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Posted by Iain: Sat Jun 20th, 2015 11:51 1st Post
Will I'm now a two Fuji man, my X-pro1 has got a brother in the form of a new X-T1 and I am loving it.

Posted by jk: Sat Jun 20th, 2015 15:21 2nd Post
Just wait until the new firmware v4 comes out in a week it is said to really improve the AF performance.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sat Jun 20th, 2015 16:39 3rd Post
I have a brace too...but one is IR.

I was surprised how many lens and body firmware updates I was 'behind'. Spent 1/2hour yesterday getting them all up to date....ready for the XT v4.

Still think the ergonomics and feel in the hand of Nikons is preferable. I am loving the D750.

The Fuji digital viewfinder colour rendition and fidelity is also very poor compared to the Panasonic LUMIX models. Shame!

Iain...have you given up long lens photography now?


Posted by amazing50: Sat Jun 20th, 2015 23:17 4th Post
These mirrorless cameras are getting interesting. Soneys R7 cameras have caught my eye.

Had the use of an R7S and it had some interesting new features like down loadable Aps that preformed specialized tasks.

Nice thing was if you didn't want them you didn't have to have them.

Adapters are available to use Nikon lenses on these full frame cameras, but without autofocus.

Now there is one in development and if it works, my next big purchase will be a Sony R7xx.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by Iain: Sun Jun 21st, 2015 10:59 5th Post
jk wrote:
Just wait until the new firmware v4 comes out in a week it is said to really improve the AF performance. I'm looking forward to that.

Posted by Iain: Sun Jun 21st, 2015 11:01 6th Post
Eric wrote:

Iain...have you given up long lens photography now?
No Eric, I've still got a Canon 100-400mm and a 7D mk2.

Posted by Eric: Sun Jun 21st, 2015 15:17 7th Post
Iain wrote:
Eric wrote:

Iain...have you given up long lens photography now?
No Eric, I've still got a Canon 100-400mm and a 7D mk2.

I too have held onto my longer lenses for the moment. The D750 was a sop to these lenses...I wanted to offload the D3 but needed a DSLR for the moment, to decide if wildlife is still on my list in retirement.

I like my Fujis...but I am not in love with them. They fall short of a complete package for me....but will watch developments with interest. They really need to speed up auto focus and improve the viewfinder. Take a look at the Panasonic LUMIX viewfinder to appreciate the necessary room for improvement.


Posted by Iain: Mon Jun 22nd, 2015 16:48 8th Post
Eric wrote:
Iain wrote:
Eric wrote:

Iain...have you given up long lens photography now?
No Eric, I've still got a Canon 100-400mm and a 7D mk2.

I too have held onto my longer lenses for the moment. The D750 was a sop to these lenses...I wanted to offload the D3 but needed a DSLR for the moment, to decide if wildlife is still on my list in retirement.

I like my Fujis...but I am not in love with them. They fall short of a complete package for me....but will watch developments with interest. They really need to speed up auto focus and improve the viewfinder. Take a look at the Panasonic LUMIX viewfinder to appreciate the necessary room for improvement.
I agree, if they could get the focus speed up and the view finder better they might then be close to the full package.
There seems to be a few people that have got their hands on the 4.0 firmware and are saying they see big improvements in focus speed and tracking.

Posted by jk: Mon Jun 22nd, 2015 16:59 9th Post
Only another 56 hours before the official release of Firmware v4.0 for XT1.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Mon Jun 22nd, 2015 17:12 10th Post
Good luck on your new firmware ;~)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 04:17 11th Post
There now seems to be some uncertainty about the release date but it should be before end of month.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 17:28 12th Post
jk wrote:
There now seems to be some uncertainty about the release date but it should be before end of month.
Let's hope it's worth the wait.

Now about the Fuji 400mm lens.........


Posted by jk: Wed Jun 24th, 2015 08:41 13th Post
The offical announcement of the release date (29 June) for the new XT1 firmware is here.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Wed Jun 24th, 2015 08:49 14th Post
The Fuji CF 100-400mm f4-5.6 is due March 2016.
It is larger than the 50-200 but is smaller than the 55-140mm f2.8 lens.

