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will it fit ??  Rating:  Rating

Posted by blackfox: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 02:27 1st Post
often see a lot of lenses for sale with this metal tab on the side (the silver bit with two screws)
the question is will it fit and possibly even work on a d7000 or d300 ,not entirely sure what the lens mount is designated as so cant look it up on my chart

Posted by Robert: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 03:08 2nd Post
Hi Jeff, you don't mention what the lens is.

I think it may be a 28mm f2.8 but the numbers are very out of focus. The rabbits ears are for the very early aperture link to the auto exposure. You can ignore the rabbit's ears, unless they foul on the body in which case unscrew them, but don't throw them away.

This lens is almost certainly an AI or AIS because of the ridge which stops just behind the f16 mark about two thirds of the way from f11 to f16 which would be correct for an f2.8 lens.

I notice it has a mark for focus correction for IR (infra red), not sure if it's a good performer though, I would have to look it up. It's MF (manual focus)

Regarding fitment, I don't think it will be much use on the D7000 because it won't meter with that lens I don't think. The D300 on the other hand has a list of lenses which you can select from in the menu, select 28mm, OK, then select the aperture, in this case 2.8, OK that then it should meter and record the lens details on the EXIF of each image made with that lens.

It was part of the f2.8 non zoom lens program that Nikon produced over many years. MAY even still be available. Not very popular because of the MF and not being zoom.


Posted by Robert: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 03:29 3rd Post
Jeff, What is the closest focus it will make?


Posted by Gilbert Sandberg: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 04:11 4th Post

re: a lot of lenses for sale.
To me, it looks like any run-of-the-mill third party lens from ca 1977-1990 before AF came into fashion.
There is a reason for the moderate price for lenses like this:
There are many to go around and few people want them.

Functionally it is equal to the Ai and Ai-s lenses from Nikon.
Q: do you want to own and use a lens like this?
I do not, I own more and better original Nikon lenses of the era.
If one were given a lens like this, it might be nice to play aroud with on a rainy day, but little more.
On current-day camera's (like your D300, but not the budget ones) Nikon includes an Ai-coupling ring and tab on the camera body.
The so called rabbit ears (you describe as the silver bit) is designed for coupling with pre-1977 cameras.
Regards, Gilbert

Posted by jk: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 05:32 5th Post
I'd have to agree with Gilbert.
The lens is a non-Nikon Ai mount with meter coupling prong. This dates it to approx 1980. It is a 28mm f2.8 which since it is a cheaper lens from the 1980 period probably has horrible chromatic aberration so it has low value but maybe higher interest value.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 12:59 6th Post
If it were a genuine Nikon lens it would have been a very good one, esp if it had the 200mm close focus, because they are CFC. Equivalent to a 42mm on DX that could be a very handy length.

It seems it isn't a Nikon lens so I agree it's value is very low, although occasionally these lenses can throw up surprises.

A 28 f2.8 is on my list of wanted lenses but what I really want is a 20mm f3.5.

Not interested in fancy zooms, I prefer the older non zooms. I have an 18-105 but I only use it for snapshots, it's way too slow.


Posted by blackfox: Sat Jan 12th, 2013 13:14 7th Post
i gave it a miss in the end ,it would have been cheap but i'll hold on

Posted by Bob Bowen: Mon Jan 14th, 2013 11:25 8th Post
Robert. I know I had a Nikon 20mm 2.8 and can't remember getting rid of it. I'll have a hunt if you are interested. Found the 24mm 2.8 so must be getting warm!

Bob Bowen

Posted by Robert: Mon Jan 14th, 2013 12:55 9th Post
Oooo! Maybe the gods are smiling after all?

It's the CFC (Close Focus Corrected) which focuses down to 200mm Bob, my LFCS has the other one which only goes down to 300mm.

Thanks Bob. I want it for my PB4 Bellows to use for negative copying. The 55 Micro is OK but it's a bit long, it is hard to get full frame without a lot of fiddling, and the DoF is a bit more forgiving with the 28mm.


Posted by Peter_LO: Fri Jan 18th, 2013 11:30 10th Post
...focus down to 200mm with CFC...

I reckon you're talking about this (Ai-S 28/2.8), Robert?

It's my most often used lens indeed, sharp, easy to focus and very well built.

A word of warning though: as this is a CFC lens, sample variation can be a problem. In fact, the copy I bought in Tokyo is much sharper than the one I bought in HK.

Attachment: DS232487-s.jpg (Downloaded 44 times)

Posted by jk: Fri Jan 18th, 2013 12:48 11th Post
Peter_LO wrote: ...focus down to 200mm with CFC...

I reckon you're talking about this (Ai-S 28/2.8), Robert?

It's my most often used lens indeed, sharp, easy to focus and very well built.

A word of warning though: as this is a CFC lens, sample variation can be a problem. In fact, the copy I bought in Tokyo is much sharper than the one I bought in HK.

