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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Sausalito, California USA
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They have definitely taken over the role of the company you love to hate... And you can't live with or without.


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Not a big surprise. Predictable responses from the comments.

I won't be going with subscription as it stands, even at education rates it's prohibitively expensive for occasional, non business use. I would say also for the non corporate business user too. Most only upgrade every couple of versions at the most. Which is probably what has triggered this 'idea' of Adobie's.

The general development of getting data and software off users computers onto remote servers, using the 'cloud' smokescreen/ Removing CD/DVD drives is just a small step down the same road to downloaded everything.

What may force upgrades is changes in new Operating Systems, That was what forced me to go from CS2 to CS5, CS2 did all I needed, but wouldn't run on the newer OS's after Snow Leopard. Whatever comes after OS 10.9 may change the game again.

There is one misconception, the 'cloud' based software does not require the computer to be connected continually to the internet, nor for the verification process to take vast amounts if bandwidth. I think you can work for about four months without internet connection before the software even mentions it.

It remains to be seen if this is a good business model for Adobe, one thing for sure, others will be watching very closely. If Adobe pull it off M$ will be close on their heels.

Interesting times.


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OS upgrades AND new RAW formats are the only driving forces to keep me at all interested in any adobe product at this point.

I think JK is on to something with Capture One - I wish I took more time to really try to figure it out when I had a trial working.

Well, I don't have to do anything right now - not till Nikon or Fuji comes up with some new RAW tweak, at least. All very frustrating...and we felt like they were treating us right, we would all be excited about new releases...

Adobe is just not a company I am happy dealing with - how sad.

I love Nikon, Fuji, Apple, and lots of software firms...why do I love to hate Adobe????


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Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Absolutely no chance I will upgrade.

I cant see how they will get round the need to distribute for those without direct Internet connectivity e.g. large corporates, some businesses, people on the move, etc..



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GIMP does everything you could possibly want -- and it's free:



Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Yep but I rely on my actions which I still havent worked out how to do in GIMP.

I guess that I can use Photoshop CS6 for many years to come and just go with Capture Pro 7 that I have installed.

Peter LO


Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Posts: 14
I'm not affected as the version of Photopaint I'm using (bought in 199x!) supports the Photoshop plugins that I need.


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jk wrote:
Yep but I rely on my actions which I still havent worked out how to do in GIMP.

I guess that I can use Photoshop CS6 for many years to come and just go with Capture Pro 7 that I have installed.

Oh no...I don't want to try to learn GIMP again...I never make it though the tutorial :-)

Why not just go with something like Perfect Photo Suite as a standalone and Capture Pro 7?


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I think you are right Tom.
I see no reason actually why I cant carry on using Photoshop CS5/CS6 as it works well for me.

I use Capture Pro and Aperture is also available at a reasonable cost.


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Whether or not you have or use CS6 I think that people should sign the petition.


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Location: Sausalito, California USA
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I just downloaded a trial of Cap One. My god, it's more obscure than LR !

Isn't there any editing app that just lets you open a file on your hdd (with out importing to catalogs etc) and then save it where you choose to save it???

Photoshop is sounding better all the time :-)


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Best to download images and put them somewhere you want.
Then use something like A Better File Renamer to get naming right then start the editing stuff.

I have just finished configuring my new Mac Pro 8 core beast. Actually not quite as I have to SuperDuper the boot disk onto a SSD so it boots faster.

You need to work in Sessions mode (File Browser) otherwise you have the hassle of Catalogs.
Personally I find all the softwares a bit clunky as I dont think that many really understand photographic workflow. I am very used to Bibble and that was very good but now it is with Corel it is as good as dead so I use CP 7.11 and Lightroom.

With all the Creative Cloud business at least Lightroom is outside the cloud so is a viable alternative.
I do not support Cloud Computing, obvious somebody at Adobe got an invitation to see Larry Ellison at Oracle and was convinced. For the real world there is hardly 100Mbit networks much less 1Gbit fibre optic in house and 50Mbit broadband to the door. California developers forget that Silicon Valley is 10-20 years ahead of the real world and 5-8 years ahead of rest of US. In some parts of US it is still not possible to get more than 1Mbit broadband. This should be their working standard not the opposite end of the spectrum!


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Got the following email today, as I signed the petition to Adobe regarding the move to CC.

Dear Supporters,

Thank you all for signing this petition! In just 4 and a half days we already have received more than 5,500 signatures from professionals, designers, freelancers, hobbyists and photographers from across the world.

Firstly, I wanted to inform you all, that as of late yesterday and early today there have been news articles written about this petition, including an article by CNNMoney and ComputerWorld. This is a small victory for us! As the media picks up on the fact that there are people out there who aren't in favor of Adobe's new changes, this petition will only continue to gain traction.

Secondly, I wanted to let you all know another important detail: As I have been reading around the web, I noticed a considerable amount of misinformation from both sides about the CC subscription model; those confused about the specifics of CC as well as deceitful propaganda coming from everywhere. Adobe has cleared up a few "myths" and misconceptions about CC, but nothing they have said has addressed the underlying issues. I wanted to let you know this so you all can be vigilant and support this petition for the right reasons.

Thirdly, know that this petition is not my petition- it is ours. There are many troubling problems that arise from Adobe's change from licensed, owned software to a monthly rented subscription service. This petition is a conglomerate of many differing, yet valid reasons, for changing Adobe's minds. Do not be afraid to leave Adobe your honest feedback and rationale in the comments section of the petition page, and let your voices be heard!

Finally, with all of that said, continue to share this around with everyone you know! Also think about sharing this petition on Twitter. You can link to this petition using this: Also consider signing a petition by Corey Edwards, which asks adobe to reconsider their Creative Cloud subscription plan terms and pricing. You can find his petition on here:

This isn't over yet.

Thank you everyone for all of your help and support,
Derek Schoffstall

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