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Fuji setup - I am complete!  Rate Topic 

Posted by jk: Thu Dec 15th, 2016 09:20 1st Post
I have completed my purchase of all my Fuji lenses except for a macro lens but I can use my Nikon macro lens for that.
My Nikon system remains for the time being.

I have some duplication in cover as I wanted a travel lens as well but I now have 8mm - 560mm range covered (FX equivalent 12mm to 800mm).

I would now like to get another XT2 and sell my XT1. I will keep my old XPro1 as I like using it in the studio and its second hand value is less than £200.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Thu Dec 15th, 2016 14:46 2nd Post
For anyone vaguely interested this is my lens list.

8mm f2.8
14mm f2.8
16mm f1.4
18mm f2.0
18-55mm f2.8-f4
18-135mm f3.5-5.6
35mm f1.4
50-140mm f2.8
56mm f1.2
60mm f2.5
55-200mm f4.5-5.6
100-400mm f5.6
Fuji Teleconverter x1.4 (only works on 50-140 and 100-400)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Thu Dec 15th, 2016 14:54 3rd Post
jk wrote:
For anyone vaguely interested this is my lens list.

8mm f2.8
14mm f2.8
16mm f1.4
18mm f2.0
18-55mm f2.8-f4
18-135mm f3.5-5.6
35mm f1.4
50-140mm f2.8
56mm f1.2
60mm f2.5
55-200mm f4.5-5.6
100-400mm f5.6
Fuji Teleconverter x1.4 (only works on 50-140 and 100-400)

I will be intrigued to learn which selection gets most use and which delivers best results.

It's tempting to suggest that the 8, 14, 18-135 and 100-400 would be all you need.

I've yet to get my hands on an XT2, so am still unsure if it will be my next purchase or whether the D500 and the 80-400 will tempt me back.


Posted by jk: Thu Dec 15th, 2016 16:32 4th Post
For portrait work the 18-135 is in my opinion no where near the 56mm 1.2 or the 60mm f2.5 macro for great results wide open.
The primes 14, 16, 18, 35, 56 are there mainly so my fashion and beauty shots can be shot wide open with huge OOF background with fine bokeh.

The 18-135 and 50-140 will become my workhorse lenses as I frequently find the 18-55 too short for what I want. In my recent asian trip I was swapping the 18-55 and 55-200 all the time. This is where the 18-135 will be my standard travel lens with the 16mm for landscapes and the 55-200 for longer stuff. That will be my three lens travel pack with XT2 and XE2 or another XT2 if I get rid of the XT1.

The 14mm is my IR lens.
The 100-400 is my birding lens.
My 8mm is just a fun lens.

Remember I always use two cameras. ;-)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Fri Dec 16th, 2016 16:03 5th Post
I think we might regard Fuji gear differently. I don't see it as a Nikon replacement for all situations. It's primarily its lighter weight portability, at which it excels, that attracts me. I still prefer the Nikon for situations where weight isn't my first concern.

I won't be procuring a complete Fuji lens a**enal for critical photographic situations ...rather a group of lenses to cover general photography when out and about.


Posted by Robert: Fri Dec 16th, 2016 23:54 6th Post
So you feel that running two systems with a specific group of lenses for each is the preferred option, a bit like having a Land Rover and a Mini. Both have their benefits for particular situations. Makes sense, if you minimise overlap, as you propose.

I suppose I achieve that with the D3 and the D3300 but I also retain lens and accessory compatibility for all my bodies, across the focal length range, interesting.

I still can't see a smaller sensor replacing an FX sensor for all situations. I still see the DX (and similar formats) as a temporary expedient until the manufacturers found a way of making a full frame sensor.

It seems having created the temporary expedient, they can't put the genie back in the bottle because in fact the DX sensor does have some uses and benefits in some situations and some users actually prefer it, if occasionally only on cost grounds.


Posted by jk: Sat Dec 17th, 2016 02:51 7th Post
Yes exactly so Robert.

