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Apple have just announced a bunch of upgraded MacBooks along with a new Retina Display 15" MacBook Pro

The screen sounds amazing.
They have dropped glare by 75%, increased resolution so that 5MP are visible on screen, added USB 3, installed 2 Thunderbolt ports, dropped Firewire, dropped the Superdrive, slimmed it to the thickness of the MacBook Air and shaved its weight to less than the 13" MacBook Pro

They have also announced a $35 Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter, announced iOS 6 and given a lot of info on the new version of Mountain Lion including it's $20 upgrade price


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Hmmm that explains what I couldnt get on the Apple site this evening.

Nice... I might get a couple of those FW <==> TB adapters.

Thanks Doug.



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Mountain Lion ships next month. I can't wait* (free for new Macs purchased between now and then.

*Notifications, new tab view in Safari and dictation are standout features.



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jk wrote:
Nice... I might get a couple of those FW <==> TB adapters.
I can't see them at the Apple store, but they were mentioned during the keynote


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Downloading ML Preview 4 as I type. The servers are stalled.

The new MBP seems to be SSD X2. So it should fly.

Full integration with iWork and iCloud is what I have been waiting for, I have been emulating it with a workaround but it will be nice to have it for real.

Dictation is supposed to work, even with MS Office, we will see...

iOS5 will bring Apple Maps instead of Google Maps. Total integration with Siri: The kids ask "How much further?" Siri will reply with the remaining journey time. (The blurb says.)

It's looking good.

Notifications works very well.

A Dual outlet Thunderbolt to Firewire adaptor would be the icing on the cake.

According to the UK Apple site the UK upgrade to Mountian Lion will be £13.99.

AFAIK The upgrade will only work from Lion, no jumping from Snow Leopard.


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Doug wrote:
jk wrote:
Nice... I might get a couple of those FW <==> TB adapters.
I can't see them at the Apple store, but they were mentioned during the keynote

Should be available during July according to my source.


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It hits the news.



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Flyover is really exciting (watch the keynote from 1:42:09)
June 2012 Keynote

They flew over major cities to scan and build 3d models


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Testing testing this is my first attempt at dictation.
How to learn the Centre for layout

Should have read "Have to learn the syntax for layout".

Not bad quite impressed think I have do a lot of learning stop

Mmmm... Will take a while I think.

Any tips Doug? You seem to be the expert at this stuff.

What microphone do you use with a desktop like a Mac mini?



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Robert wrote:

Any tips Doug? You seem to be the expert at this stuff.

What microphone do you use with a desktop like a Mac mini?

Hardly an expert, merely a keen observer and good googler

I always fancied something like the R¸de Podcaster
But I'm sure you'll find all you need to know Here

BTW Loving OSX Lion for many reasons including the ability to hold down the O key for a moment and get to choose from the following ´ ¶ ² ³ Å“ ¸ ō µ
Very useful when typing R˜DE :thumbsup:


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Doug wrote:
BTW Loving OSX Lion for many reasons including the ability to hold down the O key for a moment and get to choose from the following ´ ¶ ² ³ Å“ ¸ ō µ
Very useful when typing R˜DE :thumbsup:

Having learnt most of the accent access codes off by heart, I prefer the key repeat feature. I turned off the accent characters using Tinker Tool.

Tinker Tool also allows you to select the file format of ScreenShots and a host of other useful things.


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Location: Sausalito, California USA
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Doug wrote:
jk wrote:
Nice... I might get a couple of those FW <==> TB adapters.
I can't see them at the Apple store, but they were mentioned during the keynote

And only $10, Doug... Will cost more to ship than to make them :-)


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Lots and lots of really cool stuff coming from now through the end of the year.

My MAJOR disappointment (though it was rumored so I wasn't too surprised) is that there is no longer a 17" macbook pro. Mine is almost 3 years old and I likely would have purchased a new one by year end <sigh> now I have to make a choice that would mean a smaller screen size but a lot of small but important little tweaks I would like (especially the upgrade to a 750gb SSD for less than I paid for my 256gb one)... Maybe I should visit the eye doctor and see if I can use a stronger reader prescription?

Or maybe if I wait there will magically be a 17" er on the apple store by Christmas?



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Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Id be very interested in a MBA 17" with the new Retina display and a 256GB SSD.

15" is fine but not great for editing on as I like to have enough palettee space however it does work.


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Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I see the new Macbook Pro and Macbook Air units have USB3.
Looks like Apple have relented on USB3 connection and so there are now multiple fast connectivity interfaces.

Very nice.


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Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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TomOC wrote: Doug wrote:
jk wrote:
Nice... I might get a couple of those FW <==> TB adapters.
I can't see them at the Apple store, but they were mentioned during the keynote

And only $10, Doug... Will cost more to ship than to make them :-)

Please can you post a link to the product in the Apple Store as I cant see it.

I can find mention of the product 'Apple Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter'  but no product number to purchase it.


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Location: South Lakeland, UK
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There is no such item in the Apple Store yet JK, it IS announced but it won't appear in the store until it's released.



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Location: Adelaide, Australia
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jk wrote:
TomOC wrote: Doug wrote:
jk wrote:
Nice... I might get a couple of those FW <==> TB adapters.
I can't see them at the Apple store, but they were mentioned during the keynote

And only $10, Doug... Will cost more to ship than to make them :-)

Please can you post a link to the product in the Apple Store as I cant see it.

I can find mention of the product 'Apple Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter'  but no product number to purchase it.

Also - Tom has mistakenly posted that it is $10 rather than ~$35
(the only $10 item I'm aware of ($9) is the Magsafe converter to permit
existing chargers to connect to the new slimmer Magsafe on the Next
Gen MBPro, latest MBAir etc

App store link - US


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I just priced one up out of interest. When I bought my MacBook Pro I up specced the memory to 8Gb which more than doubled the cost, with the other options I chose it came to around $5.5K.

This model comes with 8Gb as standard and you can upgrade to 16Gb for not nearly as much as I expected. In fact with all the upgrades I wanted to build a machine that would smoke what I currently have it came to $3.5K. I was tempted, but as what I have is meeting my needs I'm going to wait at least another year (possibly two).

They seem to be selling other parts of a system rather than just upgrading the machine, so for example they are pushing NAS systems (thunderbolt driven). That is something I may be interested in as my Acer is quite slow and and pain to use (it takes multiple attempts and quite a while to get the MacBook to see it).



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FYI - Ram cannot be upgraded later on the new generation MacBook Pro


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And the SSD's are a new proprietary mount, which will no doubt be adopted by some manufacturers but I understand that the Apple prices for SSD upgrades at purchase time are very competitive, probably compensating for the high prices Apple charge for their RAM.

So to get best value anybody buying one of the new MBPs should chose carefully, thinking of the future. Definitely go with the extended Apple care, at least for the early models because if the RAM goes down it's a new logic board (motherboard) They are NOT repairable, even by Apple. The design and component layout density makes it an uneconomic proposition.

Not sure about the Battery, I have read so much about the new MBP that my brain is spinning but I think the battery is soldered in but replaceable by Apple.

There is expert opinion that having the RAM soldered in and not accessible by enthusiastic users may lead to greater reliability, because it seems many RAM issues can be traced to esd (electrostatic discharge) which occurred during RAM installation in less than ideal conditions. So keeping fingers out may be good.

All this said in my experience with several recent Mac mini's which are essentially MacBook Pro's in a different box, 8Gb of RAM is plenty. The dynamic memory management and copious use of virtual memory means actual RAM is not heavily used. Even running all my biggest applications and loading them with data does not come close to filling RAM.

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