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Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Posts: 571
Just found this link and downloaded it. Will try to get it working.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Yes got the update this afternoon.
Havent tested it but I have to say I have been underwhelmed by the Snapbridge implementations in previous incarnations!



Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Posts: 571
App loaded OK and found the camera but can't turn on the Bluetooth.

Tried all the suggestions in the articles comments section with no luck.

Very little info in the Nikon manual about Bluetooth, just an error message in Settings when you try to turn it on.:thumbsdown:



Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Posts: 571
This is what is suggested so far

This may be good if I could only find a way to turn Bluetooth on on my D850. All I get is that it's not available at the camera's current settings, which is not very helpful. I have not altered many of the factory settings, and I haven't a clue what the offending settings are. Thank you for nothing, Nikon.

Do you have airplane mode on?

No, turns out I had to do it via Snapbridge..... I'm getting old, I guess. But I still can't get the camera to connect via WiFi yet.

Set your Send While Off setting to On. That allows wifi.

Current theme is Blue

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