For me if the XT1 firmware update works well and makes the AF speed improve to DSLR standards then I will get another XT1 and the 100-400mm.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Jun 24th, 2015 12:34 15th Post
jk wrote:
The Fuji CF 100-400mm f4-5.6 is due March 2016.
It is larger than the 50-200 but is smaller than the 55-140mm f2.8 lens.

For me if the XT1 firmware update works well and makes the AF speed improve to DSLR standards then I will get another XT1 and the 100-400mm.

It all hinges on the firmware.
If, as you say, they can get Nikon DSLR AF performance from the Fuji XT, then I may start using it for faster shooting situations....and then who knows where that would lead?

I certainly won't be buying an 80-400 Nikkor, until we know the firmware result. So I will potentially have to lug my 500mm around till next year.



Posted by TomOC: Wed Jun 24th, 2015 18:02 16th Post
I think you guys are chasing a rainbow trying to get the fuji's to replace the nikon gear.

What fuji brought to the party is SMALL and light. As in the X100t, the xe-2 and to some degree the xp1. Using the xt-1 with a long lens is like using a D40 with a long will work but if you have a D3 why would you pull out the D40? If you have a 400mm lens, you need a tripod...if you have a tripod with you why not use a D800?

Don't get me wrong...I think the IQ from fuji is top drawer but it doesn't have to match Nikon in every category to be the coolest thing in my drawer (or pocket).

Just my thought on it... Waiting for the xt1 firmware, too...but the minute there is an xp2, I sell the dslr junior and stick with the RF form factor for fuji :-)


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Thu Jun 25th, 2015 02:40 17th Post
I think that you are probably right Tom.

But I find it a useful way to keep me from buying new kit if I have specific criteria that I impose for 'extending' my kit collection.

At present I dont see big difference between images from a Fuji XT1/XE2 and the Nikon D3. I can detect some differences with the D600 and D800.
If Fuji went to 24MP then this may diminish the difference with the D600 and leave only the D800 as king of the pack.

Lens wise it is more difficult as AF is specific to lens make/camera combo. So buying new lenses for the Fujis is easy. Here I am trying to make myself only buy Fuji, if I sell the Nikon equivalent or I must have AF for the work with the Fuji camera.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Thu Jun 25th, 2015 09:01 18th Post
TomOC wrote:
I think you guys are chasing a rainbow trying to get the fuji's to replace the nikon gear.

What fuji brought to the party is SMALL and light. As in the X100t, the xe-2 and to some degree the xp1. Using the xt-1 with a long lens is like using a D40 with a long will work but if you have a D3 why would you pull out the D40? If you have a 400mm lens, you need a tripod...if you have a tripod with you why not use a D800?

Don't get me wrong...I think the IQ from fuji is top drawer but it doesn't have to match Nikon in every category to be the coolest thing in my drawer (or pocket).

Just my thought on it... Waiting for the xt1 firmware, too...but the minute there is an xp2, I sell the dslr junior and stick with the RF form factor for fuji :-)


There was a slight tongue in cheek from me, Tom.
I have just bought a D750 specifically to enable me to carry on using my long lens (after selling my D3 and D7000)....whilst still adding to my Fuji lenses.

I still feel it's horses for courses for the reasons you suggest. But I am keeping a watching brief on Fuji and an open mind as to whether Fuji developments and a honing down of my photographic needs will draw close enough together, to abandon DSLRs.

I still believe Fuji bodies are let down by 2 things....their poorer speed of response and the disappointing quality of their digital viewfinders when compared to Nikon AF and Panasonic viewfinders.


Posted by TomOC: Sun Jun 28th, 2015 00:05 19th Post
Well, tomorrow night we get to see the Fuji response to these complaints, Eric...

