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Exporting Picture Files from LR  Rate Topic 

Posted by Ric: Sat Aug 4th, 2012 15:30 1st Post
I am trying to export some pictures from light room unto a blank CF card.   My thinking was to put some of my favorite photos from our Alaska trip into the Quick Collection section (which I did).  Then highlight all the photos and either copy to or export to my card reader.  That way, all my edits would be included on this card for sending via e-mail or for having prints made up.  That doesn't appear to be the way it's done.

How do you folks move a batch of pictures?

Thanks for your help,


Posted by Robert: Sat Aug 4th, 2012 17:12 2nd Post
This is one of the areas of Lr which mystifies me.

I would use a USB thumb drive rather than a CF Card.

Then I would select the images and export them, need not be all at once?


Posted by Ric: Sat Aug 4th, 2012 20:10 3rd Post

Thanks for the tip about the flash drive intead of a CF card. LR and I don't speak the same language.  The way I got it to export was going to "export to hard drive to e-mail".  Selected the drive and we're exporting.  That's not usually how I export  files.


Posted by richw: Sat Aug 4th, 2012 21:58 4th Post
First select the photos you want to upload, if they are from a single folder I'd flag them as picks, with a colour or star rating and then filter in that folder for whichever you chose. Let me know if you need more info on this.

My own method is after upload I run a quick slide show by selecting all and using cmd+return on a Mac or Ctrl+return on a PC run a slide show. As each photo shows full screen if I want to include it I hit P, if I want to delete it I hit X. If clear either hit U. This flags photos with a 'P' for picks, 'X' for rejects and 'U' unflags. I also hit '6' to flag as red anything I think I'll take into photoshop.

At the end of this process I use the filter to check the rejects and then click on photo delete rejected photos.

If you are selecting photos from a number of different folders putting them into a collection may be the best way to select them. You can put an image in a quick collection by hitting 'B' on the image. These appear just under the navigator panel in the Catalog drop down in 'Quick Collection' You may need to clear it out first which is done by hitting 'B' whilst in the collection. Just use select all and hit 'B' before you start.

Whichever selection method you prefer once the are all chosen use Edit>Select all and then hit Export (in grid mode).

When in Export don't try to use the predefined presets, but if this is something you intend to do a lot you might want to save your own.

First choose the destination (Mac version shown and circled in red). Probably untick the box that says put in subfolder (also in red). When you click on choose you should be able to navigate to your CF Card/ Thumb drive ect. The other option is to click on the Eport to: (circled in green) and change it from Specific Folder to choose later. If you do this it'll ask where to put the files when you are finished, if you are saving your own pre-set this can be very useful.

Work down the page, you can re-name here if you wish, but the important parts are the File Settings, choose the file type and quality and sizing if you need to resize the image.

Once your settings are in place if you want to save the settings click on the Add (circled blue) at the bottom and you can save a preset for future use. Once you get used to it it's really very simple, it sounds and looks a lot more complex than it actually is.

Attachment: Export-dialog.jpg (Downloaded 17 times)

Posted by jk: Sun Aug 5th, 2012 10:24 5th Post
I do it the same way as Rich and it works for me.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Ric: Sun Aug 5th, 2012 14:23 6th Post

Thanks for the screen capture.  It's clear to me that I need to do some presets.  Currently I don't have any.  I was able to export to a flash drive, but they do not show up as a full screen.  It's about the size of what I see in LR.  Unless of course I'm missing something and it's possible to get a full screen view when in LR.

What I want to accomplish is that the pictures that I export are the ones I have edited so I can have them printed off using my settings.  So far, I'm happy with a lot of the pictures, I'm just a little weak in the filing system of the program.

I did take my laptop with me to Alaska and every evening I downloaded what I had taken and then edited my pictures as I recalled the shots at the time. That's been a time saver.



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