There is some duplication and obviously money tied up in gear but I now feel completely at rase to chose which system to use.

Re the sensor size issue, I have spun the arguments in this debate and whilst some are valid there is always a caveat. My friend in Norway has a 4/3 sensor camera and he carries that all the time when he isnt using the D3s.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sat Dec 17th, 2016 04:15 8th Post
jk wrote:
Re the sensor size issue, I have spun the arguments in this debate and whilst some are valid there is always a caveat.
I think it boils down to two aspects re. the sensor size, firstly the undebatable physics of the optics and resolution characteristics; then there are the aims, needs and expectations of the photographer, which in many cases are also not open to debate given many of us are artists and artists frequently don't care to consider varying their aims and expectations! That is what makes each artist individual, it's wired in (or not!) to the artists being how they want to portray a given scene. How they achieve that is to some extent governed by the equipment and sensor size they use.

Of course cost is a major factor too. o.O


Posted by jk: Sat Dec 17th, 2016 14:44 9th Post
I agree.

Cost pahh. I would be a millionaire but for wives and photography! But I'd also be more of a boring old fart as well.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sat Dec 17th, 2016 16:06 10th Post


Posted by highlander: Wed Jan 18th, 2017 11:50 11th Post
I started with the XPro, 18mm, 27mm, 18-135.
I then got the XT1, 14mm, 35mm, 50mm zeiss touit (for Macro)
I now have the 16-55, and the 50mm zeiss for macro

I want a Samyang 12mm for when I get annoyed the 16mm isn't quite wide enough
I would quite like the 100-400 but not without the XT2 due to the slow focussing of the XT1

There is a big bit of me that wants the new Fuji medium format when it comes instead though


Posted by jk: Tue Mar 7th, 2017 08:46 12th Post
I get early sight of some of the Fuji stuff as I am on the moderation team of the main FujiX-Forum site ( also I know one of the Fuji UK Ambassadors who gets the new kit to test as it goes through the development process.

I would steer clear of the GFX for the next year as you will find the next generation of GFX is much much better ;-) and higher resolution.
Say no more!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by TomOC: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 01:44 13th Post
Yeah...that is pretty amazing JK.

The longest lens I have is the 50-140 and I have never used it...if I'm looking to use a long lens, it will be nikon with the D500. I feel like fuji is the best street camera ever made (the x100F showed up today and Marianne snagged it to "give" me as a St Pats day present next week)

I'll keep my xt1 for the occasional time I need the fold out lcd but mainly use the xp2 or x100series ...certainly for street use...I also have given up totally on neck straps...only a hand strap or nothing on the nikons..what a nice feeling ;:-)

But congratulations on the complete lens kit!!!


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 04:16 14th Post
Nice present Tom.
I am very happy with my X100T but still like my older X100 as the controls are so familiar.

The XT2 is giving me headaches as Nikon seem to have stopped development as they restructure so I am wondering if now is the time to stop buying camera kit.
In truth I have all I need and want and everything else is icing!
Better to go places and take pictures.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 04:47 15th Post
TomOC wrote:
I also have given up totally on neck straps...only a hand strap or nothing on the nikons..what a nice feeling ;:-)


Ive been a strapless person for years. I had a surprising amount of neck ache at the end of the day with cameras around my neck. The supposed comfort straps just made the neck 'damp'. So I have relied on a simple emergency lanyard around the wrist and handholding. It means I am never tempted to carry telephototo lenses very far, fitted to the camera.


Posted by Eric: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 04:48 16th Post
jk wrote:
Nice present Tom.
I am very happy with my X100T but still like my older X100 as the controls are so familiar.

The XT2 is giving me headaches as Nikon seem to have stopped development as they restructure so I am wondering if now is the time to stop buying camera kit.
In truth I have all I need and want and everything else is icing!
Better to go places and take pictures.

Do you mean the XT2 is so good it's giving you a headache as to whether to ditch Nikon?


