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Thinking of switching to Canon...better read this first :-)  Rate Topic 

Posted by TomOC: Thu Jun 25th, 2015 21:14 1st Post
Should have read...switching to nikon from CANON...

This guy is left and right like a pendulum.

What I hear him say is that he loved Canon but for 3-5 years lusted for a nikon he lusts for something else.

How many times in the last 25 years have we seen Nikon and Canon leapfrog each other? First we had 3+ years with the D1 while canon had none...then we had about 10 years where canon kicked butt with better lens lineups. Then a lot of jump ball years, then the D800 kicked butt canon is surging a bit. DUH

I think you should pretty much stick with which ever you own now...all the accessories, batteries, chargers, yikes - none of that stuff has any resale value at all and you would have to go through the buying and discarding of a lot of junk to get it right with the other system...and probably see no improvement whatsoever in your photos!


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Fri Jun 26th, 2015 08:37 2nd Post
Yes the D1 was a mega plus for Nikon but then Canon produced a fantastic range of cameras and lenses which took Nikon until the D3 in 2007 to make a game changer...... Since then I think it is much more neck and neck with differentiation only in the camera controls and some niche lenses.

Now there is a D810 with 36MP and the latest Canon EOS 5DS with 51MP.
If I was buying now from scratch I would feel very challenged as I prefer the Nikon camera controls and interface but I do feel at times that Canon produce a more coherent body range. Both have superb lens ranges.

So I agree with Tom, if you have invested then dont swap and change as it is just a money sink with no advantage.
Of course if you like camera jewellery then it makes no difference! You need to swap your bling!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by TomOC: Fri Jun 26th, 2015 13:56 3rd Post

If you like camera jewelry, you buy a new color Leica every year... The implication being that your eyesight is still what it was when you were 20 and unable to afford a top priced Leica :-)

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Fri Jun 26th, 2015 15:43 4th Post

Not for me I think.
I have my Fujis.
Better than a Leica unless you like pure rangefinder manual focus.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Fri Jun 26th, 2015 17:15 5th Post
I remember a good friend of mine taking a photo of me on his Nikons while out shooting orienteering! It was a brilliant photo and I, for many years, lusted after a Nikon that could take photos like that... but economics dictated that I hung onto my Canon EOS system. Coincidentally I also took a photo of HIM at the same event on my EOS. Some years later when digital arrived, and Canon lagged behind Nikon I seized the moment, sold all my Canon gear and bought a D1X plus lenses. I took the gear around to my friends house to talk Nikon. I was surprised nay gobsmacked to photo of HIM hanging on his office wall. He said 'Jean had it printed and mounted for my birthday. Everyone who sees it says it's the best photo of me they have ever seen'. He then confessed he had considered switching to Canon after seeing my photo. But fortunately both of us realised it was more to do with the photographer and the moment rather than the equipment. Placed side by side the photos are equally good.

But it's probably difficult if you have a specialist photography requirement and the lenses or camera features you need are not in your system. At least three of our own forum members, to my certain knowledge, were caught in this difficult position. Persevering with inappropriate equipment will never solve the problem.

Having said that, some of these people who write these articles don't impress me with their overinflated self importance and the professional photographer' trumpet they if it meant something more than 'being paid for taking pictures'. Some people have more money than sense.


Posted by TomOC: Fri Jun 26th, 2015 20:11 6th Post
jk wrote:

Not for me I think.
I have my Fujis.
Better than a Leica unless you like pure rangefinder manual focus.

Totally agree. The x100T VF is as good an RF type finder you will find.


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by TomOC: Fri Jun 26th, 2015 20:18 7th Post
Eric wrote:
Placed side by side the photos are equally good.

But it's probably difficult if you have a specialist photography requirement and the lenses or camera features you need are not in your system. At least three of our own forum members, to my certain knowledge, were caught in this difficult position. Persevering with inappropriate equipment will never solve the problem.

