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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4239
Just a thought.

Looking at a few threads ( eg bird photography, AI in Photoshop ) that run to many pages, do these lengthy threads inhibit reading by newcomers and even us posters looking back? We’ve started a 2024 bird thread but I wonder if periodically it would be useful to go ‘Subject’ then ‘Subject2’ or ‘Subject contd’ once pages get over a certain number?


Joined: Thu Feb 7th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1338
Not sure about that - it seems clumsy to split up a topic into sub topics - as an experiment I have increased the number of posts on each topic page from 10 to 40 - see if that makes reading easier - you don't have to change pages to go back on most topics and the bird 2023 is only 5 pages long now.


Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6842
That would require an sub-database of indexes/indices and a different way (interface) to view the threads.
Ultimately it would make for a huge amount of coding work for Chris.


Joined: Thu Feb 7th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1338
Not really a problem JK - there is already a facility for sub fora which could be adapted to sub topics - my issue is the readability of the end result and the fact it would probably slow the forum loading times ....

we could actually do away with pages entirely - but then loading times would be painful on large image laden threads!

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