New firmware for xt-1 (probably trickle down to other models in near will have some improvements and some totally new focus features ...just amazing that fuji does this rather than issue a new model to try to pry more money out of users...just amazing.

here is a video from the "fuji guys" about the updates:

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Sun Jun 28th, 2015 03:52 20th Post
Been comparing the D810 v D750. Got to say that the D810 some desirable features but the D750 has them as well, also the D750 is lighter.
Only downside may be the lack of the 10 pin accessory interface socket.
Not worried by 24MP v 36MP.

Choosing between D750 and D810 would be difficult.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sun Jun 28th, 2015 04:45 21st Post
TomOC wrote:
Well, tomorrow night we get to see the Fuji response to these complaints, Eric...

New firmware for xt-1 (probably trickle down to other models in near will have some improvements and some totally new focus features ...just amazing that fuji does this rather than issue a new model to try to pry more money out of users...just amazing.

here is a video from the "fuji guys" about the updates:

That was a really interesting video. Getting quite excited at the 'new camera' we are getting for free.


Posted by amazing50: Sun Jun 28th, 2015 20:09 22nd Post
Those fuji guys put a lot of energy in their videoes.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by TomOC: Mon Jun 29th, 2015 02:11 23rd Post
Truth be told...24 is preferable. 36mb gives me files WAY larger than I need but who would ever disable that :-) ???

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by TomOC: Mon Jun 29th, 2015 02:12 24th Post
FUJI firmware is available NOW.

VERY nice...the focus follow really seems to work very well (at least in the's late at night here so I really need daylight to give it a fair test :-) :-)

Probably stay up all night now playing with the damn thing...just PRAY this firmware comes to X100T and Xe-2 as well...


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Mon Jun 29th, 2015 02:58 25th Post
Downloaded and installed.
Some custom settings lost but it doesnt take long to restore them to normal use mode.

The AF does seem much more snappy in AF-S mode with centre spot.
I will test fully tomorrow when I have a portrait shoot.

I hope that a similar firmware can be delivered for the XE2.
I may have to go buy myself a new X100T if they put the new firmware upgrade into its firmware!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Mon Jun 29th, 2015 05:12 26th Post
The big question that I need to ask myself over the next month or so is.... "Does the new enhanced XT1 satisfy my AF focusing needs?' and do I get rid of most of my Nikon gear and get another Fuji XT1, 100-400 and 10-24 lenses.

I have been comparing and contrasting the D750 and D810.
D810 = Heavier :thumbsdown: , Highlight exposure mode, has nice 10pin accessory socket, has CF + SD (yuk should have had 2 SD sockets), No built in wifi.
Also I have a D800 so it is a pair :applause:.    36MP is maybe too many MP!

D750 = Lighter :applause:, has 2 SDs, Highlight exposure mode, Built in wifi, Doesnt have a 10pin connector but custom connector however I have GPS that works with it anyway, 24MP is very nice.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Mon Jun 29th, 2015 16:59 27th Post
This new firmware makes the XT1 focus really quickly.
I may need to do some side by side tests to check how close to my D600 the focus speed is to that of the XT1 with firmware v4.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Jun 30th, 2015 10:14 28th Post
jk wrote:
This new firmware makes the XT1 focus really quickly.
I may need to do some side by side tests to check how close to my D600 the focus speed is to that of the XT1 with firmware v4.

Note sure side by side comparisons are helpful as there will always be slight differences that potentially slew the result. Question is..does the XT now perform adequately in all the situations you need it to do?

I seriously liked the feel in the hand of the D750... better than other Nikons and Fujis. For me its deciding whether, given acceptable AF performance, I would start using the XT more and leave the ergonomically better D750 at home?


Posted by Eric: Tue Jun 30th, 2015 10:47 29th Post
V4 updated...need to get out and check it all out. NewAF modes seem interesting and eye focus seems to work.

AF-S does seem a bit snappier but I felt that the tracking mode wasn't as responsive as the D750. But true to my previous comment......I need to see if it's responsive enough! ;-)


Posted by Iain: Thu Jul 2nd, 2015 15:57 30th Post
Have to say that there is an improvement but not enough for things like bird in flight.
It's getting closer, maybe by the time the Fuji 100-400 comes out they may have perfected it.

