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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Sun Apr 8th, 2012
Location: Wisbech, Cambs, United Kingdom
Posts: 52
My HP Photosmart D6160 is driving me bonkers

Keeps printing with a yellow/orange colour cast....just cant seem to fix it no matter what programme I print from.
Could be time to look for something else.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880

Andy try taking the head out and soaking in meths for a night then dry it out with a cloth and reinsert into the printer and do a deep clean cycle.  Then retest calibration and print.
If that doesnt work then.....
Get a Canon printer they seems to be very cheap at present. I bought a brand new Canon PIXMA 9000 Mk2 for a very cheap price. Does A3+ prints.  Better printer than my Epson A3 printer uses much less ink.

Current theme is Blue

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