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The arrival of some pleasant weather and with a full belly of petrol we headed out for a walk in our favourite woodland area near Sandringham.

Thought I would share some of the photos..


Witch's Broom.


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Very nice Eric, not sure about the 'pleasant weather' We just had a really heavy hailstorm, coming down like bullets, well sideways like bullets! Ten minutes later it's lovely sunshine.  It's been like that all morning.

That said, your pictures do make me want to go to the nearby woods and try to capture the season.  Thank you!

As for petrol, (diesel) only one filling station in the area had fuel last night, all the supermarkets were dry.  A couple of days ago someone posted on one of the 'social' media websites that our local village filling station had fuel...  The morons soon changed that, so I had to resort to using some old and dirty diesel I had in a can, so I could go looking for some in order to take my neighbour shopping tomorrow. o.O


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Robert wrote:
Very nice Eric, not sure about the 'pleasant weather' We just had a really heavy hailstorm, coming down like bullets, well sideways like bullets! Ten minutes later it's lovely sunshine.  It's been like that all morning.

That said, your pictures do make me want to go to the nearby woods and try to capture the season.  Thank you!

As for petrol, (diesel) only one filling station in the area had fuel last night, all the supermarkets were dry.  A couple of days ago someone posted on one of the 'social' media websites that our local village filling station had fuel...  The morons soon changed that, so I had to resort to using some old and dirty diesel I had in a can, so I could go looking for some in order to take my neighbour shopping tomorrow. o.O
Went past the local garage at 11am and there were 20 cars on forecourt and queued on the approaching road. When we returned at 2pm there was one car in each bay. I pulled in and realised they only had E5 petrol. I had E10 in the car so filling up with E5 means I am now somewhere between E7 and E8.  

Jan wanted to video a load of bugs walking along a fence .and did a good job I must say. The iPhone really excels at this.
I tried to photograph them with my 90mm macro but they are just too small! Really needed extension tubes. 

As we were returning to the car we came across a couple of Carder bees .mating in the middle of the path. To avoid them being squished during their moment of bliss we scooped them up on a branch.  The male was not at all put off and continued his 'activity' throughout the transfer to a safer spot. I was fully impressed with his stamina. But have just read he dies after this (the female hibernates and becomes a queen) so I guess if you have to go, that's probably the best way to go. 

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Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
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A nice set of photos Eric.


Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
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Iain wrote:
A nice set of photos Eric. Thx. I haven't picked up a camera in a long period! Not even been out and about much due to vehicle issues, incapacity ( me and then Jan in turn🤬) and then domestic overdue duties. 

It takes a bit of time getting warmed up again even forgetting where some of the settings were on the Sony. 🤭

Hoping for more outing opportunities this month weather permitting


Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Eric wrote:
Thx. I haven't picked up a camera in a long period! Not even been out and about much due to vehicle issues, incapacity ( me and then Jan in turn🤬) and then domestic overdue duties. 

It takes a bit of time getting warmed up again even forgetting where some of the settings were on the Sony. 🤭

Hoping for more outing opportunities this month weather permitting
I can let you borrow my D3S if you like.  :thumbs:


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jk wrote:
I can let you borrow my D3S if you like.  :thumbs: Let me think.

Thanks but Nah

Graham Whistler

Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1872
Good to see you get the camera out again, an interesting set of pixs.


Joined: Sun Aug 12th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 441
Good set of photo`s,..reminds me of my youth, lived next to a forest that looks like it, and ,I too have to re-discover the settings on my camera` least I still know how to operate the volume control on the Hi-Fi Amp.


Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
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A different sort of woodland walk this time.

A company called Luminate have this year flooded the Sandringham woods with a light show. Suspect it's Prince Charles hand in this one as he continues to have more control of the estate with the Queen at Windsor and semi retirement. 

At £16 a ticket, Charles is clearly wanting to  make the Estate more profitable. In fairness it was an extensive set upmust have cost him a few bob.

Not really expecting best photographyit was always going to be hard at iso12800 wandering round a wood at, just a bit of fun. And it was b**** cold!

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Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6869
Looks like you had a good outing to the Estate.
Fine set of photos.


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As it's a moving light show it's much more interesting on video.

Jan went well prepared to handle the videoingas can be seen from the last photo.IPhone, gimbal, mask, fold back mitts, scarf and Cossack hat. (It was cold!) 

Anyway we have cobbled together a video for a friend who is incapacitated and cannot go. No apologies we strung it together in an hour with no attempt to edit wildtrack sound and it obviously needs fine editing, adding some cutaway footage.and cutting down many of the clip lengths! 

In fairness Jan filled her iPhone memory halfway round. So couldn't finish it off. I grabbed a couple of bits for her on the Sony at the end.

The 12minutes of (stick with it) footage are here .


Sorry Graham.not up to your standards but a bit of Christmas (early) fun.

Just thinkwe saved you all £16. o.O

Turn the sound up for best effect including the unedited Field banter.


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Just one other thought.

The fifth photo in the series is of the 'make a wish' area. 

Visitors were encouraged to write a wish on a tag and hang it around the fencing.

If you want to waste a few more minutes of your life you should count the number of tags in that image..and then add up the number of £16s Charlie boy raked in so far.  Its been running 3 weeks and still has 3 more to go. 8-)

Here's another angle

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Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6869
Haha got to appear in the video.
Nice shot.
Well done Jan.


Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
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jk wrote:
Haha got to appear in the video.
Nice shot.
Well done Jan.
Not by choice:thumbsdown:

Graham Whistler

Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1872
Eric and Jan thanks for sharing that with us, I enjoyed watching it!


Joined: Sun Aug 12th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 441
That is Spectacular,..does it look that Impresive in reality ?

That is the work of a genius, I wish that I could go there, and 16,-quid is not that bad, overhere a ticket to the pictures cost more than that .


Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
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novicius wrote:
That is Spectacular,..does it look that Impresive in reality ?

That is the work of a genius, I wish that I could go there, and 16,-quid is not that bad, overhere a ticket to the pictures cost more than that .
Yes it does. In fact the photographs and video don't really catch the clarity of what the eye can see.

Back in 2011 we went to a poor imitation of this sort of lighting done by the forestry commission. Apart from it pouring with rain that literally dampened the atmosphere and made photograph pointless, the effects were very amateur. In fairness it was 10 years ago so technology has moved on. 

The long flat flashing lights stretching down the 'ride' towards the funfair are probably 1/4mile long!

Here's official site.


Joined: Sun Aug 12th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 441
Thnx for the link Eric, that is breathtaking.

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