Posted by jk: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 09:13 17th Post
Eric wrote: jk wrote:
Nice present Tom.
I am very happy with my X100T but still like my older X100 as the controls are so familiar.

The XT2 is giving me headaches as Nikon seem to have stopped development as they restructure so I am wondering if now is the time to stop buying camera kit.
In truth I have all I need and want and everything else is icing!
Better to go places and take pictures.

Do you mean the XT2 is so good it's giving you a headache as to whether to ditch Nikon?
Yes.  If someone came and offered me £20K for all my Nikon kit then they could walk away with every single bit of it. 

My Fuji stuff is good enough for almost every occasion.  Except for the 80mm macro from Fuji which is due mid-2017.  Also there is no bellows for Fuji.  I dont do enough macro for it to really worry me but it is nice on occasions to use it.
If all my Nikon stuff went then I would get another Fuji XT2 to replace the XT1.
I might be tempted with a GFX but like I say not until 2018 but really I dont need it.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 14:15 18th Post
jk wrote:
Eric wrote: jk wrote:
Nice present Tom.
I am very happy with my X100T but still like my older X100 as the controls are so familiar.

The XT2 is giving me headaches as Nikon seem to have stopped development as they restructure so I am wondering if now is the time to stop buying camera kit.
In truth I have all I need and want and everything else is icing!
Better to go places and take pictures.

Do you mean the XT2 is so good it's giving you a headache as to whether to ditch Nikon?
Yes.  If someone came and offered me £20K for all my Nikon kit then they could walk away with every single bit of it. 

My Fuji stuff is good enough for almost every occasion.  Except for the 80mm macro from Fuji which is due mid-2017.  Also there is no bellows for Fuji.  I dont do enough macro for it to really worry me but it is nice on occasions to use it.
If all my Nikon stuff went then I would get another Fuji XT2 to replace the XT1.
I might be tempted with a GFX but like I say not until 2018 but really I dont need it.

If someone gave ME £20k for my Nikon gear, I would bite their hand off too.
But then, with only 1 body and 3 lenses left, it's understandable.

I am however bound for WEX at the end of the month, with some Nikon gear and their boxes, to look at the XT2 and other bits.


I did wonder if the XT1 might be a candidate for IR?


Posted by jk: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 14:36 19th Post
ACS or ProTech will do a good conversion for you. I got my XE1 converted to 655nm by Protech. Best conversion for IR but I have another XE1 that I fancy converting to Full Spectrum.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Wed Mar 8th, 2017 17:24 20th Post
I wont show my Nikon camera and lens list here as Judith will handbag me for not releasing my kit to her and Eric will have a heart attack at such profligate spending in the last 20years!


Still learning after all these years!

Posted by TomOC: Thu Mar 9th, 2017 01:59 21st Post
Eric wrote:
TomOC wrote:
I also have given up totally on neck straps...only a hand strap or nothing on the nikons..what a nice feeling ;:-)


Ive been a strapless person for years. I had a surprising amount of neck ache at the end of the day with cameras around my neck. The supposed comfort straps just made the neck 'damp'. So I have relied on a simple emergency lanyard around the wrist and handholding. It means I am never tempted to carry telephototo lenses very far, fitted to the camera.

first camera I went strapless with was the leica x1...dropped it on a freezing night in NYC...broke casing but it kept working :-)

now I use the old safe wrist strap, not naked

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by Eric: Thu Mar 9th, 2017 05:23 22nd Post
jk wrote:
I wont show my Nikon camera and lens list here as Judith will handbag me for not releasing my kit to her and Eric will have a heart attack at such profligate spending in the last 20years!


I've also spent a fortune on cameras over 20years.
The difference between us, is I don't keep it's not there to tally up. And no, I am not going to retrospectively tot it up.

I remember adding up how much we have spent on cars over the last 40 years ....took me 2days to come round.


