she doesn’t know that one. She said to say “thank you”.

You obviously had to venture deep into the jungle to find that one. ;-)


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New addition to the garden!

Jan quickly adds “TEMPORARY”.

Had a break from photography and general laying about to fit 2 new toilets [Actually it was a hat trick, because I modified the caravan toilet as well, so 3 toilets sorted] 

No one seems to want them for unusual garden plant holders (including the wife) so my next job will be smashing them up for the bin….what a waste.:needsahug:

So they sit in this quiet corner of the garden awaiting their fate. 

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Joined: Thu Feb 7th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
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Put them on Ebay or donate them to local reclamation yard?   Block the outlets and sink them in the ground to make a water feature?


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chrisbet wrote:
Put them on Ebay or donate them to local reclamation yard?   Block the outlets and sink them in the ground to make a water feature? The local recycling centre want £5 a piece to drop them off!! No wonder people fly tip.

No takers on Market place but haven’t tried eBay. I am afraid I tire of getting rid of things on the internet…too many time wasters.

Our garden is to open in character for them to work here.  Needs a small cottage garden style place.

Current theme is Blue

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