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Joined: Thu May 17th, 2012
Location: OFallon , Missouri USA
Posts: 9

I am just getting into digital and need some suggestions for a photo editor.

I know there are a lot of different ones out there but I need one that will work on my old computer. It is a HP biult in 2003. I am shooting a D-1. I am afraid the newer editors may lock up my computer. I don't know maybe they won't.

The one that came with the D-1 doesn't want to load. I have Nikon Picture project from 2006 but it isn't much.  

Thanks for the Help



Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
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Hi Mark, first what do you mean by picture editor...

Also what Operating system are you using, XP? That is probably most important when choosing software.

If all you want to do is crop, adjust brightness and contrast, white balance and stuff like that then perhaps an early version of Lightroom, there is very good PC only software which would probably be perfect for you, I just can't remember the name right now. Doh! The developer is called Andrew...

Photoshop elements could be a good way to get started. There must be many older disks lying around unwanted?

Something like this would probably be fine for you.

ACDsee is another PC photo software with a good name.

However, if you want to do more than that, cloning, layers and blending images, get hold of an early copy of Photoshop, say v5? it was given away with some computers, I have a disk which was a freebie.

Probably best to ask around or visit a computer fair where there are loads of older CD's and DVD's to sort through, you should be able to pick something up for a few $.


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Location: South Lakeland, UK
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Another thing to consider, are you capturing NEF's or JPEGS in the camera?

With the D1 to get anything reasonable by todays standards you should be making NEF's, in which case you need to be opening your image files with a RAW editor. Photoshop Elements, Photoshop, Bibble 4, Lightroom 2 or maybe 3?

Capturing NEF files gives you the best opportunity of getting high quality images which you can then work on to get the best from.

JPEGS are starting from a lower base point, quality wise and loose a bit every time you save them. Also you don't have anything like the range of options you have with the NEF file.

Ed Matusik

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I don't want to try to tell you things you probably already know, but if you're using a PC, then you need to go to the site '' and select 'downloads' then 'download latest nikon software.'  Under the selections, download the file called 'windows codec' and let it run. Return to the nikon site and down load and run 'nikon transfer' and nikon view NX2.  Using these simple free programs, you'll be able to view your NEF (i.e., raw images) and/or JPEGs from your D1. - EdM

P.S., I forgot to mention that you'll be able to see JPEGs without the codec, but not NEF images.  And, along with Rich and Robert, for the money, Lightroom is a very good editing and cataloging package.


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Robert meant Fastone. If you're using a PC it's free and reputedly really good.

I'm a big fan of Lightroom myself.


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Location: South Lakeland, UK
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richw wrote:
Robert meant Fastone. If you're using a PC it's free and reputedly really good.

I'm a big fan of Lightroom myself.

Thanks Rich!

My recall went AWOL!

I agree, Lightroom is the way to go but to get it on an older machine might be easier with Faststone.



Joined: Thu May 17th, 2012
Location: OFallon , Missouri USA
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Robert wrote: Another thing to consider, are you capturing NEF's or JPEGS in the camera?

With the D1 to get anything reasonable by todays standards you should be making NEF's, in which case you need to be opening your image files with a RAW editor. Photoshop Elements, Photoshop, Bibble 4, Lightroom 2 or maybe 3?

Capturing NEF files gives you the best opportunity of getting high quality images which you can then work on to get the best from.

JPEGS are starting from a lower base point, quality wise and loose a bit every time you save them. Also you don't have anything like the range of options you have with the NEF file.

Yes this is what I want to do. I am able to open the Raw files  with the Nikon PictureProject. But is very limited. I would like to do more with them if it posible.

I have been trying to use the Raw setting but I am not really getting anything much better than Jpeg without a photoshop.

 I will search the above and see what I come up with online for free or cheap. I am afraid what I get may be too much for my old computer. I at least have XP.


Thanks Mark



Joined: Thu May 17th, 2012
Location: OFallon , Missouri USA
Posts: 9
I down loaded Faststone and is working good. I think the speed will be a problem if I try to edit  larger pictures than what I am doing now.

I got to say this is cheating compared to the old days.

I took pictures at a gaduation tonight and the colors were all out.  Too much blue . And I was able to bring it back.

Thanks everyone



Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 525
Good idea to shoot Raw, this gives you the maximum adjustability later.

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