Posted by Eric: Wed Mar 22nd, 2017 15:57 23rd Post
Hold your breath Jonathan. Off to WEX on Friday to discuss trading in my D750 for the XT2. If the PX is good enough I will do the deal as Fuji are offering £200 extra trade in over the cameras px price AND WEX are doing the vertical power grip half price. So I could be looking at £350 saving over regular prices....provided they don't knock it off the px. :letsplay:


Posted by Iain: Thu Mar 23rd, 2017 11:45 24th Post
Still not sure about the Fuji for wildlife, time will tell.

Posted by jk: Thu Mar 23rd, 2017 14:03 25th Post
The XT2 is more than capable with the 100-400mm lens.
But the D500 and 200-500mm is the new gold standard.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Thu Mar 23rd, 2017 14:08 26th Post
You may well be right, Iain. My problem was that the D750 wasn't ideal for it either. The dilemma was, do I get a D500 and long reach lens, when birding may be a small part of my requirement.

I already had the Fuji100-400 and a range of other lenses for general photography and IR. It was just the XT1 body that let me down when it came to small fast moving birds. The new XT2 is widely acknowledged as a major step forward in this I thought "if I eventually have to get a D500, I won't need the D750 anyway".

Time will tell if Fuji is my camera system for all things. I just came to the conclusion I would never really make a decision while running the two systems side by side. Each having their own faults and strengths.

I will keep my wide and medium pro Nikon glass for the time case I do return to Nikon.

Of course, I haven't seen Wex offer this may all be academic. :lol:


Posted by Eric: Fri Mar 24th, 2017 17:25 27th Post
Well I am Gobsmacked!
WEX offered me the ebay 'going sale price' for my D750 PX!!
When you consider I would lose 14% in eBay selling and PayPal fees (assuming someone bid to the typical price in the first place) it was too good to be true. Add to this Fuji are adding another £200 trade in when you upgrade to an XT2 and I could hardly keep the wallet in my pocket!

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, they offered the power booster at half price!

The combined deal meant I outlayed just £75 to make the change.

I don't think I have ever spent that little in a visit to a camera shop....ever.

From here on, I will be marking the 24th March as Yorkshireman Thrift Day.


I've retained some Nikon Pro lenses in case it doesn't work out....but as of this moment I have no Nikon bodies.
Please can I stay on the forum?


Posted by Robert: Fri Mar 24th, 2017 19:27 28th Post
Of course you can Eric!

As good a day as any Yorkshireman could wish for.

I have to say it would be nice to see some of your pictures, from Fugi or Nikon, nobody seems to be posting any pix nowadays?

Hope you enjoy the new camera, can you get adaptors to enable the use of Nikon lenses? I know the FX Sony will take both Nikkor and Canon lenses with no fuss.


Posted by Eric: Sat Mar 25th, 2017 04:30 29th Post
Robert wrote:
Of course you can Eric!

As good a day as any Yorkshireman could wish for.

I have to say it would be nice to see some of your pictures, from Fugi or Nikon, nobody seems to be posting any pix nowadays?

Hope you enjoy the new camera, can you get adaptors to enable the use of Nikon lenses? I know the FX Sony will take both Nikkor and Canon lenses with no fuss.

Been busy refurbishing the master bedroom and lounge these last few months! Chasing late deliveries has been my life since Christmas! But we are finished ...apart from a couple of small units, which are somewhere on a slow boat from China I guess?
Hope to get out and start using the new camera this week.


Posted by jk: Sat Mar 25th, 2017 08:50 30th Post
Yes why not stay. Tom and I both use Fuji and Nikon ;-)

Actually since you have no Nikon bodies I can release one to you.
Can I interest you in a D3S or maybe you prefer a D1X? 

I will be interested to hear how you get on with the XT2 battery grip.  I seldom use my one for the XT1 so resisted it when I got the XT2.
The XT2 will be a big difference compared to the XT1.  I hope you enjoy it.  If not then send it to me as I will trade you for some of my Nikon gear.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Iain: Mon Mar 27th, 2017 06:13 31st Post
I would love to know how you get on with wildlife and if the XT2 can do birds in flight.

