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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Posts: 224
I think we tried this once before. How about posting some images of where we live so that the other members get an idea of our environments.

I'll kick off with this panorama taken just above my house. First chance this weekend to get out without rain.

Five D800 images stitched together in PS6 (yes that gives a 767 Mb file), cropped to 546 Mb, flattened to 235 Mb, dimensions reduced to 5000 pixels, then saved to maximum 500 kb size. The original TIF has to be seen to be believed. No PP at all.


Attachment: Panorama1.jpg (Downloaded 49 times)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Bet it looks even better 'in the flesh' Ed!

Not sure if this qualifies because I only stay there part time with my children but will add it anyway.

It's a view I see every sunset but between houses, so I determined to make something of it last week and took a short walk, 50 metres? with the D5100 to capture the sunset, which turned out to be a quite reasonable one.

D5100, 18-105 f3.5-5.6 VR at 24mm, 1/1000 Sec @ f10. Taken as an NEF.

Entirely in Lightroom 3 with minimal adjustments. Exposure was spot on, I upped the saturation slightly, boosted the black to get rid of faint images in the foreground and a little sharpening, oh, and I did a spot graduation selection on the sun to locally reduce the exposure a little because it was glaring a bit.

I added the copyright and border in Photoshop. Saved as TIFF and did Shift+Command+4 to make a JPEG screen grab of it, which is what you are seeing! How low tech can you get!

Attachment: Crag Bank Sunset pano web.jpg (Downloaded 45 times)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Here you go.
XP1 35mm f1.4 lens shooting in Panorama mode.

Straight out the camera (XPro1) downsized and uploaded.
Like Robert literally 50 metres from my house.

View from top of the hill.

Attachment: XP1-1-1043a.jpg (Downloaded 41 times)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Shooting in the other direction.

Attachment: XP1-1-1047a.jpg (Downloaded 35 times)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
and the next 90 degrees.  These three images when stitched would represent about a 270 degree view.

Attachment: XP1-1-1048a.jpg (Downloaded 35 times)

Ed Matusik

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 187
Lovely country JK. - EdM

Ed Matusik

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 187
A shot from our fields.



Attachment: Summer-in-the-Valley.jpg (Downloaded 16 times)

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