You are totally right about true specialist applications needing certain equipment. But even there, the lack of specialty gear in either the nikon or canon lineup is usually very very point was that it has been a game of leapfrog for decades. For most people the System is much more important than the specialty feature.

Your story of your friends nikon portrait of you reminds me of the days when I got my first Porsche (a used 911T) and I went to the annual Porsche club rental of a local raceway for two days of great driving. There was one guy who had an older less powerful model than even mine who just couldn't stop griping that he was so slow because he had such a crummy car. One of the senior members of the club with a brand new top of the line 911 called his bluff and said we would trade cars and bet him $100 he would beat him in 2 laps around the track in the slower car...guess who won handily and who shut up for the rest of the weekend :-) :-) :-)

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by amazing50: Sat Jun 27th, 2015 11:25 8th Post
I'm seriously thinking of getting a Sony A7R11 after they are out for a while.

This way I can use both my Nikon and Canon glass and maybe even a few choice Sony Zeiss lenses;-)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Sat Jun 27th, 2015 16:00 9th Post
I think that teh same applies for the Sony stuff but to a lesser and different extent.

I have the Fuji system XPro1, X100, XE1, XE1-IR665nm converted, XE2 and XT1 with 14mm, 18mm, 35mm, 60mm, 56mm, 18-55mm, 55-200mm and hopefully a 100-400mm but that depends on the XT1 firmware v4 update.

If the firmware v4 update works well and gives me what I want then all my Nikons (D3, D3S, D700, D600 and many lenses) will get traded for another XT1 body and the 10-24mm and 100-400mm zooms.
I will keep the D800 and possibly get a D810 with my Sigma 12-24mm, Nikon 24-70 f2.8, Nikon 24-120 f4, Nikon 70-200 f2.8 and Nikon 70-300mm f4-5.6 AFS VR.
All my Nikon bodies and lenses outside this group will go.

If the Fuji XT1 v 4 firmware doesnt deliver what I want I will still probably get rid of my D3, D3S, D700, D90, and a few lenses and get a D810 or D750.   I need to decide which one suits best as yet.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by highlander: Fri Aug 12th, 2016 14:23 10th Post
I was always Nikon. Then I got a Canon 50D. I quite like it, but after only six months the shutter jammed and it cost more to get it fixed than to replace it. I scrapped it. I then went to Fuji and was happy. Camera performance was superb and lens quality second to none IMHO. I loved the aperture being back on the lens and all manual control. It was like going back to when I first started photography and i felt like a photographer again rather than a computer boffin.

But, and it was a pain in the butt of a but - none of the lenses were long enough or wide enough, no third party are available except for Samyang manual fish eyes etc. Autofocus was notoriously slow, which didn't bother me for landscapes but did for portraits and groups.

Eventually, I returned to Nikon. Yes, its bigger and heavier, but I have all focal lengths from 12mm - 300mm covered (with a 1.5x body so really 18mm - 450mm).

The only thing that would tempt me away from Nikon now would be a digital Hasselblad and I don't earn that much...sadly


Posted by jk: Fri Aug 12th, 2016 14:45 11th Post
Well Fuji are making camera that can equal the Nikon stuff.
I have Fuji lenses from 14mm to the 100-400mm zoom.
They are much lighter than my Nikon equivalents.

What I will say is that the Nikons currently AF faster than the Fuji. However the new XT2 released in September may address this and have 24MPm (I dont want more MP).
The current XT1 at 16MP gives comparable quality to my D3S (12MP in FX) but the AF is nowhere close to the D3S in terms of speed and accuracy.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by highlander: Sat Aug 13th, 2016 05:02 12th Post
They have improved their range significantly since I left and returned to Nikon, which I kind of expected, but I would like to see more choice of lenses that maybe weren't so harsh on the pocket. For example, but returning to Nikon I can get two fast primes for the price of one Fuji one.


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