I don't know if this is a good thing as I'm feeling an funny sensation in my wallet pocket.8-)

Posted by Eric: Mon Mar 27th, 2017 11:18 32nd Post
Iain wrote:
I would love to know how you get on with wildlife and if the XT2 can do birds in flight.

I don't know if this is a good thing as I'm feeling an funny sensation in my wallet pocket.8-)

I am not expecting the XT2 to rip up trees in that field. Frankly I've never been much good at BIF, even with Nikons!

I think the problem with ALL electronic viewfinders foray action photography, is the momentary loss of sight of the subject, when the exposure happens. It's ok for shots where there is space in the frame for the subject to move and not be lost to the eye. But if you fill the frame with a rapidly moving don't get a second shot. You are too busy trying to find it again and lock onto it.

Struggled with the XT1 following a blackcap in a bramble bush using 400mm. I am told the XT2 is better in this respect but have yet to prove or disprove.

Watched a video of two guys comparing gather XT2 and D500 at a horse race track in USA. They were blown away with the XT2 on many things but still made reference to this loss of line of sight still being evident and something you would have to get used to....or not!


Posted by jk: Mon Mar 27th, 2017 17:03 33rd Post
Use it Eric. It will delight.
I am busy at present but next month I expect to be able get serious use from the XT2.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Mon Mar 27th, 2017 17:25 34th Post
jk wrote:
Use it Eric. It will delight.
I am busy at present but next month I expect to be able get serious use from the XT2.

I am planning to do just that, Jonathan. Domesticity is getting in the way at the moment. Apart from our own chores, my neighbour has just had an operation so I am walking his dog and running errands for him. Today my mobile phone died...the microwave is making strange noises....and a machine I sold on eBay apparently has a broken part that I need to source and replace... if the sale is to stand.

Beginning to regret my euphoria about the camera deal. Murphy' Law is correcting that!!!!!!


Posted by jk: Thu Mar 30th, 2017 10:53 35th Post
Make sure that you update your XT2 with the latest firmware released today.

Bracketing and Copyright stuff plus loads of other goodies.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Thu Mar 30th, 2017 17:33 36th Post
You may find that url gone.
Here is the full content.