Posted by Eric: Thu Jul 2nd, 2015 17:03 31st Post
Iain wrote:
Have to say that there is an improvement but not enough for things like bird in flight.
It's getting closer, maybe by the time the Fuji 100-400 comes out they may have perfected it.

Don't hold your breath, Iain.



Posted by jk: Thu Jul 2nd, 2015 17:04 32nd Post
Even the D810/800/610/600 struggles with birds in flight as this requires fast Af, good technique and good bird knowledge to get reproducibly great results.
Even the latest Nikons D810, D4s struggle somewhat and people rely on high shutter speed, fast fps shooting and great AF that is set up correctly.

Any wonder that people struggled in pre-digital times to get the fantastic nature shots that we see so often now.
It is not magic but hard graft to get these shots as well as many uncomfortable hours/days in the field.

The latest v4 firmware for the XT1 makes for a much more responsive camera but until I test it side by side in a real situation I cant as yet judge if the Fuji XT1 is the near equal of my D600.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by TomOC: Sun Jul 5th, 2015 14:02 33rd Post
I wasn't' overwhelmed by the continuous focus just tracking the dog running around on the lawn. I tried it with single focus and with the new zone on and think the single focus in continuous is better than the zone for movement, but I do like the zone for general use very much.


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by Eric: Sun Jul 5th, 2015 14:33 34th Post
TomOC wrote:
I wasn't' overwhelmed by the continuous focus just tracking the dog running around on the lawn. I tried it with single focus and with the new zone on and think the single focus in continuous is better than the zone for movement, but I do like the zone for general use very much.


I totally agree.

Fuji have made the XT a very capable camera comparable with other prosumer bodies. I would suggest we might be making unreasonable demands if we expect that it should match pro bodies costing many times more.


Posted by jk: Sun Jul 5th, 2015 15:10 35th Post
Eric wrote: TomOC wrote:
I wasn't' overwhelmed by the continuous focus just tracking the dog running around on the lawn. I tried it with single focus and with the new zone on and think the single focus in continuous is better than the zone for movement, but I do like the zone for general use very much.


I totally agree.

Fuji have made the XT a very capable camera comparable with other prosumer bodies. I would suggest we might be making unreasonable demands if we expect that it should match pro bodies costing many times more.

I still need to test in a real shoot so I cant really comment but it does seem that the new firmware makes the AF much snappier!
Will it equal my D3/D600/D800.  I'll tell you once I get to test properly but it is getting very close.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by TomOC: Sun Jul 5th, 2015 15:53 36th Post
XT1 focus tracking.

Wow...I've been doing it all wonder I didn't see much to love in the new firmware upgrade.

Check out this article to get set up properly:

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by Eric: Sun Jul 5th, 2015 17:16 37th Post
TomOC wrote:
XT1 focus tracking.

Wow...I've been doing it all wonder I didn't see much to love in the new firmware upgrade.

Check out this article to get set up properly:

Thanks Tom
I am a awaiting a battery grip for the XT before I really give it a full test. I will certainly look at these configuration suggestions when I do.

The link to the Fuji website pages was also very interesting. Refeshingly easy to understand explanations of when and how to use each mode.

I suppose my initial perspective was based on the new D750's AF tracking performance. Making a step change from the 'antiquated' D3 ( even with all its prowess) to a new generation model I was impressed with the improvements to AF tracking that Nikon have made.

I think I need to park the D750, till I have reacclimatised myself to the Fuji! Never was very good at spinning several plates on sticks at the same time.


Posted by Eric: Wed Jul 8th, 2015 18:25 38th Post
Ok...the battery grip is an immense improvement in the feel of the camera in the hand. I have spend the last couple of hours reconfiguring settings and refamilarisimg myself with this now hand friendly camera. Have discovered some really neat features I had missed.

Very much more warmer towards the XT1 now and sort of wonder if I should have bought the D750 after all? (thinking aloud)

But no.....I needed a Nikon body to use my selection of pro lenses after selling the D3. So it was a reasonable purchase ( trying hard to justify it to myself and the guardians of the wallet).