Better be careful Peter.  With two copies of that lens Robert will be coming to visit you.

Talking about coming to visit you........
I have a wedding to photograph in HongKong next February so I'll be across then.  Beware I might need your 24mm F3.5 PCE to take back to Spain with me.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Fri Jan 18th, 2013 15:56 12th Post
Peter_LO wrote:
...focus down to 200mm with CFC...

I reckon you're talking about this (Ai-S 28/2.8), Robert?

It's my most often used lens indeed, sharp, easy to focus and very well built.

A word of warning though: as this is a CFC lens, sample variation can be a problem. In fact, the copy I bought in Tokyo is much sharper than the one I bought in HK.

That's the one Peter, the sharp one please! LOL :devil:

Bj¸rn R¸rslet recommended it to me years ago when I got my PB4 bellows to use to copy slides ands negatives, I have enquired about one wherever I have been. My contact can get one... At a price. I checked various offerings out on eBay but none were actually the CFC version when it came down to it.

I think it would be a good lens for 'standard' on the DX, very roughly equivalent of the 45mm pancake, which is the classic length I believe, just short of the standard 50mm lens.

So is anyone is wanting rid of a 28mm f2.8 CFC lens I would be interested.


Posted by jk: Fri Jan 18th, 2013 18:52 13th Post
What makes it the desirable version of the 28mm f2.8 ?
What manufacture dates and/or serial numbers?

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sat Jan 19th, 2013 06:44 14th Post
The fact that it's CFC.

Don't know about dates etc, I just look for the 200mm closest focus.

Will look that up later, minot crisis here, stupid PC (NOT mine) computers not reading USB memory stick > 4Gb. Grrrr.


Posted by jk: Sat Jan 19th, 2013 10:37 15th Post
Robert wrote: The fact that it's CFC.

Don't know about dates etc, I just look for the 200mm closest focus.

Will look that up later, minot crisis here, stupid PC (NOT mine) computers not reading USB memory stick > 4Gb. Grrrr.
If it is Mac Journalled File System then a Windows PC hasnt a clue!!
In fact if it is not FAT32 then it may/will struggle if USB stick has been between a Mac and a Windows machine.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Peter_LO: Sat Jan 19th, 2013 13:23 16th Post
jk wrote:

Better be careful Peter.  With two copies of that lens Robert will be coming to visit you.

Talking about coming to visit you........
I have a wedding to photograph in HongKong next February so I'll be across then.  Beware I might need your 24mm F3.5 PCE to take back to Spain with me.

You're welcome JK...beware of the PC-E 24 as it's addicitvely sharp and versatile and you may end up buying the entire series.:devil:

Posted by blackfox: Sat Jan 19th, 2013 13:44 17th Post
in the end i bought a tokina 19-35mm f3.5 a/f .works perfectly on both my cameras and once you hit f4 its super sharp from then on .got it at a reasonable price to it stands me just over £50 .

so impressed with that one i took the plunge again last night and bought another tokina this time a SZ-X 80-200 macro zoom in AIS mount .so thats gonna be manual focus only ,but i got it for £25 so can't really complain .

Posted by Peter_LO: Sat Jan 19th, 2013 13:45 18th Post
Robert wrote:
The fact that it's CFC.

Don't know about dates etc, I just look for the 200mm closest focus.

Will look that up later, minot crisis here, stupid PC (NOT mine) computers not reading USB memory stick > 4Gb. Grrrr.

It shouldn't be difficult to get the version that focuses down to 200mm as it's the current version Nikon still produces.

Posted by jk: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 04:23 19th Post
I guess this is one Robert

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 04:57 20th Post
Yes that's the one JK, not a bad price bur with 40 bids i would expect it to go beyond £150 which is probably about right for a half decent example.

I thought that was the lens Jeff had found in the first post of this thread, I hadn't realised it was a cheap copy, it wasn't obvious. The original question was about the 'rabbit ears' and the ability to marry with newer cameras.


Posted by jk: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 05:35 21st Post
Seems like a nice lens to have but I have the 20mm f2.8.

The rabbit ears dont mess with the pentaprism for new DSLR cameras so the ears dont have to come off any more. Another nice touch by Nikon.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 05:39 22nd Post
I have the 20-2.8 too but the 28 CFC 2.8 is a completely different lens which does a completely different job. It's quite a specialised lens but a very useful one or would be to me.


Posted by blackfox: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 06:19 23rd Post
nice bit of info in that advert re the removal of the rabbits ears and there functionality . which as rob pointed out was my initial enquiry .at the moment happy with my tokina purchase .makes you wonder how many out there don't realise the quality of the older lenses .

while browsing e/bay during the week i found myself drooling over a very cheap hasslebad and also took a second look at a couple of mamiya c330 tlr's which i had back in the 60's and 70's hmmmmmmm o.O

Posted by jk: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 06:36 24th Post
The only problem with the Hasselblad's is the price of a digital back!! Even a low end one will set you back £5K.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 06:48 25th Post
Are the 'early' digital backs not coming down in price since they must be obsolete for 'serious' users?