X-T2 owner's manual [Ver.2.00] FUJIFILM X-T2 Owner's Manual
1.Shooting RAW in Bracketing and Advanced Filters
The update enables you to use the RAW format when shooting not only in AE Bracketing but also in other Bracketing modes (ISO, Dynamic Range, White Balance, Film Simulations) and also in Advanced Filter modes.
2.Extended ISO 125 and 160 selectable
The update adds ISO125 and ISO160 to extended ISO levels available.
3.Programmable long exposure of up to 15 minutes
Long exposure in the T mode currently goes only up to 30 seconds. The update will allow users to extend it up to 15 minutes.
4.ON/OFF for 1/3-step shutter speed adjustment
The update allows you to turn off the Command Dial's function to adjust shutter speed by 1/3 steps in order to prevent unintended adjustments.
5.Full-range ISO adjustments with the Command Dial
With the update, set the ISO "A" position to "Command" to adjust ISO sensitivity across the full range, including extended ISOs, with the Front Command Dial.
6."AUTO" setting added for the minimum shutter speed in the ISO Auto setting
The update adds an AUTO option for the minimum shutter speed in the ISO Auto setting, that allows the camera to automatically define the minimum shutter speed according to the focal length of the lens attached.
7.Faster "Face Detection AF"
The update enables the use of Phase Detection AF for faster performance in Face Detection AF.
8.Improved in-focus indication in the AF-C mode
The update reduces focus hunting in the AF-C mode, making it easier to track a subject.
9.Addition of a smaller Focus Point size in Single Point AF
The update adds a smaller Focus Point size in Single Point AF, bringing the total number of available sizes to six. The new smallest size facilitates pin-point focusing.
* This function used with tether shooting will become available with "Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO for Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® Ver.1.5.0".
10.Addition of "Portrait / Landscape AF Mode Switching"
The update allows you to specify separate AF mode and AF point settings for portrait orientation and landscape orientation.
* This function used with tether shooting will become available with "Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO for Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® Ver.1.5.0". If you are using Ver.1.4.0 or before, set STORE AF MODE BY ORIENTATION to OFF in AF/MF SETTING.
11.Change of focus frame position while enlarging it
The update allows you to move the position of focus frame while enlarging it in Single Point in the AF-S mode or in the Manual Focus.
12.Activation of the Eye Sensor in video recording
The update allows you to use the Eye Sensor during video recording to automatically switch between EVF and LCD.
13.Change of ISO sensitivity during video recording
The update allows you to change ISO setting during video recording.
14.Re-autofocusing in video recording
With the update, half-press the Shutter Release button or press the button assigned to "AF-ON" function during video recording to re-do autofocusing.
15.Display live histogram during video recording
The update allows you to display a live histogram during video recording.
16.Optimization of external microphone's input level
The update optimizes external microphone's input level (lower limit revised from -12dB to 20dB) to reduce white noise when an external microphone with preamp is connected.
17.Addition of "Eye Sensor + LCD Image Display" in the View Mode
The update gives the "Eye Sensor + LCD Image Display" option in the View Mode that allows you to shoot through the viewfinder and check images on the LCD, just as you would with an SLR.
18.Constant "Dual display mode"
With the update, the small window in the Dual mode stays on even when you half-press the shutter release button.
19.Automatic vertical GUI for LCD
With the update, when you hold the camera in the portrait orientation, the camera will automatically display the GUI on the LCD in the same orientation.
20.Name Custom Settings
The update allows you to assign a specific name to Custom Settings 1 - 7.
[How to set]
21.Copyright information in EXIF data
The update allows you to register the photographer's name and the copyright holder's name in advance so that the camera automatically adds the information to EXIF data for each image.
[How to set]
22.Voice Memo function
The update enable you to record 30-second "Voice Memo" clips in the Playback mode.
[How to set]
* When recorded images are displayed, press the front command dial for a while to start memo recording. When you remove your finger from the dial, it stops.
23.Extended AE Bracketing
The update extends AE Bracketing from the current 3 frames +/-2EV to up to 9 frames +/-3EV.
24.Addition of "Shoot Without Card" mode
With the update, you can have the "Shoot Without Card" mode turned OFF so that the camera cannot shoot when there is no SD card inserted.
[How to set]

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Fri Mar 31st, 2017 05:15 37th Post
Thanks Jonathan. I wouldn't have known for a while because I did a complete update of all my bodies and lenses, two days before your post!


Posted by highlander: Fri Apr 7th, 2017 03:11 38th Post
I have found a bug in the new software and don't like it at all. I can no longer see how many shots I have left if I set the camera to put Jpegs on Slot 2 and Raw on slot 1. It just shows twice as many as I would get on RAW only and for all sizes. It is now impossible to tell how many shots I actually have left and I have to change my cards 'just in case' rather than close to full.

I am hoping they fix it with the next update due the end of this month.

I haven't been on here much as I am now completely converted to Fuji so feels a bit cheeky on a Nikon forum. But I do miss you guys.


Posted by Eric: Fri Apr 7th, 2017 04:55 39th Post
highlander wrote:
I have found a bug in the new software and don't like it at all. I can no longer see how many shots I have left if I set the camera to put Jpegs on Slot 2 and Raw on slot 1. It just shows twice as many as I would get on RAW only and for all sizes. It is now impossible to tell how many shots I actually have left and I have to change my cards 'just in case' rather than close to full.

I am hoping they fix it with the next update due the end of this month.

I haven't been on here much as I am now completely converted to Fuji so feels a bit cheeky on a Nikon forum. But I do miss you guys.