Of course if I get my skates on and decide if the Fuji is enough for my needs I could probably flog the D750 to Jonathan to complete his Nikon set.



Posted by Eric: Wed Jul 8th, 2015 18:38 39th Post
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, apologies if I missed it, but I found this exploration of the XT1 very useful while refamilarisimg myself with the camera. Admittedly it predates V4firmware but is a readable overview....


Posted by jk: Sun Jul 12th, 2015 12:50 40th Post
I have been testing my XT1 with the new v4.0 firmware today. I have been busy with other non-photo related business recently.
OK cutting to the chase this new firmware is definitely so much faster it is almost or very, very nearly as fast as my Nikon D800/D600/D3/D3S/D300 cameras.
There are one or two small items that I need to test further on the camera namely:
1. Face detection and eye detection and its speed.
2. Motion AF tracking.

If these are as good then I am struggling to find a reason to keep my sheaf of Nikons. The only saving grace is that my Nikon lens collection is infinitely more versatile than my Fuji one. I will need to wait for the 140-400mm and 120mm Macro but at least I can start to address this with the purchase of the 55-140 f2.8. In the mean time I can use my Nikon lens with a Kipon adapter but in MF mode.

What will Fuji offer in the next version of the firmware?

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Iain: Tue Jul 21st, 2015 11:05 41st Post
Looks like the 100-400mm might be delayed till early 2017 now.

Posted by jk: Wed Jul 22nd, 2015 15:59 42nd Post
I am more and more less conviced by FujiRumours website. It seems to constant publish conflicting spurious rumours.

That said I certainly hope the 100-400 is not delayed. I would prefer to have it today!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Iain: Fri Jul 24th, 2015 09:07 43rd Post
jk wrote:
I am more and more less conviced by FujiRumours website. It seems to constant publish conflicting spurious rumours.

That said I certainly hope the 100-400 is not delayed. I would prefer to have it today!

You and me both, so let's hope it's March 2016 rather than March 2017!

Posted by Eric: Fri Jul 24th, 2015 09:18 44th Post
What's the situation with Fuji equipment and international warranties? Is it the same as Nikon, where anything obtained from outside the EU is regarded as grey and outside of UK warranty cover?


Posted by jk: Fri Jul 24th, 2015 11:42 45th Post
Apparently not.
I still need to send in my XT1 (bought in HK) for adjustment as it has the light leak problem via the remote socket.
Fuji sent me a RMA for it last year.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sat Jul 25th, 2015 09:38 46th Post
jk wrote:
Apparently not.
I still need to send in my XT1 (bought in HK) for adjustment as it has the light leak problem via the remote socket.
Fuji sent me a RMA for it last year.

What's the story about a light leak? Should I be looking?


Posted by Iain: Sat Jul 25th, 2015 11:13 47th Post
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
Apparently not.
I still need to send in my XT1 (bought in HK) for adjustment as it has the light leak problem via the remote socket.
Fuji sent me a RMA for it last year.

What's the story about a light leak? Should I be looking?
And me!

Posted by jk: Sat Jul 25th, 2015 12:36 48th Post
Only happened on the first batch of XT1 cameras.
If you use 6400ISO, Open the hatch that covers the HDMI, USB and Microphone/Remote Release area and then shine a light onto this area you get a light leak onto the image.

A gasket was not fitted on these ports as they were covered.
Fuji UK allow you to send back camera for fixing for free.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sat Jul 25th, 2015 15:15 49th Post
jk wrote:
Only happened on the first batch of XT1 cameras.
If you use 6400ISO, Open the hatch that covers the HDMI, USB and Microphone/Remote Release area and then shine a light onto this area you get a light leak onto the image.

A gasket was not fitted on these ports as they were covered.
Fuji UK allow you to send back camera for fixing for free.

Do we have to check serial numbers somewhere or did they contact owners?


Posted by jk: Sat Jul 25th, 2015 18:45 50th Post
I tested.

The serial numbers vary by region.
See this thread for the detail.

Still learning after all these years!

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