The other way of course is to revert to film!!! for a Hass or Bronica, I still miss my S2A Bronica. Then scan the negatives.

I saw some seriously cheap Hass's at MLFCS last year one was even motor drive.


Posted by jk: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 06:54 26th Post
Film what is that?

The older Hasselblads dont link with the digital backs very well so you need to wind on to set the shutter on the Hasselblad and then also set the digital back.   Not that that would be a real problem if you were working with a 6x6 format camera in studio or on a tripod.   The 5x4 camera working in the studio was always this way so if you were downsizing in format then it wouldnt be an issue.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 08:18 27th Post
No doubt some enterprising soul could lace four D200 sensors together to make a cheap back but probably far more trouble than it's worth.

Going back to the lenses,these older lenses are still as good as they were, provided they don't have fungus of course. Anyone wanting really good lenses need look no further. Unless of course they want to use them on a D800.


Posted by jk: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 12:14 28th Post
The other downside is that with the modern Hasselblads is that the sensor size has been reduced to ~49mm x 36.7mm rather than the film 60x60mm.

There are two selectable image formats: square (29 megapixel, 5412x5412) and rectangular (39 megapixel, 5412x7212 pixels). ISO speeds range from 50 to 800.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 13:03 29th Post
hmmmm the lens thread bit has got me thinking though jonathan .seems like a half decent idea to have a section for lens reviews ancient and modern ,with compatibility with cameras etc and a hands on review (possibly with pictures per lens ) as i have found it hard to track down reviews on these couple of lenses i have just bought .

theres a wealth of info within this forum that SHOULD i.m.h.o be passed on for the benefit of others .i know that photography on the net .forum has a seperate lens review section but its basically for canon lenses .we could do better i,m sure

Posted by jk: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 13:34 30th Post
Robert was doing that item on the old forum and hopefully we got that all downloading.

Maybe when he has finished his Marlin project he could load it into a reference section in the Lenses forum.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 15:34 31st Post
Yes, with my miserly attitude to lenses, I have a strong interest in the olden golden Nikkors.

Perhaps my favourite is my 105mm f2.5. Wish list: 20mm f3.5, EL nikkor metal 75mm f4.5 and a good fisheye. I would also LOVE a 105mm f4 UV Nikkor...

But at ~£4,500 it will always remain a dream.

Much of my reference has been made to Bj¸rn R¸rslett's website.

Bj¸rn has no axe to grind, and isn't worried about calling a spade a spade.

There are several other valuable websites:




AI -AIS etc...


CPU - or not? ....

AF Lenses...

Fisheye lenses...

The site has a huge wealth of info on the older bodies, lenses, accessories and exotics, including the extendable tele lenses which all shared the same back focusing section and different interchangeable front sections which gave (from memory) three different focal lengths. (four!)

And so on... I have hundreds of Links to Nikkor websites and pages.

I keep meaning to post a list of my links, but I can't believe anybody else would be that interested in the minutia of Nikkor lenses. Reading all of the info on the websites and pages in this short extract list would keep me busy for many days.


Posted by jk: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 16:15 32nd Post
Well that was a rapid finish to the Marlin project.

Great work Robert.

If you find a source for the 105 f4 UV then I'll have one but not at the current market price.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 16:50 33rd Post
I know a man who has some, but I doubt any amount of € will prise one from his grasp!

I understand they are still available new from Nippon Kogaku special products. Also Coastal optics n the US make an equivalent which is well spoken of but no cheaper.

Marlin not finished!

More a case of waiting for funds to catch up with aspirations!!!

I postponed the MOT because of the weather, I didn't fancy trailering the Marlin behind the Astra on the A590 in these conditions. Big hills and ice/snow are not ideal for trailer towing.

Then I have the registration to deal with...


Posted by blackfox: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 18:20 34th Post
know the feelings about funds rob ,to many bargains to be had in january i,m afraid .and i always used to reckon that feb was the worst month of the year for cash flow .glad i,m out of it now ,skint but happy :-(:-(

and my MOT is due anytime from the 25th jan to 25th feb :byebye::byebye:

Posted by Robert: Sun Jan 20th, 2013 18:52 35th Post
The stress is partly due to Christmas, which I thought I had cancelled, partly due to the car needing licensing and testing last week. I got away lightly this year, complete set of new metal brake pipes and a couple of rust patches under the cills.


Posted by jk: Mon Jan 21st, 2013 03:37 36th Post
In UK I always found that late January was the best time to buy photo kit.
Always the best second hand kit around and the new kit that had arrived for Christmas and was unsold was discounted.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Peter_LO: Mon Jan 21st, 2013 12:28 37th Post
To me January is the worst month to buy anything...the tax bill is right on my desk now. :-(

1st new
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