Theres very little talk about Nikon cameras on this forum these days...maybe we should change the forum name. ;-)

I must confess I haven't noticed that bug...but haven't been storing files that way. And anyway I now domt bother with how many shots left. I've started using larger capacity cards and to date never got close to filling I stopped looking. :lol:


Posted by jk: Fri Apr 7th, 2017 17:15 40th Post
I have thought of changing the name of the forum but that probably requires requires the acquisition of an additional domain name pointed at this location.

If people think it worthwhile I will do the necessary but in reality this forum is very small compared to the FujiX forum that I moderate on that has 56000 members that is Fuji dedicated.  

I would also need to have a good proposal for what we should call the forum and its purpose.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Fri Apr 7th, 2017 18:05 41st Post
Mmmm, can't envisage chatting with 56,000 other forum members, are they ALL active? Did they even sell that many cameras?

I choose a brand of product which suits my needs and would require some considerable justification to change brands of most things.

Most of my mechanics tools are Snap-On, welders are BOC or ESAB, Excavators were CAT or MF. You get to know a brand of equipment, I hate change, everything in the 'wrong' place. At least with Nikon, pretty well all the controls are similar, even going back to my old FE and F4.

I'll stick with Nikon DSLR thanks!


Posted by jk: Fri Apr 7th, 2017 19:39 42nd Post
700ish active at most points in the day. Moderation can be tricky as stuff moves very quickly!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sat Apr 8th, 2017 04:14 43rd Post
jk wrote:
I have thought of changing the name of the forum but that probably requires requires the acquisition of an additional domain name pointed at this location.

If people think it worthwhile I will do the necessary but in reality this forum is very small compared to the FujiX forum that I moderate on that has 56000 members that is Fuji dedicated.  

I would also need to have a good proposal for what we should call the forum and its purpose.

Can't see any point in changing the name unless you hope to entice more members.

Digital photography is no longer the black art we once considered it to be. The need for basic help and explanation has diminished with people's day to day exposure to digital devices like mobile phones and tablets.

Although widely experienced, I don't believe with our limited pool, we have sufficient depth to give enough guidance to all comers. 56000 would stand a better chance of covering every angle....several times over.

I also suspect that the newness of the X system played a big part in that forums growth. Lots of people wanting to fast track their own learning.


Posted by jk: Sat Apr 8th, 2017 04:57 44th Post
I personally see no need for a name change for the forum.
If there is a question in my view is longer term does this forum exist. Is there a need for it or are there lower cost options for us. The hosting costs of the forum are not huge but run at around $100/year.
Usually on a daily basis we have 5-10 users which compared with the FujiX forum seems small but is a higher proportion of maximum membership.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sat Apr 8th, 2017 05:39 45th Post
jk wrote:
I personally see no need for a name change for the forum.
If there is a question in my view is longer term does this forum exist. Is there a need for it or are there lower cost options for us. The hosting costs of the forum are not huge but run at around $100/year.
Usually on a daily basis we have 5-10 users which compared with the FujiX forum seems small but is a higher proportion of maximum membership.

I suspect for some, not me, social media has replaced forums. The use of sites like Flickr to post photographic work gives them a wider viewing ...if that's what you want.

I am not bothered about getting people's opinion on my photographs, so i don't bother posting them ...apart from the occasional one on here.


Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Mar 7th, 2018 14:36 46th Post
Hi All
Hi hope you all are doing well, and the new year is going good.
I guess it's ok for me to stop by as I sill own 2 Nikon cameras
I now have a better kit in Fuji than I ever had in Nikon
I have a XT2 and Pro 1 the XT2 was first then I found a deal I could not pass up on the Pro1. It really is kind of funny but I really enjoy shooting with the Pro1 It is just fun and nobody pays attention to the old fart with the "antique " camera. Actually I have been too busy to do much shooting the last few months .
Hey Robert how is the auto project coming along
Well the boss (feline) says it is time for lunch
all take care and be well

Ed R O C E D Retired Old Cranky Extremely Dangerous

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by Robert: Wed Mar 7th, 2018 15:23 47th Post
Hi Ed, moving off auto's, more onto photography.

I now have a lathe and am making some photography related gear, I have made a novel panorama head, I'm in the process of making a new front for my 20mm f2.8 AF lens, which my son dropped while it was on the D3, the D3 is fine, the lens crunched!

The rules and regulations surrounding cars and driving are now so narrow and constricting there is little fun to be had with cars on the road, and the motorsport aspect is becoming almost unworkable. Since a couple of tragic accidents over recent years it's becoming almost impossible to organise a motor rally, almost non worth the name are left, even off road events can't get insurance.

I enquired about changing the colour of my latest car from dark grey, which is pretty well invisible on a murky night, to something brighter like red or yellow. My insurance company told me they would withdraw cover if I changed the colour... XYZking crazy! Where do they dream these regulations up??? (Sorry about the rant.)

This are some pictures of my novel panoramic head...

I haven't tried it properly yet but it works perfectly from a mechanical point of view. The nodal point of the lens is at the exact centre of the semi circle and directly above the pivot point. There are six detents which divide the circle into 60º sectors, which the D3 with the 16mm fisheye lens covers comfortably.

I have a second arm which is shorter for the D300S.


Posted by jk: Wed Mar 7th, 2018 18:15 48th Post
Nice work Robert.
Look forward to seeing some results from it.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Wed Mar 7th, 2018 18:42 49th Post
Well, to be honest, i have been so embroiled in creating it, I have clean got out of the way of using the camera, apart from recording the project of course!

I have made a new front end for the 20mm f2.8 AF-D lens which Michael dropped with the D3 on it. it wrecked the front part of the lens. I have made a new front end and incorporated a built in lens shade into it. I am having some fun with the front lens cap at the moment, getting the lettering cut.

This is the damage to the 20mm.

Turning it up on the lathe.

Fine tuning the petals.

Mirror finish on the cap, 16mm fisheye behind.

Horror! My reflection in the lens cap. I wasn't as mad as I look, I think it's the fresnel fisheye effect...



Posted by Eric: Thu Mar 8th, 2018 13:44 50th Post
Not sure if this project/work of art should have its own thread,Robert?

Doesn't deserve to be buried in a Fuji discourse.

Excellent work, as usual, maestro! The reflection has a passing resemblance to Einstein when he was in full flow. :lol:

I suppose the next addition is a motorised mount to track the heavenly bodies?


Posted by Robert: Thu Mar 8th, 2018 14:31 51st Post
Eric wrote:
Not sure if this project/work of art should have its own thread,Robert?

Probably but this forum has never been known for faithfully sticking on topic, why start now? o.O

Thanks for the kind words, Einstein? More like Frankenstein! LOL

Just waiting for the paint to dry and it's finished.

The two caps, the new one finished with lettering and a flocking lining on the inside. Actually dolls house carpet! Together with the damaged lens front off the 20mm. Thinking I should have done a better job of polishing where the lettering is...


Posted by Eric: Thu Mar 8th, 2018 15:44 52nd Post
Robert wrote:
Eric wrote:
Not sure if this project/work of art should have its own thread,Robert?

Probably but this forum has never been known for faithfully sticking on topic, why start now? o.O

Thanks for the kind words, Einstein? More like Frankenstein! LOL

Just waiting for the paint to dry and it's finished.

The two caps, the new one finished with lettering and a flocking lining on the inside. Actually dolls house carpet! Together with the damaged lens front off the 20mm. Thinking I should have done a better job of polishing where the lettering is...

Nothing wrong with thread drift...but I seriously think your project deserves to be readily visible to later readers.o.O


Posted by Robert: Thu Mar 8th, 2018 18:31 53rd Post
Eric wrote:
Nothing wrong with thread drift...but I seriously think your project deserves to be readily visible to later readers.o.O
OK, wise one! I will write it up tomorrow, or over the w/e, I have my daughters car to fix up tomorrow, if the weather holds good.


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